
Love underneath


(BOM's POV / Whole chapter will be her POV)


I woke up the next day having a headache, How could I not have a headache I think I slept so late, I was wide awake the whole time thinking about that .. kiss..


He kissed me twice already and the last kiss we have shared..  well..  was not just a peck in the lips.


I responded to the kiss.


Park Bom!


If he’s doing this to shut me up that means he’s just doing it so I can stop nagging. Nothing else.


The kiss don’t mean a thing to him. Yes. That’s right.


But .. Does it mean something for me?


My heart literally beat the crap out of it the moment our lips met, Like the feeling of time freezing. Like butterflies was attacking all over me.  And that is how it was even with the first kiss we shared.


His lips ws just..  I can’t even think of word. And the kiss.?




What the hell is wrong with me? I have kissed other men too. Not that I have kissed A LOT of men. But I had share of my kisses.


My first boyfriend..


Jaejoong..  I was young and innocent.. No erase that.. I was young and stupid..


He stole my first kiss, I was so mad when he did. I mean I wanted it to be perfect like , being memorable and special but all he did was smooch his lips all over.


Ew. Yuck.


Before all the Tabi kisses, I had kisses with Siwon.. Siwon was fine.  I mean .. It was okay..  He kiss me like he had kiss a lot of girls before. So yeah..


“Are you okay Bom? Your making a face?” Tabi suddenly asked.


I think I was making an ugly face making him ask.


“Oh Tabi, I was just thinking the past kisses in my life because apparently your kiss stands out the most and it scares the crap out of me.” My head sarcastically thought.


“Bom?” Tabi said..


“Oh, yea? I’m fine. Was just thinking of something” I finally answered.


He nodded and continued making breakfast, He was frying some eggs. He was wearing black short and white t-shirt.


Looking at him made me realize how he really looks good and how he have been treating me past few weeks we’ve been together.


I mean things got complicated I’m no hostage anymore, it even looks like he’s my bodyguard. But is this how he really is to every girl?


He get’s protective like MOST of the time, He gets annoyed at me wearing shorts, the last time who got pissed at me for wearing  mini shorts was my father. He takes care of me, I even think I asked him too much but yet he still gives me all of this, making sure I’m all comfortable.


I don’t like to assume but .. does he like me?


“BOM!” He kind of yelled.


“uh yeah?” I answered in surprised.


“What  are you thinking that it makes you zone out like that? Sit down now, let’s eat.” He said.


I nodded and sat at the table.


He placed a plate for me, Then placed the Egg omelet he made then added a bread.


Does he makes breakfast to all girls he's with?


“Coffee?” he asked.


“Oh no tabi, thanks” I replied.


I started to eat, If I continue to act like this for the whole day this will not do me any good.


“Tabi.. Can you drive me to some church near here?” I asked.


“Church? Uhm.. Okay” He replied and smiled.


Oh for God’s sake, don’t smile like that.


After breakfast , We drove to a nearby church.


“Tabi.. Can I go alone?” I asked before getting out of the car.


He looked at me as if thinking if he’d let me go alone..


“Please, I will be fine I will scream if something will happen.. I need sometime alone.” I said.


“okay, I’ll be right here then.” He agreed.


Luckily, when I got in the church no one was there. I decided to seat the front chairs.


“Omma.. *sigh* I think all the things you have told me a long time ago is happening.”



13 year old Park Bom in church with her omma.


Bom: Omma.. When do you know when you’re in love? 

Omma: omo, my little princess in love already?  she smiled.

B: NO!!! I’m just curious. That will happen to me right? In the future right?

O: *small laugh* Of course Bommie, It happened to me. I’m sure it will happen to you.

B: So how will I know?

O: hmm.. I’ll try explaining.. hmm

*Bom nodded*

O: If you fall in love, you get this giddy feeling. Like someone is tickling all over you when you see that person. And even feel like you have butterflies all over your tummy when that person does things for you.

B: Butterflies? Is that even possible?

O: *laugh* you will understand when it happens to you. Uhmm. You’ll think that person has the best smile in the world to the point that it will annoy you because you can’t take it.

B: Even better than your smile omma?

O: If that’s the right person, Yes.  *smiles*

B: *nodded* and what else omma?

O: My little princess is sure curious, hmm..  if you fall in love you will see the best in that person no matter how imperfect he is bommie.

B: Is that why Appa is the best for you Omma?

O: *nodded* yes bommie. He may seem a little arrogant and have temper issues but he is the same man I have fallen in love with 10 years ago.

B: How do I know if the person I might be falling in love with is the right one omma?

O: *smiles* we will never know who is right for us Bommie, but if someone comes. You will feel it and then you will know. Just always remember Love is unconditional but not perfect.  I wish that someday, you will be with someone. Who loves you unconditionally knowing of how imperfect you can get. *smiles*

B: I don’t understand so much omma but I’ll take note of everything.

O: Oh don’t be in a hurry. Believe me you’ll know when the time comes.

Back to the present


“Omma.. you told me I’ll know, I think I know but I don’t know what to do! You see ,I am in a very complicated situation!”


“Omma.. Help me today okay?! I need to find out so I'll know if that thing you told me I'll know is happening.”


Just after few minutes I went out of the church and saw Tabi leaning outside the car looking around.


Aish, this guy won’t relax.


“Tabi, Let’s go?” I said the moment I got near the car.


He nodded and got in.


“Bom, Do you mind going to the beach?” He asked while driving.


“Beach? Uh.. sure.”


He smiled “ Don’t worry , we will not take long.” He added.


 At the beach


I sat right down immediately while Tabi was walking around. You can see him walking just right the sea side.

Then he ran towards me


“You wanna dive in?” He asked while smiling.


“What?? No!” I replied. Being wet today was not in my plan.


“C’mon! We will go home after this anyway.” He said then he pouted.


Is he actually trying to act cute? NO. That will not work for me. No!


Then he suddenly took off his shirt.


For the love of God, I have never seen.. well.. I  actually did already.. but he’s upper half just look so good. He’s not the muscular kind of type that it looks scary already , but the lean muscular kind of type.  And I must add with y 6 pack.


Oh my god.


Look away Bommie!


But even before I could look away, He came forward and carried me bridal style!


“TABI!!  Put me down now!” I commanded.


Instead he ran towards the beach


“TABI!! Put me down!” 


Then he did put me down making me splash at the water.


“You Creep!”I said the moment I got up.


“What? You told me to put you down.” He answered grinning.


“Ugh. !” then splashing some water in his face.


To make it all short, we we’re like kids playing around the beach. Running around and having “water fights” and was just laughing like Idiots.


When I got tired, I got back to the sea side and lay down immediately. Tabi followed and lied down right next to me.


“If you will have super powers Bom, what would it be and why? He suddenly asked.


“Hmm..  I want to be able to control people’s mind.” I laughed as I answered.


“Why?” He asked again.


“So that people won’t assume of who I am as a person. I can stop them from judging me. So that they would not think I have the perfect life, so that they would stop treating me as some useless princess” I answered smiling.


“Well, I don’t think your useless..” He said'


“A princess? .. Maybe” He added and laughed.


“YAH!! What about you tabi? What would be your answer?” I asked him back


“hmm..It would be great If I could time travel.” He said while he was looking at the sky.


“Why?” I asked.


“So I could change things that I regret and things I couldn’t do well.. I want to be able to fix my past.. I want to travel to the future and see my future wife” he answered.


“Then I’ll come back to the present and try to find my wife to be. I want to have control of my life.” He added still looking at the sky.


I turned around to look at him “Tabi.. can I ask you something?”


He turned around as well, so now we we’re looking at each other with just few inches away while lying down.


“What is it?” He said.




“Do you like me?” I asked.


He’s eyes widened


“Mworago?” He asked.


I got up and now in seating position..


“I am asking you If you Like me??” I repeated.


He slowly got up and stared right at me.


_ _





(Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. Thank yo so much for the wonderful comments! Dont worry about "nagging" me. lol. Your comments gives me idea of what to write about for the next chapter. I hope you like this one :p , Later will be my first day of work. Wish me well. I will update as soon as I get home :) Give me some love, keep the comments commin. Laters. Take care y'all )

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Chapter 25: tabi left ? what will happen ? this a good story ! cant wait for the update :> looking forward to it ! TOPBOM FIGHTING !
Chapter 25: Where'd he go????!!! Sniff* I'm not sure if Top still holds a grudge on her are they gonna be together....I hope they'll end up together~
Kay37541 #3

Top left?!!! :O
Chapter 25: YAAAAYYY! You updated!! I was so surprised when i saw that you had updated!!
TABI! Don't leave Bommie like that! You love her, right? So if you do, then you should go back to her!!
Kay37541 #5
Chapter 24: OMG AN UPDATE!!! ^_^

Eeeeep! Tabi got shot?! :O
sooyoung_05 #6
Chapter 24: LMAO @lovealice unnie's comment. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Daebak!!

Yay you updated! Omo why did someone shot Tabi!!!? Poor boy and bommie. TTT___TTT I'm curious on what will happen next. Thanks for the update author-nim!! Please update when you're free ^^
Chapter 24: Thankyou~ for update new chapter, i'm waiting the update like..forever. Tabi got shot? But he's not gonna die, rite? I want to see topbom happy~ i wonder how bom will react.. Update soon authornim~ ps: don't be so bussy reading other fics, update this first ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ i'm kiding~ just update when you can update, i'll wait again..