
Love underneath


Seunghyun has been driving for almost two hours now though he was bleeding from the shot he got in his shoulders he decided they need to get there selves safe first , at first he was confuse of where to head to. He had a lot of places he could always hide, It was a basic part of his job to have a place where he could run off every after mission. He decided to head in wonju ,a city located at the east of Seoul.




After about two hours of driving I almost forgot I got shot. Naah. I don’t think this is a deep wound though. No bullet in there.  The girl who was furiously yelling at me earlier finally fell asleep because of this long drive.


I turned to check her up, and there she is sleeping like a baby. *chuckle*  I guess the stress drained her all up.


I decided to go straight to the hostel I always went to whenever I am in this place. The hostel looks old outside, but it’s at pretty good state at the inside because I always stay in this place whenever I am here, I actually rented the room already and I still have few stuff left in there. It’s a good hideout for now. I parked the car outside, luckily I have a jacket left in the car I could cover up my wound.


Now time to wake this girl up.





Seriously? Aish this girl.


I leaned closer “Bom!” She turned around and got shocked that I was leaning close to her


“Oh! You scared me!” she said.


“Get up now, We’ll stay here in awhile.” I said.


“Where are we?” she asked.


“We are in wonju. Let’s go” I answered and went out of the car.


She followed me just right in my back.

The moment we got in, We were greeted with the same old man who was always there.


“Oh mister you are back.  You don’t have to worry , we cleaned it already. We never know when you will be back” He said smiling.


“Thank you Ahjussi” I said. While he handed me the keys.


“Omo, You are with someone.  This is the first time, She’s very pretty.” The old man said.

Bom smiled and kind of blushed.





We got in this old looking building but I was surprised how it is well maintained in the inside. We went straight to the last room at the third floor.

Tabi opened the door, It was just a small room. Everything looked cleaned and arranged though, There was one bath room, one small dining table. One old tv, refrigerator and one bed.. One bed? Omo.


“Do you always stay here?” I asked tabi while he was taking out his jacket.


“When I’m in this City.” He answered while looking something, I finally saw what he was looking for.


“Omo, your gunshot wound. Let me help you” I said while walking my way into him.


“No, I can handle this.” He answered.


“Don’t be such a superman and let me help you.” I hissed.


I took the medicine box from him and kind of push him to the chair.


As I was cleaning his wound I asked “What is happening tabi?” Without looking at him because I was too focused in cleaning his wound.


“Someone wants you and your father dead” He answered with a serious tone.


When I heard what he said, I sort of stiffened. “What? Who?” I managed to asked.


“They are a gang after your father. And now wants you out too. Bom, I guess there are a lot of things you don’t know about your father. And this is one of the things, Now.. You are officially not my hostage but still you are stuck with me. We are now both in danger but don’t worry I’ll get you home as I have planned of doing”  He said.


I was too stunned of the things he said that I only nodded in return and I was looking at the floor.


“You gonna finish that?” He asked while his lips puckered up directing in his wound.


“Oh .  yeah.. sorry” I said. And I finished cleaning his wound and finally covering it up.


“Thank you” he mumbled.


“Let’s head up to the downtown area, get some food and to changed you up” he said.


I nodded in return.


After 20 minutes and in the store.




Bom was taking a long time to buy the food that she wanted.


“Bom, Cmon” I called.


She was at this hall where different kind of corns we’re stacked into. I walked towards her.


“What is taking you so long?” I asked.


“I can’t decided what to pick” she answered with the tone of frustration on her voice.


I chuckled. “She’s cute like that” I said to myself.


Aish! Seunghyun! Stop it!


“Cmon now, don’t give me a headache.” I simply said but the moment I finished what I have said, her head shifted towards me with an annoyed looked in her face.


“What the hell is your point of me giving you a headache? Tell me. You told me you want me home because I was giving you a headache. Look I would love to be home but just what it is that is in me that giving you a headache? Huh? I have been the most nicest or even the best  hostage you have ever have in your career and I.. give.. you.. a .. headache..?” Bom ranted.


Surprised with her rants, I was about to answer “ I .. uhhh.”


“You what? Huh? You know how much it is annoying to hear that. Don’t you think I have been suffering in there? With you? Huh?” She continued


“Bom..  relax!” I said lowering down my voice.


“Relax? You want me to relax? We’re in wonju, then people trying to kill us, you got shot and you say this nonsense things to me ..to what? Annoy me? And I can't even pick a freaking corn yet!!”


“Lower down your voice, people are staring at us.” I hissed and looked around because the people from the store are looking at us now.


“Ooh, Mister Superman is getting embarrassed now huh.  Don’t you think I should be the one to get embarrassed that I’m with you !” Bom continued still.


“If you don’t shut up right now .. You’ll regret it Park Bom” I warned.


“Oh really ? what you gonna do? Tie me up? Slap me? Shoo......"


Even before she could finish, Without thinking too much. I kissed her. Just a small peck in the lips.


She sure shut up.


She looked to shocked to react.


“There, I didn’t know that’s the way to shut you up.”


I smirked.


I went ahead to the counter area.


“Cmon, We have to pay up.” I said while looking at her again.


She was just standing there.


“If you don’t come here, I’ll do what I just did moments ago” I said.


Without even thinking she hurriedly ran towards me giving the corn she picked.


I chuckled while Bom was glaring at me.




_ _ _


( Hi guys, sorry for the late update. I got sick and still feel a bit nauseous, so sorry if you find this chapter boring. I'll try to do better for the next chapters. Thank you so much for the comments, Love reading it. Keep em comin. Laters. Take care y'all)

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Chapter 25: tabi left ? what will happen ? this a good story ! cant wait for the update :> looking forward to it ! TOPBOM FIGHTING !
Chapter 25: Where'd he go????!!! Sniff* I'm not sure if Top still holds a grudge on her father....how are they gonna be together....I hope they'll end up together~
Kay37541 #3

Top left?!!! :O
Chapter 25: YAAAAYYY! You updated!! I was so surprised when i saw that you had updated!!
TABI! Don't leave Bommie like that! You love her, right? So if you do, then you should go back to her!!
Kay37541 #5
Chapter 24: OMG AN UPDATE!!! ^_^

Eeeeep! Tabi got shot?! :O
sooyoung_05 #6
Chapter 24: LMAO @lovealice unnie's comment. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Daebak!!

Yay you updated! Omo why did someone shot Tabi!!!? Poor boy and bommie. TTT___TTT I'm curious on what will happen next. Thanks for the update author-nim!! Please update when you're free ^^
Chapter 24: Thankyou~ for update new chapter, i'm waiting the update like..forever. Tabi got shot? But he's not gonna die, rite? I want to see topbom happy~ i wonder how bom will react.. Update soon authornim~ ps: don't be so bussy reading other fics, update this first ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ i'm kiding~ just update when you can update, i'll wait again..