Lunch Study Date

Your Just Not My Type

this is a link to a side story the REAL Holly wrote on her lunch date with Jonghyun. so if your interested or not please read this and coment on it!


Holding Taemin's hand we desisted to go out to grab some food. Around the corner of my school there was a drop in dinner. The building was old, kind of shady, but they sold good food. 

"What can I get yea?" the guy at the counter asked. 

"Duk boki please!" we both said. The guy nodded as we chuckled. As we waited for our order, we chatted. 

"So History homework, do you understand it?" I asked. 

"Yea a little, why? Do you need some help?" he questioned. 

"That would be helpful" I sighed.  The guy passed up our food and so we paid him. 

"Since you're alone for lunch, I can help you now if you want" he suggested. I nodded. 

"Sounds good, but don't you have friends?" I asked curiously. He just chuckled. We walked back to school. We grabbed our work and sat down in an empty classroom. We sit facing each other well working, casually stopping to feed each other some duk boki or to play foot wars. "ASHI! I don't get this one at all!" I said frustrated. Taemin came over to me. I never really understood American history. 

"Who was the eleventh president? What was the most notable thing he did?" Taemin read out loud. We hummed over this for a split second. "James K. Polk. He annexed the entire Southwest and California from Mexico by force of arms." Taemin finally replied. Aw stricken I looked up to him, but of course our faces were to close. I blushed wondering if Taemin would use this opportunity to finally kiss me. Witch it looked like he might. He leaned in closer to me and so did I. This was it, we were going to kiss! The tingle of our lips was brushing agents each other, his breath warm on mine. Suddenly the door opened. I sighed, disappointed. …wait, why was I disappointed?! It's not like I love Taemin or anything right? I like Minho, he's my type! Or wait… is he? Am I falling in love with Taemin?!  I watched Taemin look up at the door, not changing his body position much.  She was a REALLY beautiful girl. She had Blondish hair, and dark eye makeup. Her clothes showed of a lot of skin though. She walked up to Taemin, who now stood at full length looking at her. Without a word she took a small white piece of paper out of her bra and waved it in front of his face. Taemin took it kind of nastily and put it in his back pocket. She smiled at him seductively, well he grimiest at her.  She touched his chest as she turned around and left us alone together again. 

"Who was that?!" I asked mind blown. He turned to me slowly. 

"I can't belief she's back." He said in a distant tone. 

"Well who is she?! I've never seen her!" I asked again.

"that's Sook Ae. My ex girlfriend."

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)