2 months of loving you

Your Just Not My Type

Today I was making dinner for Minho. We have been dating for 2 months and this was just a small thing I could do for him. I wore a back ruffle skirt and a longer black and teal stripped shirt. I was making pasta and a stir fry. My long brown hair rolled down my shoulders. The doorbell finally rang and I ran to the door to open it. Minho stood there smiling like he always did. He kissed me quickly then I walked him into my house.

"Something smells good" he said cheerfully. I smiled setting out some plates for us.  "so have you started packing for univeraty yet?" Minho asked as I served up the food.

"I've started. I'm looking forward to seeing Oppa again soon too" I replied recalling Onew. Minho just laughed,

"We should bring some chicken for him when we meet him again". I nodded serving him the food. We ate. I had to say my cooking wasn't as bad as I thought.

"OH~ Minho is visiting us again. Aigoo~ you two moving in together will make it much easier on me" my mom sighed when she got home. She was cleaning all the time now, even though she didn't have to. "Today isn't the best day though…." Mom said sighing.

"Why?" I asked.

"Your dad is coming home tonight" mom answered. I got a little existed.

"So should I go home or do I get to meet your dad?" Minho asked.  I turned to him and smiled.

"I want you to meet him. I rarely get to see him myself!" I said, starting to clear our plates. Mom sighed,

"Do what you wish" she said leaving us to get changed. I started to do the dishes, well Minho sat in front of me. Then he pulled out a cup cake necklace and pumpkin pie earrings.

"Aw~" I said when I saw them. Minho came around the corner and put the necklace on me.

"It's just a little something I can give to the sugar of my life" he said. I blushed as he backed hugged me.

"Oh, there's one last fruit tart in the fridge… could you get it?" I asked. He nodded and went and got it. Once the dishes were done I cuddled with Minho on the couch. "Say ah" I said cutely.

"Ah~" I put I strawberry in his mouth. He closed his mouth, kissed me, and then feed me a kiwi.

"I'm home~" a familiar man's voice called threw out the house. Then there was my dad, tall and handsome. "And who's this strange man on my couch with girl?" he said.

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)