The Beginning

Love underneath


Tall ,young man in black suit , taking his sip of coffee in an exclusive club,While legs are crossed. He takes a glance on the busy people in front of him, and in just like a cue he got up went to bathroom. As  soon as he get’s in the bathroom, he locked the  door. Leaving him with an old man inside.

“What are you doing?!” the old man asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

The young man didn’t answer instead threw a fierce stare, he kept his gaze while putting on his black leather gloves. After that he took out his gun. Which gave a terrified look on the old man’s face.

“What is the meaning of this?!” The old man yelled at him.


“Don’t waste your last words by asking sir” simply stated the young man while putting the silencer on his gun.


“Don’t kill me, please! Who ever paid you, I will double it.” The old man pleaded.


“I don’t need your money, you have done enough sir” the young man aiming the gun on the old man’s face.


“Please, I have a family.” The old man pleaded again.


“You should have thought of the families of the many men you have killed sir before coming up with that plead” The young man said with a smirk.


“ I promise you that your family will be taking care of.”      




And just like that, the old man laid dead on the bath room.

The young man put back his gun where it was place before.  Went out of the bath room and exited at the back.


After an hour ..


A Tv was on a near by building.


The reporter was stating “Just a few hours ago, It was confirmed that Secretary Kim Yunsoo was found dead on a bathroom on a exclusice polo club where he is known of going.  Authorities confirmed Secretary Kim Yunsoo was killed by one shot in the head. There are no witnesses for even the security cameras we’re found to be destroyed even before the incident happen. Kim Yunsoo, is the Head of defense and is allegedly accused of being the mastermind of murder’s of prisoners last month. No evidence has been submitted regarding these allegations but the authorities believed this could be the reason of his death.


“Seunghyun was pretty fast today eh?” An old man with a beard said.


“You know him Sir, He get’s the job fast and easy” Another man answered.


“I’m pretty sure he will like his next assignment” The old man said.


“Well, It’s about time.  He has been waiting for it.” The other man replied.

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Chapter 25: tabi left ? what will happen ? this a good story ! cant wait for the update :> looking forward to it ! TOPBOM FIGHTING !
Chapter 25: Where'd he go????!!! Sniff* I'm not sure if Top still holds a grudge on her are they gonna be together....I hope they'll end up together~
Kay37541 #3

Top left?!!! :O
Chapter 25: YAAAAYYY! You updated!! I was so surprised when i saw that you had updated!!
TABI! Don't leave Bommie like that! You love her, right? So if you do, then you should go back to her!!
Kay37541 #5
Chapter 24: OMG AN UPDATE!!! ^_^

Eeeeep! Tabi got shot?! :O
sooyoung_05 #6
Chapter 24: LMAO @lovealice unnie's comment. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Daebak!!

Yay you updated! Omo why did someone shot Tabi!!!? Poor boy and bommie. TTT___TTT I'm curious on what will happen next. Thanks for the update author-nim!! Please update when you're free ^^
Chapter 24: Thankyou~ for update new chapter, i'm waiting the update like..forever. Tabi got shot? But he's not gonna die, rite? I want to see topbom happy~ i wonder how bom will react.. Update soon authornim~ ps: don't be so bussy reading other fics, update this first ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ i'm kiding~ just update when you can update, i'll wait again..