My Skinny Ex Boyfriend

Your Just Not My Type

"So this is your boyfriend Minho?" dad repeated. I nodded nervously.

"They've been accepted into the same univeraty and they'll be moving in together there" mom added sitting down with us. I looked to dad, wondering what he would say.

"Your growing up so fast~" he said in a playful whinny voice. A gasped lightly and kicked his leg. Dad just chuckled. "Well have a good time the both of you." He said standing up. I looked to Minho who was also chuckling.

"Your dad is great" he said putting his arm around me.

The next day was school. I wore a yellow shirt and really cute high rise black overalls with yellow buttons. Of course I meet up with Minho then we went to go find Holly and Jonghyun.  We meet them in the most unlikely state.

"DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME OR STAY WITH ME?!" Holly yelled. Minho's eye twitched as I jumped about a smile. Jonghyun stood there in Holly gaze. Out of the corner of her eye she noted us, but we were trying to walk away. "Hyunjae…" she says in a small tone. I watch as Jonghyun rolls his eyes, whisper something in Holly's ear and walk away. Minho looks at me, I nodded somewhat understand what's going on, and let him leave chasing after is friend.

"Is something going on?" I ask.  She nods slowly as we start to walk to opposite direction of the boys.

"Jonghyun is being forest to break up with me" Holly sighs, "he tells me he still loves me but we can't work it out, but wants to stay with me!"

"Why? Who is foresting him?" I ask.

"His company he sighed a 13 year contract with. They said they want him to be attractive to the single people for when he debuts" she sighs. We walk in silence for a moment when we walk down a hallway. Down that one hallway though was Taemin. He was changing his shirt. He was all skin and bones. It was almost a sickly image to see. His mussels I remembered were gone, his skin was paste white. I felt sick looking at him. "You didn't hear about Taemin?" holly said watching him as well. I shook my head watching him slid his shirt back onto his thin body. "He's been working hard on something. Whenever someone tries to help him, he just brushes them off." She said. He closed his locker and walked by us. he stopped, looked at me, smiled.

"See you in class" he said, and then walked away. Then something hit my mind, was he like this because of me?

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)