Scholarship Trip

Your Just Not My Type

Holly was watching me weird all day, all week, and all month. I should break up with Taemin, but I never had to heart to tell him why. Then one day….

"Hyunjae, graduation is coming up. Do you know where you're going?" my teacher asked me. I nodded as I told here where. "You know Hyunjae, another student is trying to go there on a sports scholarship." She said leading me out the door. I nodded. "Well you and that student will be going up for a visit after school and overnight tomorrow. Please be prepared". 

The next day was my trip. Mrs. Kang and her husband were going to drive me and the other student up to the university. As I waited in the front of the school with my bag, an arm came around my shoulder. It was Minho. 

"So you're this other student that wants to get a scholarship to the univeraty to huh?" Minho said amused. I nodded shyly. 

"Ok ready to head out?" Mrs. Kang's husband, Mr. Kang, asked. We piled all of our stuff into their tinny little car and started the 5 hour drive. As soon as we were out of Seoul, Minho took out his music player and put one headphone in my ear. I snuggled up to him with my red, white, and blue sailing ship blanket. An hour later we were asleep.  

After 3 stop, and 6 hours of driving we had finally made it. I got out and stretched, embracing the fresher air. We entered there large dorm apartment, were given our rooms. I went into my room. It was small, like really small. I could touch both sides of the wall with both of my arms stretched out wide. But the closet was almost bigger. If I did get a scholarship here I would remember to put my bed into the closet. I laid my blanket on top of the bed and took a look out my window. One of the campus buildings were out there and an old looking clock. Since there was half an hour till first meeting I desired I would go out for a walk. There was a pathway behind this building from what the map said. So I put on my shoes and headed out. There were tones of trees and a sports area too. That's where I saw Minho, waving to me at the football area with some other guys. They were probly playing full contact touch. I walked up to his small group, knowing what I was getting myself into. Boys, like to show off that they can get a girl sometimes. He put his arm around me. 

"Hey guys, this is Hyunjae, my girl- my friend… We go to school together." Minho introduced me to the group. Some other guys greeted me as well, even his roommate. Apparently there were to many guys signed up for this thing that they had to make them share rooms. Minho's hand was now on my hip, just knowing what he was thinking he was hoping someone would notes. 

"Minho, lessions start soon so you should clean up." I said. I kissed him really quickly, "I'll be going first." I said leaving. As I walked away I heard those guys aw at him.

Back in my room, I got a text from Taemin. 'missing you already.' It read. I really am a bad person.

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)