Their Story

Your Just Not My Type

It's the VERY last day of high school ever. The prom was tonight, and everyone was existed. But to Holly and Jonghyun this could be there last. We all sat in the classroom of our last period class. It was a free day at least. Then suddenly some guitar started playing in the back of the class room.  Some people chose to ignore it well some looked at where it came from.  I and Minho smiled knowing what was going on. There was Jonghyun. I elbowed Holly to go to him. He started to sing.

"Holly will find a better place to fall asleep
She belongs to fairy tales that I could never be
The future haunts with memories that I could never have
And hope is just a stranger wondering how it got so bad" he sang. As the song went on he sang about how it hurt for him to leave her. I note a tear filling up in her eye. People soon came to relised they should look away for their personal moment.  I helped compose the song and Minho helped out a little too. The bell rang.

"I'll pick you up" Minho said.

I slipped on a salmon pink dress. It was strapless and was the most beautiful dress ever. I wore silver heals and made my hair really nice. I wore sparkles and I felt really beautiful. But tonight wasn't just about me or Minho. I wanted to settle things with Taemin on a respectable note. The last time we were together I probly broke his heart real good. Minho showed up and my parents did the normal thing, almost every parent does. Then we were off.

"Minho…." I said softly.

"yea" he said.

"I need to talk to Taemin tonight. I think there's still some left over felling that I need to fix before leaving" I sighed.

"I understand, but if you need me, you know where to find me" Minho smiled walking me in. the gym was amazing in its colourful lights and decorations. But of course me and Minho danced to one song together. Then I spotted Taemin.  Minho stopped dancing with me and let Taemin. Minho walked away, but probly somewhere where he could see me.

"Taemin, do you still love me?" I asked. I felt kind of selfish.

"no…" he said looking into my eyes. he was lieing, I could fell it. "can we talk in the hall" he asked. I nodded. We walked out to the halls. The hall was lighted up red from the exit sign above us. "I don't want to love you anymore Hyunjae" he sighed "it hurts to much, but it's hard to move on." I nodded.  "the stupid part is I still love you" Taemin said.

"i-I know" I stuttered. "is it possible I fell simaller?".

"let's stop this game. You love Minho more then me, I know that, and there's nothing I can do about that eather. But if it is possible can you help me move on?" he asked. I nodded slowly.


"I'm just a naïve or just simply stupid I don't know" he said. Then we hugged. Something made me. I had to leave him alone now.

"your not stupid." I chuckled. "so what are you planning after?" I asked.

"I'm joing a company, same as Jonghyun. I'm going to be a dancer" he said.

"good for you" I said hugging him tighter. Then he kissed my cheek and backed away.

"have a good time" he said walking away. That was it. The end. Minho came up to me and held my hand.

The futer was bleak but I knew I was going to be with Minho for a long while.

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)