Ch.7- Classmates

Wings of an Angel

Woohyun's POV:


When I saw him enter the classroom I was totally shocked. I did not expect him to come to my school, but now he is in my class! As soon as he entered everybody was taken away by him. Now they are probably going to think of him as the new toy just like in elementary school we would show and tell our stuff around. Sunggyu-hyung was walking towards me, and gave me one of his smiles that made his eyes disappear.

" Hey Woohyun and Myungsoo, who would have thought that we would be in the same classroom!"

" Yeah who would have thought that we would even be going to the same school, yet alone the same classroom. Well how about I show you around the school during lunch break?"

" That would be nice, thanks Woohyun-ah." Sunggyu-hyung then walked past me, and took his seat behind me. Then I turn around, and asked Myungsoo something.

" Hey Myungsoo do you want to tag along with us?" Myungsoo doesn't turn around from facing the window, but I can tell he said no by the nod of his head. Everyday this kids stares out the window looking at something, and sometimes I would see a smile plaster onto his face. This kid can be weird and mysterious at times. I went back and listened to the teacher, but I just practically blanked out what she said the whole entire hour.


During lunch break


Sunggyu's POV:

Aigoo, this kid is already sleeping? He looks so cute when he sleeps, I just want to pinch those cheeks of his. Hmmmmmm, he looks quite peaceful sleeping. Thats weird, now his eye brows are furrowing. Is there something wrong with him? Is he having a nightmare?

I sat down next to him wondering what was wrong with him. I kept looking at his features, the strong jawline, how his hair lays perfectly on his face, but now something is bothering him. I can hear him mumbling something so I lean closer to listen. He kept on saying, " Hyung, hyung, hyung." His eyes look like they are in distressed, so I bring my finger up and press it against the space between his eyebrows. Then his face calmed down, and he went back to sleep peacefully. I didn't want to bother him anymore so I got up, and tried to see if I can look for Dongwoo, but then I heard something move. I turn around to find Woohyun up.

" Sunggyu-hyung how long have you been here? Oh no! I forgot that I would show you around the school right now! Come on we have to go before break is over." He grabs onto my wrist before I can say anything, but oddly I didn't protest.

We walked around the school, and looked at all the different rooms; the music room, the gym, the garden, and the cafeteria where we found everyone else sitting down. Dongwoo waved at us beckoning for us to come over.

" Hyung! Woohyun! Over here! Hurry come and eat with us before we eat everything!" Dongwoo said while having bunch of food in his mouth. Even though he is a high schooler he still acts like a kid.

" Alright hold your horses we are coming." I took Woohyun's hand, and led him to the table. The warmth of his hand feels oddly nice, but once we got to the table I let go of his hand, making mine feel cold. I sat by Dongwoo and Woohyun sat across from me by Sungyeol. Once we sat down everybody had to say something.

Dongwoo's POV:

Hmmmmmmmm that is weird. Usually Sunggyu-hyung is not the touchy sort of person. He even doesn't let me touch him at times, but that is usually when I'm annoying him. Still, he rarely gets close to anybody quickly, maybe Woohyun changed him somehow.

" Dongwoo-hyung. Dongwoo-hyung. YAH DONGWOO GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS AND PAY ATTENTION!" Woohyun was practically yelling so loudly that everybody turned over to see what the commotion was.

" Hm? Hahahahahhhahahaha opps sorry, I didn't hear you Woohyun-ah. What did you say again?"

" I said whose class are you in during first hour? Because knowing you, you easily get lost."

" Hey watch what you are saying there! I am your hyung, and I am not that dumb to the point where I can get lost. For your information I'm in Hoya's first hour class so I at least know somebody! Beat that punk!"

" Hyung, you are acting way too much like a kid. Even more than Sungyeol-hyung," said Sungjong who was just picking at his food looking disinterested with what they were talking about.

" Yah, who said I was childish huh? Just because I'm called choding doesn't mean that I'm childish," said Sungyeol talking back to Sungjong.

As always they start getting into fights, now they are bickering saying who is the one who is more childish than the other, but this sight I do miss. Myungsoo just sits there right in between them doing nothing. That kid, I wonder how he can just deal with them bickering right beside him. Oh well, he is like that as always. I turn around to see Hoya eating his spaghetti, and chuckled at how there was sauce on his face.

" Aigoo, Hoya you have sauce on your face."

" Huh? I do? Where hyung?" Hoya was trying to wipe it off, but kept on missing the spot.

" Here let my wipe it off for you." I leaned in and took the napkin and wiped off the sauce on his face. When I backed off for some reason his face was a little bit red.

" Hoya are you not feeling well?"

" I'm fine hyung, really, it is just a little hot in here. Thats all."

" Hahahaha okay if you say so!"

Hoya's POV:

That pabo hyung, he doesn't understand how the little gestures that he makes, makes me feel flustered. Weird Woohyun-hyung hasn't said anything at all since he got here.

" Woohyun-hyung, is there something wrong? You haven't talked since you got to the table." Sungyeol stopped pulling Sungjong's hair, Myungsoo turned around from looking at whatever he was staring at, Dongwoo-hyung and Sunggyu-hyung stoped talking and turned around to look at Woohyun-hyung who hasn't said a word.

Woohyun's POV:

Everybody stopped what they were doing, and looked at me. I really didn't have anything to say, to be more precise I didn't want to say something. When Sunggyu-hyung took my hand, even though it was for a short time, I got butterflies in my stomach. I don't know if that is a good thing or bad, but I didn't have any words to say. But I was still bothered about my dream before Sunggyu-hyung woke me up, but I didn't want to say anything about it. Then Dongwoo-hyung gave me a reasurring look knowing that I was thinking hard about something. Sunggyu-hyung looked at me and gave me a heart-warming smile, a smile that made my heart lift up. I wanted to turn around to hide the blushing that was surfacing, but that would just make things more suspicisous. So I just lifted my head up, and gave the a reasurring smile.

" Nothing is wrong Hoya, I'm just thinking about something don't worry. Well we better get to class before we are late. Sunggyu-hyung what class do you have next?"

" I have World History."

" Really me too! We can walk together then! Well see you guys later then!"

Walking next to Sunggyu-hyung makes me comfortable, or maybe just being around him is comfortable already.

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695 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
695 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~