Romatic Night

Your Just Not My Type

I dressed in a cute black dress with big pink floral patterns. The top was black lase and it was a little above my thighs. My high heels were black with straps on the front and a black flower on the side. I put a little pony tail on the side of my head, and put on my makeup. I was going on a date with Taemin. Though it isn't official, this was technically a date. I packed a small pink bag and headed down the stairs. 

"wow Hyunjae, your looking nice!" my mom complimented me. I smiled as I did a little turn, I thanked her. "so are you going on another date with Minho for Valentine's day?" mom asked. It hurt a little but I brushed it off. 

"no mom, I'm going out with Taemin tonight." I told her looking out the window. 

"Taemin? You never told me about him before" she said, wanting to know more. She still was a teen on the inside. 

"He's really different from Minho mom. He respects me more, and I think I love him" I explained to her. My mom awed as the sound of a motor cycle rawer up to the house. She eyed me when I went to open the door for him. Taemin came in with large knitted gray sweater and black tight jeans. My mom looked at me even more surprised. 

"He's not even your type but he's a total cutie!" mom whispered. Taemin whipped his red convers on the mat before coming in. he greeted my mom then kissed my check. "He's a keeper!" mom whispered one last time. 

"Shall we go?" Taemin asked looking at me, with his cute brown eyes. I nodded, my mom wished us farewell, and we hopped onto his motor cycle. Eventually he pulled over to a large park. Taemin helped me off, then walked me down a nice walk way. "You look beautiful tonight" he said taking a look at me. 

"Thanks" I said blushing taking his hand. 

"High school is almost over. Got any plains?" he asked, leading me into a small café. 

"I plan on being a composer and a wife" I told him. "What about you?" he smiled. 

"A dancer, or a singer, or both. Also a husband" he replied. He ordered a fruit tart quickly then came back. "Are you going with anyone to the prom yet?" he asked. I chuckled shaking my head; I knew were this was going. "Want to go with me?" he asked. 

"Yes, for sure!" I said excitedly. He took a strawberry off the tart with a fork and feed it to me. 

About an hour later we were walking around for a little while when we came across a small water work area were you could walk through and not get wet. 

"Would you like to dance?" he asked putting out his hand. I rolled my eyes at his cheesy romance. We danced around together well some people looked at us weird. Then I thought to myself, this was the time. Now was the time to tell Taemin that I loved him, and that I wanted to be his girlfriend. 

"Taemin" I said getting a little scared. He looked at me and smiled. "I-I think I'm in love with you" I said breathing threw my nerves. I watched his smile grew. "I want to be that girl, that can be with you forever." I said, blushing badly. "So tell me, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked nervously. Though it was high chances of Taemin not saying no, I was worried. 

"Only if you be my girlfriend" he said, chuckling. That was it. I and Taemin were now together. 'What will Holly think?' I thought happily. "Do you want to go home now?" he asked. It was almost 11. I nodded sadly. I hugged him tightly on the way back home on the motor cycle. He came to park the car in front of my house. I got off and stood in front of Taemin. "You know you made me really happy today" he said, taking off his helmet. 

"Same" I said putting my arms around him. Then we kissed our first kiss as a couple. Soft and sweet filled with love and so many emotions. This was one of the many reasons why I loved him.

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)