The Afternoon In Busan

Your Just Not My Type

Taemin finally pulled the motorcycle over to a stop. We got off and I passed my helmet to Taemin who put it in the seat and locked it up. 

"Where are we?" I asked. 

"Were in Busan, were at a local fair" he answered taking my hand. He lead me to the enters where he paid for me. "What do you want to go on first?" he asked.  I looked around the area first. 

"Tea cups!" I replied. I pulled him over to the small line.

"we can't stay here long ok. We still got school tomorrow" Taemin sighed as we entered through the gates. 

"Hum!" I nodded jumping into a cute little yellow tea cup. Taemin followed me inside. As the ride threw us around my hair got in his face. We laughed so hard when the ride came to an end. "Your turn to pick a ride!" I pleaded. He smiled and pointed to a roller coaster. I shook my head, I was kind of scared of big rides.

"Trust me" he said taking my hand and nearly pulling me onto the coaster. As I heard the chains of the coaster pull us up I got more and more nervous. Finally the coaster went full speed around the track. All you could do would be hearing me scream. Taemin hand must have been broken by now! Then the ride came to a halt. We quickly got off and walked away. 

"is your hand alright?" I asked concerned. 

"yea, perfect" he said, probly lying. "There's time for one more, do you want to pick it?" he asked. I didn't have to think long. 

"fares wheel!" I pointed up. I was trying to act cute for him since I hurt him. He nodded and waited in the long line. 20 minutes passed and we got on the ride. The sun was already setting. We chatted as the ride went around and around, pointing out cool places we would like to see sometime. "I think I see Seoul Tower from here!" I exclaimed. Taemin laughed at me, telling me that we were some distance away from there. Then the ride came to a halt, with us at the top. Couples were supposed to kiss when at the very top. I looked at Taemin, wondering if he'd give another shot a kissing me, and I was right. We leaned closer together, thinking and hopping this time would work. He tilted his head a little, and I closed my eyes. We had finally we kissed. His lips were smooth and perfectly kissable. My heart started to pound, as Taemin deepened the kiss. I blushed slightly when it was time to pull away. The ride moved again letting us off. Taemin held my hand softly and intertwined our fingers together. We didn't say any words but I felt extremely close with him. We headed back to Seoul, where I told Taemin where to drop me off. Before I left I stopped him. "Taemin, do you mind if I start to love you?" I asked. I saw the corner of his lips turn upwards. 

"not if you don't mind me loving you"

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)