Onew Oppa Knows Best

Your Just Not My Type

As one simple tear ran down my face, I ran out of the room, out of the house, onto a deck. I stood there crying, looking out onto the green grass. Then suddenly I felt someone push my hair behind my ear. 

"What's going on? Did Onew say something to you?" Minho's voice asked. I shook my head crawling into his chest for a hug. 

"No~ it's how he is!" I cried. Minho pets my hair. "He reminds me of my brother, who's past away". I sit down somewhere and Minho squats down beside me. "Someone shot him. 3 times in the head and twice in the chest" I said crying. Minho couldn't say a word, he just confronted me. I don't blame him; I wouldn't know what to say either. I calmed down a little and he wiped the tears from my eyes, and then kissed my cheek. I heard the door open. Then a new face showed up in front of me, Onew. 

"Sorry if I offended you in anyway" he sighed. 

"You didn't do anything, it's just you are too alike to my dead brother" I confessed to him. Onew nodded,

"Well if you want, I'll be your brother from another mother if you want." He said. I nodded. "here put your number into my phone and I'll do the same, so when you go back to Seoul, you can get a hold of me, I'll do the same. If you also want you can call me Oppa. I'm alright with that" Onew said. I smiled. He was such a nice guy! I put my phone number in and I got up. 

"We should be getting back soon" Minho said, holding my hand. Onew walked us to the door. 

"Well Minho, teat my sister right, or really, tell that to her real boyfriend." Onew said. Minho chuckled, embarrassed. I gave Onew a quick hug then left. Down the street Minho spoke up. 

"Why don't you break up with Taemin? I'm getting tired of being the other guy and sneaking around" Minho suggested. "It's embarrassing, not being able to tell people what you are to me." I frowned. Jonghyun's words were now being put in affect. 

"I still need to make my choice Minho." I sighed. He stopped walking; we were really close to the dorms now. 

"Then I hope this makes your mind up" he said, then kissed me extremely passionate. Our lips moved around, until we were at the point of making out. I had no more sense of time. Then I ended up braking off the kiss. Minho's lips had my lipstick all over him now. He whipped his lip with his thumb. I breathe heavily. 

"I understand Minho. I'll break up with Taemin when we get back, and I'll tell him the truth. But I do not want to become your girlfriend just yet. I want you to come with me to tell him though" I said. He sighed. 

"Good enough for now" he said under his breath. Then we left to our dorms. Once I finished cleaning up, I got a text. 

"I love you" it read. It was from Taemin. That's when my heart cracked. I know what I was going to do tomarrow and someone was going to get hurt.

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)