Ch. 9- Dance My Heart Out

Wings of an Angel

Dongwoo's POV:

Aish! I am soooooo tired! It has been only a week of school, and I'm already tired! I don't like waking up this early, and I can't concentrate in class either!

" Dongwoo-hyung." Who is calling for me now? I turn around to find myself looking at Hoya.

" Oh hey hyung, were you thinking of something?"

" Yeah I was thinking of how hard school is, and how I am falling asleep in every class!"

" Well how about we go somewhere to take your mind off school for a bit? I just made up this new dance, and I want you and everybody try it out! Please it would look good if everybody performed!"

" Alright sounds like a good idea to me. I needed some excercise anyways. Wait for a bit, let me call everybody else."


An hour later:


" Finally everybody is here! What took everybody so long?"

" Well Sunggyu-hyung and I were hanging out with each other," said Woohyun.

" I was at home getting my beauty sleep until you called me hyung." Sungjong is obviously mad that I called him, but really why does a guy need beauty sleep?

" Yah, Sungjong only girls need beauty sleep. Guys go out and have some fun, right Myungsoo?" Sungyeol turned over to Myungsoo who was sitting down on a chair.

" Yeah I guess, but Sungyeol you get crabby when you don't get you 'beauty sleep'." Myungsoo just stared at Sungyeol, and everybody started laughing.

" Myungsoo! You are supposed to back me up!" Sungyeol walks over to Myungsoo, and starts punching him.

" Sorry hyung sorry! Stop it hurts! Okay I said I was sorry!" Myungsoo voice grew a bit louder which is a first for me. Sungyeol stops punching him and crosses his arms.

" Good now that you understand give me you waterbottle I am thirsty." Myungsoo reluctantly handed over his waterbottle to him powerless to say anything. Kids these days what are you going to do with them?


Hoya's POV:

" Okay everybody stop fooling around. I want to show you this new dance I made up, and I thought that it would be nice if we all danced together."

I started dancing letting my body feel the beat. I let my body flow like water, landing every move, making it precise. When I did the hip everybody started looking at me awkwardly thinking how are they going to do that, it is like way to awkward. I didn't care though, I danced to my hearts content.

" Okay now you guys do it now!" Everybody started to complain.

" Hoya how the heck am I supposed to do that when you just did it a few minutes ago?" Sungyeol flew his arms up, and started walking around in circles. That is a habit of his when he struggles or is frustrated- he walks in circles.

Sungjong came up to me, " Hyung how am I supposed to make the hip look good? Won't it just look awkward on me?"

Aigoooo, the maknae is worried about that?

" Sungjong-ah don't worry your hyungs and I will help you learn."

" Really hyung? You are the coolest!" He walks off to one side of the room, and tries to practice one part that he saw from the dance. I look over at Myungsoo but he says nothing. He goes off to Sungyeol to try to make him calm down. At least he has no complaints.

" Well Sunggyu-hyung and I will just try to do our best." Woohyun just gave a smile and walked off to practice with Sunggyu-hyung. Then all of a sudden I heard the music turn back on. I turn around and see Dongwoo dancing. His moves were flowing through out the song. There was no break between the movements, and you can see the emotions he puts through them. Dongwoo-hyung has always been able to learn a dance quickly, which always made me jealous, but also made me come to like him too. Once he was done dancing everybody came around him.

" You are great as always hyung!"

" Hyung teach me some parts please!"

" Not bad Dongwoo-hyung, at least your skills haven't become dull." said Woohyun with a smirk. I walked up to him and gave him a high five.

" You haven't changed one bit hyung!"

" Of course, I am the one and only Jang Dongwoo! Hahahahahahahhaha!"

Hahahahaha his laugh hasn't changed either. It feels good to hear him laugh, i'm glad that I was able to put his mind off of school for a bit. As long as he is smiling, then he won't be in pain or be sad.


An hour later:


" Seeya everybody be careful out there!"

" Bye Hoya-hyung!" Myungsoo and Sungyeol said at the same time leaving together.

" Hyung I will make sure I practice really hard so I can become as good as you and Dongwoo-hyung!" I ruffled Sungjong's hair giving him a proud smile.

" Well I'm going to drop off Woohyun then. I will see you later then Dongwoo, Hoya."

" Okay bye!" Dongwoo led them to the door, and waved goodbye to them.

" Hyung." He turns over.

" Yeah Hoya?"

" Ummmmmm I know this may sound weird, but we haven't done this in a while...........Can we dance together, just the two of us, like right now?"

" Of course silly! It is not a weird question to ask at all!" He walks over to the stereo and turns on the music. We started feeling the music running through our veins. Then we started dancing, our bodies were in sync, we just read through our bodies to see which move was going to come out next. We finished our dance with the scorpian dance. We fell to the floor feeling all tired, but Dongwoo-hyun still had the energy to laugh.

" Hahahahahha it has been a while since I danced like that, especially with you Hoya."

" It has been a while huh hyung. It felt good to dance with you, I really missed that."

" Me too Hoya, me too."

Dongwoo-hyung, if only you can understand what I'm trying to say with my words, try to understand what I'm trying to say with my body. Even though I would see you a few times the year you were gone, but I had nobody to dance with like this. Nobody to understand how my body only connects with yours, but today you made it up for it. I was finally able to dance my heart out today because you are here.


Dongwoo's POV:

" Me too Hoya, me too."

Hoya, it has been such a long time since I have danced like that. My breath was taken away after we were finished, which I haven't felt for a while. While I was gone my body couldn't flow as well, but when I'm with you my body just moves on its own, with yours. I wish I knew the answer, but I'm still confused. I really don't know what to do with myself, but right now I just want to enjoy the moment I have with you right now.





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695 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
695 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~