Somebody else

Love underneath


After they brought all the things they needed from the store, Seunghyun and Bom immediately Went back to the hostel. Throughout  the drive from the store to the hostel, Bom was quiet. Seunghyun knew it was about the kiss he stole from her earlier.   Seunghyun thought that was the best the thing to do since she can’t stop ranting and was attracting attention from other people since she keeps mentioning about being hostage and other stuff. What they need now is to be at low profile for they are at risk.


The moment they got back Seunghyun decided to break the silence between them.


“Bom, I’m sorry about earlier” Seunghyun said.


“About what?” Bom asked pretending she doesn’t know what he’s sorry for.


“uhm.. The kiss I stole from you. You we’re just .. so noisy already” Seunghyun said with a faint smile at the end speaking carefully for he doesn’t know what she might say or do again.


“I didn’t know that’s what you do to make people shut up.” Bom answered back while she was taking out the groceries they have bought.


“I don’t do that all the time.. Actually.. I don’t it at all. Just on you” Seunghyun said while picking up clothes.


Bom eyes widened, she was embarrass and pissed at the same time but she feels like she’s blushing. But before she could rant again on Seunghyun, He already went inside the bathroom probably to take a shower.




That creep,  stealing a kiss from me! Who the hell he think he is? Aish!


“That’s what you get from nagging bommie!” My then again stupid brain said.


Aish. Why does my own brain not on my side, That’s what’s he get from annoying me.


“How was the kiss bommie?” My Nosy brain asked.


But as the weird person that I am, I answered.,  “He has a very soft lips actually..”I thought.


Just as I thought of that I was facing the mirror and I was blushing like a red tomato.


“What the heck Park Bom!” Scolding myself.


You can’t possibly.. like.. this person right? I mean for god’s sake he kidnapped you!  And.. And.. he hates your father.


“Why am I even worrying about this?” I said loudly.


“Worry about what?” A deep voice asked behind me.


Just as I turned around, there he was half , just wearing shorts and bath towel hanging on his shoulders.


“Oh  shizness” my brain gasped.


“Bom? You’re zoning out. What’s wrong? Worry about what?”  Tabi asked.


I came back to my senses, “Oh, Nothing. I was just thinking about something.” I answered and immediately turned around. Why does he need to be half at this moment.


"OMO BOMMIE!" I mumbled.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tabi asked again.


“Yes” I simply answered without looking back.


“Ok then, Go ahead and take a shower. We had a long day, Guess we need to rest.” He said.


I nodded in return.


When I got in the bathroom, thankfully there was a bath tub.

I fell asleep the moment I got in.


After almost 10-15 minutes.


*knock* *knock*




*knock* *knock*


“Are you okay in there?”


I heard some noise and I finally realized I fell asleep.




Yes? I’ll be out soon” I answered back. Geez, This guys sure worry a lot. Is he always like this?


I bought my clothes inside, So I could change as soon as I’m done.


When I went out, Tabi was putting a pillow and blanket at the sofa that was just right next to the bed, a few feet apart.


“You get the bed, I’d be staying here.” He said.


“Why don’t we change places? You have a wound and you need to have a good sleep.” I suggested.


“Nah, I’m fine. You take the bed.” He said then smiled.


He smiled, He should smile more often I thought.


I didn’t insist and went straight to the bed, he did the same.


“Let’s sleep?” He asked.


I nodded then he turned off the light, leaving the lamp in between us .


After 20 minutes


I still couldn’t sleep. It was just around past 9pm anyway. So I was just there awake staring at the ceiling. When I heard a sound from Tabi’s movement I assumed he was still awake.

“Tabi?” I said softly


“Hmm?” He answered.


“I can’t sleep.” I said.


“Me too. It’s very early that’s why” He answered back.


“Yeah, Let’s do something.” I said.


“Hm? And what should that be?" He asked.


“Just follow me. Okay?” I said. I was still at my bed still staring at the ceiling. While he was at the sofa doing the same.


“Tabii??” I asked again.


“Okay Okay, whatever you say” He replied.


Bom:  Anyeonghaseyo, Park Bom Imnida.

Seunghyun: Huh?..

B: Just do it.

S: Aish. Fine..... Anyeonghaseyo Park Bom, Choi Seunghyun Imnida.

B: Seunghyun, how old are you?

S: 25 years old, you Bom?

B: 24 years old. ( let’s say she is ^^ )

S: hmm.. Favorite color?

B: Green. You?

S: Black. I like green too.

B: Hobbies?

S: When I’m done with my job? Hmm.. I don’t know. Watch movies? Sleep? Something that makes me feel at peace.

B: Aish, This guy. You call those hobbies?

S: What?? And you? Eating? *chuckled*

B: Well yeah *laughed then turned serious*Seriously I love spending my time  Being at my foundation, Spending time with Kids

S: That’s.. That’s really nice of you ..

B: What is?

S: Helping those kids, they’re lucky to have you. I’m sorry I took you away from them. I’m sure those punks misses you already.

B: *silence* I.. I understand.. Seunghyun?

S: Yes?

B: Tell me what I don’t know my father.

S: Bom..

B: Please..  You don’t have to tell me everything. Just at least tell me something. Please.

S: Bom.. I can’t..

B: Tabii.. Please. I want to hear this. I need to know.

S: Hmm....You’re Father being one of the most successful business man, He is associated with the most Notorious Gangsters in this country. He.. He ships drugs.. 

B: Continue..

S: He lends your shipping business to his associates. He also sells stolen cars and guns.. But this is all hidden through the shipping company and various of your organizations. It’s named to all different people so your father can’t be traced. Because of this.. killings happen..people who messes up with operations, people who .. Messes up your father’s plans…

B: *sniff* tell me more tabi, Why I was kidnapped by your organization.

S: Someone wants your father to suffer, I haven’t met him/her yet. All I know is your father might have betrayed or did something else in that person.. so that person wants’ revenge..

B: Just like you? *sob*

S: *silence* *sob* *sob* *sob*



She started crying, I can hear her sobs.  I didn’t answer her last question,  I know If I say yes this will even make her cry even more. How awful would that feel, She’s with a person who wants her father dead.


*sob* *sob*


Hearing her crying gives me pain feeling in my chest. Just like what I said, I can hear my mom’s cry whenever someone is crying but this time these feels worse even more.


When she didn’t stop crying, I turned around to check her up. She was now facing at the wall so her back was facing me. I decided to get up, walk slowly then sat at the bed. She didn’t move nor protested that I was seating next to her.


She just continued crying..


“Bom.. Please .. Stop crying” I said softly.


She nodded not facing me but you can see from her back that her cry was getting harder by minute.


I decided to gently rub her back with my hands. “Shh.. Stop Crying now..” .


"How I wish your father was somebody else, So It will be easy for me to Hug you right now and just make you stop crying" Seunghyun thought while he continued rubing bom's back.

_ _


After of almost 20 minutes of Bom crying and Seunghyun rubbing his hands on her back in order for her to calm down.  Both Fell asleep, Bom with dried tears while Seunghyun now laying in bom's side with his hands  now placed at Bom’s waist.





_ _

(Hi guys. Sorry for the late update. Thank you so much for the comments and to those who wished me well. Here's an update for y'all. I was listening to Se7en's new Album while writing this chappie, So sorry if it gave you the sad mood or something you know how he's new songs are sad yet beautiful. Anyway, Hello & Thank you for the new subcribers ^^.  Leave me some comments, keep em comin. Laters. Take care y'all )

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Chapter 25: tabi left ? what will happen ? this a good story ! cant wait for the update :> looking forward to it ! TOPBOM FIGHTING !
Chapter 25: Where'd he go????!!! Sniff* I'm not sure if Top still holds a grudge on her are they gonna be together....I hope they'll end up together~
Kay37541 #3

Top left?!!! :O
Chapter 25: YAAAAYYY! You updated!! I was so surprised when i saw that you had updated!!
TABI! Don't leave Bommie like that! You love her, right? So if you do, then you should go back to her!!
Kay37541 #5
Chapter 24: OMG AN UPDATE!!! ^_^

Eeeeep! Tabi got shot?! :O
sooyoung_05 #6
Chapter 24: LMAO @lovealice unnie's comment. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Daebak!!

Yay you updated! Omo why did someone shot Tabi!!!? Poor boy and bommie. TTT___TTT I'm curious on what will happen next. Thanks for the update author-nim!! Please update when you're free ^^
Chapter 24: Thankyou~ for update new chapter, i'm waiting the update like..forever. Tabi got shot? But he's not gonna die, rite? I want to see topbom happy~ i wonder how bom will react.. Update soon authornim~ ps: don't be so bussy reading other fics, update this first ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ i'm kiding~ just update when you can update, i'll wait again..