Let's Go Trip

Your Just Not My Type

Two weeks came and passed by quickly, and our class trip to Jeju Island was this morning.  I leaned angst the wall of the school well Minho leaned over me and kissed me. Truthfully this was the first time I would be away from him since we dated, so yea, it was kind of hard. His sweet and kissable lips, warm body, and his loving personality made it hard for me to leave him. I played with his hair as we kissed and whispered sweet nothings to each other.

"Hyunjae! It's time to leave!" I heard a teach call out. We stopped kissing then Minho walked me to the bus.

"Have fun, be safe, and don't forget me" Minho said kissing my cheek one last time. "Love you". I smiled

"I love you too" I said climbing onto the bus. I walked down the rows looking for Taemin who was in the very back looking out the window. I sat down next to him a little upset with having the aisle seat.

After an hour passed most students were already asleep. Taemin's head rested on the window well I lay there acwardly. I desisted to put my feet up on his lap.  When I did, Taemin looked at me and rested his arms on my legs.

"You and Minho are together right?" Taemin asked.

"Yes" I said in a small voice, "what about you and Kayla?" I asked.

"It's a mystery to me" he said putting his hand behind his head. More time passed, and we ended falling asleep.

"Hyunjae were on Jeju Island now" Taemin whispered softly. I twitched but didn't wake up completely. "Hyunjae wake up" he said in a normal tone now. Then I felt the pressure of his lips on my nose. I blinked my eyes open and his face was still relatively close to mine. I opened my eyes fully and moved back.  In full honestly I didn't really want to be kissed by Taemin in anyway. Yea, I still liked him, but cheating, I know from experience, it is hard and sad, and truthfully I loved Minho way more. I looked around Taemin's head and outside there was a beautiful view.  Time later we parked at a hotel. The girl's shard rooms and the boys had their own rooms.

"Tomorrow you will be given a chance to explore the islands with your partners. Rest up for a big day tomorrow" the teacher said. I changed into my p.j.s then headed down to get something to drink from the mashing. Taemin just so happened to be there too.

"Um… I was looking at the maps, and I saw there was a nice island with a beach. Woo Island, just 10 minutes by a ship. Can we check it out?" he asked, using his cute side. Oh his powers were to great!

"sure" I sighed giving into his cuteness.

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)