CH. 10- Ferris Wheel

Wings of an Angel

Woohyun's POV:

Ringggggg. Ringggggg. Ringggggg.

Who is calling me so early in the morning? It's the weekend too, don't people have lives?

" This is Woohyun here, sorry but I'm not able to make it to the phone right now so leave a message after the beep. Beepppppp."

" Oh hey this is Sunggyu I just wanted to tell you some-"

Crap, Sunggyu-hyung is calling me!

I got up and quickly picked up the phone before he hung up.

" Sunggyu-hyung! Sorry I just woke up. Hahahha." I was laughing nervously even though I was sure he was going to find me out.

" You are a really bad liar you know that Woohyun. You didn't want to pick up the phone so you acted as you were the answering machine weren't you?" Even though I couldn't see him, I had a gut feeling that he was smirking at me.

" Hahahaha busted!"

" Hahha don't worry I didn't want to get up either. Actually what I wanted to tell you was that Dongwoo asked if you wanted to go to the amusement park today."

The amusement park? Hm, I don't feel like going, maybe I will ask who is all going.

" Who is all going?"

" Um, it would be Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, Sungjong, and I. Then there would be you if you go Woohyun."

Wait is he telling me that he wants me to go too? Hahahhahahha no he wouldn't, he probably just wants me to go because everybody else is going.

" Okay I will go. What and where are we meeting?"

" We are meeting at the subway at 12. So be there, and don't be late, you don't want to anger Dongwoo."

" Oh yeah I better hurry then. See you later hyung!"

" Will be waiting there for you then!" I hung up the phone and quickly got into the shower. I wrapped the towel around my waist, and ran across the hall into my room.

What should I wear today? Should I dress nicely or comfortably? Well I don't want Sunggyu-hyung to think that I dress lazily. Wait- why should I care about how I look for Sunggyu-hyung? I shouldn't right? Aish thinking about all of this is only going to make me late!

I grabbed a red shirt and my skinny jeans and quickly put them on. Then ran down the stairs and grabbed a granola bar since I didn't eat yet. Once I got out of the door I ran all the way to the subway station.


Sunggyu's POV:


What is taking him so long? It is 11:55 already, and if he doesn't get here soon Dongwoo is going to have a cow. He couldn't have gotten hurt right? What if he was thugged, or maybe he tripped and hit his face, or maybe this, or maybe that! I have to make sure nothing happened to him.

I started walking away from everybody, and walked to the entrance. Before I got close to the doors I saw a figure running to us.

" Sorry-huff-that-huff-I'm late." Woohyun was breathing very hard, and looked tired as heck. I walked up to him.

" Well as long as you are here that matters. Come one everybody else is waiting for you."

" Woohyun you are finally here!" Sungyeol went pass me and grabbed Woohyun by the neck.

" You know if you were late Dongwoo would have chopped our heads off right?" I looke at Sungyeol who was giving the death stare at Woohyun. All I could do was laugh as the younger was threatening the older.

" Sorry Sungyeol I promise I will be the first one here next time."

" Good, you better keep to that promise hyung." He let go of Woohyun's neck, and walked to Myungsoo and started talking to him.Then Sungjong said something that made all of us blush.

" Wow hyungs you guys really tried to make yourselves look good for each other huh?" I look over to Sungjong who was smirking at all of us. Now that you mention it we did stand out a bit. I mean the clothes looked simple, but they also compliemented on us too. Everybody looked away from each, and our faces were all red but not Sungjongs'.

I looked up to see the board and noticed our train was here.

" You guys the train is here! Hurry we have to get on!" All of quickly got on, and found some seats by each other. Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Sungjong sat on one side, while Woohyun, Dongwoo, Hoya, and I sat on the other side. Shortly after we arrived at Lotte World!

" Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy we are finally here! Yayyyyyyyyy!" We just got into the amusement park, and Sungyeol already goes crazy.

" Myungsoo control Sungyeol already." Then at a speed of light Woohyun and Dongwoo went and joined Sungyeol. Great now we have three crazy boys running around. Myungsoo, Hoya, Sungjong, and I could only laugh at them and shake our heads.

" Well since you guys are already coupled up I'm going to meet up with my friend. See ya!" Sungjong left before I could say anything, but nobody did really notice.

" We should go ride the big rollarcoaster!" I looked at Sungyeol who was jumping up and down just from the thought of the idea.

" Okay lets go then troops!" Dongwoo started marching off before anybody else had a say. We just shrugged and made our way to the rollarcoaster. When we made to the rollarcoaster I paired up with Woohyun, Dongwoo with Hoya, and Myungsoo with Sungyeol. We got on and I was already feeling the adrenaline.

What if something happens to us on the ride? What if a screw comes off and we fall, or maybe we will fly off from the path? Now I really don't want to be here. Hm, that is weird I feel warmth through my hands.

I looked down at my hand and noticed Woohyun's hand grabbing mine. He must have sensed me being nervous, and grabbed my hand for comfort. I just smiled at him as a sign of thank you. Before I knew the ride started moving. It kept going up, up, up, and up until it dropped down. I couldn't stop screaming, but I felt so excited and safe.

I feel safe riding the rollarcoaster? Weird.

The ride was finally over, and I was able to breathe. We went onto the other rides, ate some food, and played some games. I noticed that Woohyun was looking at a certain toy.

" Woohyun do you want that?"

" Huh? Oh no it's okay." Dongwoo then called for us.

" Hey do any of you guys need to use the bathroom?"

" Coming hyung!" Woohyun walked off to the bathroom leaving me by the game. I looked at it again, and to my favor the game was shooting.

This was going to be easy.......

After they came out of the bathroom.....

" Woohyun close your eyes!"

" Why Sunggyu-hyung?"

" Don't question your hyung!"

" Fine." He closed his eyes, and gave a pouting look making him even more cuter. I held out the the plushie toy in his face.

" Okay you can open your eyes now." He opened his eyes and was surprised.

" Hyung you won this for me! Thank you very much!"

" No problem, anything for my dongsaeng! But why did you the hamster plushie though?"

" Hahahhaha ummmmmm because I just wanted it." He looked away. but before I could ask him again he walked off to the others.

" Hey you guys as our last ride we should go on the ferris wheel. It is dark already, and when we are up there we can see the pretty lights!" We nodded our heads in unison, and went on the ride.


Woohyun's POV:


I and Sunggyu went into one, Dongwoo with Hoya, and Myungsoo with Sungyeol.

I sat on one side while Sunggyu sat on the other. The both of us were looking down at the beautiful lights, the people passing by, and listening to the sounds of the amusement park. We didn't have anything to talk about, but it was a comfortable silence for us. Then a song started playing, and Sunggyu started singing.

A I O I A I O I A A I O Wow~
A I O I A I O I O I O I Wow~

Niga namgigo gan shigane
Cheoreopteon sarangeun jangnani dwego
Meonghani mashineun geusseun kkeopiga
Ijen ilsangi dwaennabwa OH baby


His voice sounds so beautiful. I'm always captivated by how he sings.

Naega baradeon geon
Geujeo neowaeui jageun hoheum
Na neoege baradeon gen geujeo jageun yaegi OH
Naega baradeon geon
Geujeo neowaeui gateun shiseon
Na neoege baradeon geon hamkke igil~


I wish that sometimes that he would only sing to me, but why do I want him to just sing to me.

Julia Julia iyudo moreuneun chae
Mame dama dueotteon neoeui shigan
Eojeeui gieogi beolsseo gaseum shirige
Hanaeui chueogi dwae OH

A I O I A I O I O I O I Wow~

Niga tteonagan dwi shiganeun
Gireotteon banghwangeui yaegireul sseugo
Yeongweonhal geot gatteon geukkeun apeumi
Seulpeun misoga dwaennabwa OH baby

Naega baraneun geon geujeo neoraneun jaggeun ieok
Na neoege baraneun geon haengbokhagil

Julia Julia iyudo moreuneun chae
Mame dama dueotteon neoeui shigan
Eojeeui gieogi beolsseo gaseum shirige
Hanaeui chueogi dwae OH


His voice makes my troubles go away, I feel like I can fly whenever he is around. Just his smile makes everything bad disappear. I wish that I could have met him sooner, and maybe I wouldn't have to suffer as badly. His voice is just like an angels, even though I don't really know how an angel's voice sounds like, but whatever.

Julia Julia neoege mot dahaetteon
Mameul heullyeo bonaedeon naeui shigan
Eojeeui sarangi jinan geuri umeuro
Hanaeui chueogi dwae OH

A I O I A I O I O I O I Wow~
A I O I A I O I O I O I Wow~

" Hyung that was really beautiful."

" Thanks Woohyun, that really makes me happy. As long as you are happy from hearing my voice that makes my day."

I started blushing really hard. I don't know why his words effect me so much, but they feel good to hear.

" It was fun today hyung."

" Yeah it was fun."

Meanwhile Myungsoo and Sungyeol.....


Myungsoo's POV:

" Myungsoo wasn't today really fun?!"

" Um yeah it was fun Sungyeol-hyung." I tried not to look down, so I just kept staring at Sungyeol.

" Is there something wrong? You don't look so good."

" I'm fine hyung really I'm fine." He came over to my side and sat next to me.

" No you are not Myungsoo. Wait, it couldn't be, are you afraid of heights?"

Crap, he found out, now he is going to think I'm some sort of wimp.

" Yeah I'm afraid of heights."

" Yah, you should have told me before I suggested we go on here."

" But you wanted to go on here, and you looked happy so I thought....."

" Myungsoo next time if you are afraid of something tell me, and no I don't think you are a wimp." I look towards him, and was surprised that he knew what I was thinking of.

" Hahahhaha you don't have to be so surprised Myungsoo. I accept who you are, I even accept the Myungsoo who is afraid of heights too." All I could do was just smile at him. Then Sungyeol took my hand as a comforting gesture so I wouldn't be scared.

" Myungsoo it is really beautiful up from here isn't it?" I look up from our hands, and instead of looking at the sceneary I look at him instead.

" Yeah it is really beautiful."


Now going over to Dongwoo and Hoya.....

Hoya's POV:

" Hoya look at all of the lights, aren't they pretty?" I just laughed at him since he looked so much like a kids smiling like that.

" Yes hyung they are very pretty." Then he turned and looked at me and had a serious face on.

" Hoya did you have a good time?"

" Of course hyung I did have a good time, we all had a good time!"

" Did you have a good time with me?"

" I had a great time with you hyung, who wouldn't."

" Ummmm actually I want to give you something."

" What do you want to give me?"

" Here!" He took out a green dinosaur plushie doll from his bag and gave it to me. It was really cute and reminded me of Dongwoo-hyung.

" Thanks hyung I will treasure it!"

" Thats good that you like it." Then all of a sudden the the ferris wheel started moving really badly, and Dongwoo flew over to me. My head was locked in between his arms, and his body was hovering over me. Both of our faces were centimeters apart. We just stared at each other for a while without moving. Those eyes that always draw my gaze, those plump limps that I always want to take, I just want him. Before I could do anything Dongwoo-hyung backed off, but I didn't notice that my face was very red, and I started feeling hot. I looked over to see if Dongwoo-hyung's face was red, but his face was turned away.

For some reason I felt like he wanted to kiss me, maybe that is just my hopeful wishing.


No one's POV:


After the ferris wheel ride was over, and they all got out, they headed for the subway station. They rode home in silence as they were all tired. Sungyeol was asleep on Myungsoo's shoulder, Hoya on Dongwoo's, and Woohyun on Sunggyu's. They just enjoyed this moment together, not knowing that this was the start of beautiful changes.



(A/N: OMG sorry if that was a long chapter, but I just had to write everything down. And yayyyyy I have 34 suscribers! Thank you for reading this fic!)

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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~