
Your Just Not My Type

We sat in the lonely room together, sitting there. 
"Did you get a signal on your phone yet?" Taemin asked playing with his phone also trying to get a signal. 

"Nope you?" I sighed. He shook his head to. 

"So" we both sighed at the same time, and then giggled. I yawned at that one point. 

"Come here. Since were stuck might as well do something you need to" Taemin said. I snuggled up to him, resting my head on his chest. "Since you needed to get stuff for your class your teacher should be coming to find you soon" Taemin said patting my head. We started talking and getting comfortable with each other. Before I knew it we were cuddling and holding hands. 

"Taemin, you're a guy. Tell me, why do guys like to play and touch girls and never ask them to date?" I asked. I heard Taemin gulp hard. 

"Well, some guys like the girl to c-confess first" Taemin said stuttering at one point. I heard his heart starting to pound.  I looked at him pondering. Seconds passed and I came to realise, we got a lot of skin ship to. I wonder, does he like me?

"By any chance Taemin, do you have any feelings for me?" I asked bluntly. I felt him squeeze my hand a little. His face was turning red. 

"Maybe just a little" he confessed. I wanted to pull away but I didn't have the heart to do that.

"You're just not my type" I said gently. He nodded. 

"I know, Minho is, but types can change" he mumbles, now looking at me. I felt something going on in-between us for a split second.  He just cuddled me closer. "Are you and Minho dating?" he questions. 

"No" I shake my head. Right then I and Taemin look in to each other's eyes.  And for some reason I fell myself leaning into him, and he's doing the same. Our lips grew closer and closer together, my heart pounding faster and faster. I could fell his small short breaths on my lips. I was getting more existed at the few milliseconds went by. Taemin tilted his head so our noes wouldn't bump together. This  was like the big drumroll before a big concert happened at a big event. Our lips were just about to touch when the door flew open. We backed way quickly as Taemin sighed loudly in frustration. There stood Holly and Minho. 

"there you are! The teacher has been waiting for you for almost half an hour now" Holly complained. 

"sorry" I apologised, not realising that I was missing that long.  "I didn't know this door would lock when you close it. 

"it's alright, Taemin you should head back to class. You to Holly" Minho said. They nodded and left. Taemin looked at me and mouthed 'text you later'. Then it was just us. "did something just happen between you and Taemin?" Minho asked. 

"no, nothing" I lied. Minho raised and eye brow. He walked up to me and took my face into his hands. "why? Are you jelous?" I asked playfuly. He kissed me for the seconded time. He slowly moved our lips together. He moved one of his arms to my arm and held me closely. He broke off the kiss and moved away a little. 

"yes" he said kissing me one more time.

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fida0704 #1
is this the end? i love you story!
woah!!! epic turn of events!!!
honey96 #3
i like your story.. ^^
and by the way, it's alright if you misspell something..
it's only natural 'cause nobody's perfect.. :)