The mission

Love underneath



As usual every after mission, Seunghyun took a long nap on his condominium which nobody on his team knows the address. This is one of the few secret places he have for him self.  When he woke up, he took of his white polo shirt revealing his very well toned body. He the Tv in front of him while taking off the rest of his clothes.

The news by the earlier incident is all over the headlines.  He decided to take the shower.

While drops of water was draping all over his body he could clearly hear the news that was on air on the television.


“The late secretary Kim is said to be buried tomorrow. His wife and his two young boys are still in shock of the said murder.” The reporter stated


Both of his hands in place on the wall in front of him.


“ I’m sorry” he whispered.


Then suddenly turning the water on its maximum, his palms now on his face.


After the shower,  He turned the TV off, changed in another suit when he’s phone suddenly started to ring.


“Yes?” He simply answered.


“Seunghyun, Good job earlier. You have done it real fast again this time” Said the man on the phone, when he notice that Seunghyun didn’t replied he continued “ Anyway, I called to say that the boss want’s you at the quarter’s later. He has something big for you. I’m sure you will like this one bro.”


“I’ll be there” Seunghyun replied without asking any other question then put down the phone.


At the quarters


“Man, Seunghyun is one cold dude. He just turned off his phone when I was still trying to talk to him.” The man exclaimed.


“Kush,  It’s as if you don’t know him. He’d been always like that” The guy named Sean said.


“I know, Its just that.. aish! Nevermind!” Kush said laughingly.


After 25 minutes.


“Kush Hyung, Sean Hyung” Seunghyun simply greeted while giving small bows.


Sean nodded as an acknowledgement of his greetings.


“Hey man, waddup” Kush said smiling while reaching his hand for a hand shake. Seunghyun Smiled and reached for the brotherly shakehand.


“I’m good hyung” Seungyhyun said.


“That’s my Boy” Kush said.


“He’s not your boy Kush.” An old man with the beard suddenly appeared.


Everyone bowed to the old man.


“Good Job today Seunghyun, The client is extremely pleased. He even said he'd add bonus fo you” he said towards seungyun.


“Thank you  Boss. I was just doing my job, please tell him he doesn't have to do that.” Seunghyun said while taking a bow.


“Very well, we have something big for you. I believe this is greatly in your interest.” The old man said handing him a piece of file.


The moment Seunghyun took the file and saw and read what’s inside. He’s expression suddenly changes. You could see the frown of anger forming on his face. His jaw was tensed, and then both his hands forming to a fury of punch waiting to be released.


He suddenly looked up to the old man and said “ When and where?”


The old man released a small laugh “Seungyhyun, We are not in a hurry here.” He said.


“But I have waited enough.” Seunghyun answered back crumpling the file he was holding on his other hand.


“I know, but you have to remember. You are on this business,your going to do this not only for yourself, you are not the only person who wants revenge from that person in the file. The client decided to take this the slower pace that would be much harder and painful for that person.” The old man said.


Seunghyun was getting confuse of what he was trying to say. He stared directly to the old man’s eyes and said “ What do you mean boss?”


“This. This is what I mean.” He handed another file to seunghyun. “We will not just kill him simply my dear boy, we never know what the client wants maybe he wants another one dead too What I'm sure he want this person to suffer.” The old man finally said.


Seunghyun was getting the idea of what he was trying to say. He opened and envelope and saw what was on the file.


A slight hint of surprise caught on his eyes.

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Chapter 25: tabi left ? what will happen ? this a good story ! cant wait for the update :> looking forward to it ! TOPBOM FIGHTING !
Chapter 25: Where'd he go????!!! Sniff* I'm not sure if Top still holds a grudge on her are they gonna be together....I hope they'll end up together~
Kay37541 #3

Top left?!!! :O
Chapter 25: YAAAAYYY! You updated!! I was so surprised when i saw that you had updated!!
TABI! Don't leave Bommie like that! You love her, right? So if you do, then you should go back to her!!
Kay37541 #5
Chapter 24: OMG AN UPDATE!!! ^_^

Eeeeep! Tabi got shot?! :O
sooyoung_05 #6
Chapter 24: LMAO @lovealice unnie's comment. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Daebak!!

Yay you updated! Omo why did someone shot Tabi!!!? Poor boy and bommie. TTT___TTT I'm curious on what will happen next. Thanks for the update author-nim!! Please update when you're free ^^
Chapter 24: Thankyou~ for update new chapter, i'm waiting the update like..forever. Tabi got shot? But he's not gonna die, rite? I want to see topbom happy~ i wonder how bom will react.. Update soon authornim~ ps: don't be so bussy reading other fics, update this first ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ i'm kiding~ just update when you can update, i'll wait again..