Ch. 8- Playground

Wings of an Angel

7th Period:


Woohyun's POV:

" Sunggyu-hyung do you want to do something after school? I can show you around."

" I'm not busy, and it would be nice to look around too, sure! Let me just talk to Dongwoo after class is over."

" Alright then! Meet me by the gates after school then."

" Okay!"

After school:


After school I packed up my things, and went down by the gates. Everybody was leaving in a hurry to get home. On my way I saw Sungyeol and Myungsoo leaving.

" Woohyun-hyung, do you want to do something after school today?"

" Sorry Sungyeol but I already made plans with somebody. Maybe some other time? Sorry!" I gave them a pleading look making sure they believed me.

" It is okay hyung, we can always hang out another time!" Sungyeol then grabs Myungsoo's arm and skips off.

That kid, I swear all he ever wants to do is play around. Then Myungsoo gets dragged everywhere with him. If I was Myungsoo I wouldn't be able to keep up with him.

I head outside to wait for Sunggyu-hyung. Today is a pretty nice day, at least the sun was out giving the air some warmth. The sky was epmty too, leaving a clear blue sky that seemed endless. A bird flew by and one of its feathers broke off. The feather slowly fell to the ground. I bent down to pick it up, but at the same time someone else bent down to pick it up too. I looked up and saw Sunggyu-hyung staring at me.

" Oh sorry Woohyun-ah I didn't notice it was you. Here do you want this?" Sunggyu-hyung picked up the feather and handed it out to me. I was reluctant about taking it, but I decided to accept it. The feather was pure white just like the feathers I saw when I first met Sunggyu-hyung.

" Thanks Sunggyu-hyung! Well lets get going then before it gets too dark." Sunggyu-hyung and I started walking away from the school to go have some fun, but first I need some food because I'm hungry.

" Hyung can we get something to eat first, I'm sort of hungry."

" Hahahaha didn't you just eat like a few hours ago?' Hahaha okay lets go get something to eat then." We walked along the streets looking for any vendors that were selling anything that was to my taste. Until then I saw what I wanted to eat! I ran over to the vendor asking her to give me two tteokbokki.

" Woohyun-ah don't go running off yourself! You might get lost!" I gave him one while I was stuffing myself with mine.

" No, hyung you are the one who is more likely to get lost here." I said as I spoke with my mouth full.

" Aish, at least chew your food before you speak."

" Araso hyung!" I gave him one of my cheesiest smile, and he slightly punched me. After eating our tteokbokki we went to look at stores, cafes, restaurants, and the games. We stopped at this shooting range game, and we both played it. I went first but lets just say I sort of failed at it. Then Sunggyu-hyung came up and took the gun out of my hand.

" Here let me give it a try." He bent down and positioned himself to shoot. Bang. One down. Bang, Two down. Bang. Three down.

I can't believe Sunggyu-hyung shot all the targets! I didn't know he can shoot that well with his eyes so small like that! But then he did look pretty handsome at the same time though..........I can't believe I just thought of that! Nam Woohyun you don't call other guys handsome okay! You just don't!

" Woohyun look I shot all of the targets!" He was jumping up and down being all happy.

" Well fella you just won! What do you want as a prize?"

" Hm. I want that star key chain!"

" Alright how about I give you this moon one too, they come as a pair."

" Thank you ahjusshi! Hey Woohyun do you want one of these?"

" Really hyung! I want the star one! Thanks hyung!" Sunggyu-hyung handed me the star key chain, and I put it in my pocket for safe keeping. After playing some games we went to go get some ice cream. As we were heading back home since it was dark, I wanted to stop at this one place before we got home.

" Hyung can we stop here?"

" Okay."


Sunggyu's POV:

" Hyung can we stop here?"

" Okay." We stopped at a playground. The playground had a red slide, monkey bars, swings, and other stuff you can name. It has been a while since I went to a playground, it felt nice actually. Woohyun started walking off, and I just silently followed him to the swings. He sat down and started going back and forth.

He looks peaceful but in pain too. I don't know what to say because I'm still not close with him. I want to know more about him, get to understand him and stuff. Why can't I just do it? Am I sitll afraid? No, I should be over it by now. I guess I should just say something, it is too quiet.

" Thanks Woohyun for taking me around the city. It was really fun hanging out with you."

" No problem hyung, as long as you are happy thats fine with me!" It went silent again. Then Woohyun spoke up.

" You know hyung this place holds a lot of memories for me. I used to play here a lot with my family and friends. I don't know why hyung, but I can't tell you right now because I don't know you well enough. But I feel like someday I will tell you."

I looked at him trying to understand what he said. I just gave him a smile telling him that I understood what he was trying to wait, and that there was no need to push himself. Then I stood up, walked over to his swing, and bent down to be at eye-level with hm.

" It is okay Woohyun-ah. You don't have to tell me everything I can wait. When we become good friends, and are able to understand each other then you can tell me." I put my hand on top of his head, and ruffled his hair. His hair felt soft when I touched his hair last time, and it feels the same way now too. He looked at me and gave me a smile, a smile that made my whole body tremble. I could feel my heart beat fast, so I got up and pulled him up.

" Thanks hyung, you are the best! I'm sure we will become great friends!"

" Yeah we will become great friends." We walked away from the playgrounded and headed home.



No one's POV:

Off in the distance from the playground:

" So this is what his plans were..... Interesting......." said the one guy.

" Yah, why are we doing this again?"

"'s fun!!!!!"


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695 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
695 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~