Today was indeed fun :)

Love underneath


As decided today will be fun. .. Seunghyun and Bom decided to let their worries slip off for the moment. After all they think they both need to have this day.


They continued walking around the neighborhood, Bom’s still linking her arms on Seunghyun. From afar they look like a happy couple strolling around the city.


With every corner they passed by unto, there would be food stalls and Bom hasn’t missed any of them Ddeokbokki, Hotteok, Topogi name it. Bom tried them all.


Seunghyun was smiling and laughing in the inside of how much Bom can take just from eating.


“Full yet?” Seunghyun asked


“NO!” Bom answered with her eyes smiling in glee.


“Cmon let’s walk more.” Bom said dragging Seunghyun.


At the end alley they saw a carnival, Bom was cheered in full joy when she saw it.


“Tabiiiii!! Can we go? Let’s go? Pleaaaseee” Bom doing her Aegyo on Seunghyun.


Seunghyun being too amused of the girl doing her Aegyo in front of him didn’t answer instead gave a chuckle.


“C’mon, Don’t laugh at me! Please can we go?!” Bom insisted and continued.


“I am going to be broke if you will be always like this. I still have to get you home you know” Seunghyun said with a serious tone.


Bom pouted in return probably about to give up on asking Seunghyun.


When Seunghyun saw her pouting.. “Aigoo” Seunghyun thought.


“Fine, Fine” Seunghyun suddenly said, making the pout instantly disappeared and was replaced by Bom’s Big smile.


Bom dragged Seunghyun again to the entrance, as Seunghyun paid for them to get in.


“Don’t tell me you haven’t been in carnivals Bom?” Seunghyun asked.


“Oh, I’ve been but not with friends. The last time I went was with my Omma” Bom answered and smiled.


Just like the food stalls earlier, Bom didn’t miss all the game booths inside Can Knockdown, Dart throw, Mini Golf, when the time came to play those air guns to get the Teddy Bear as the price. Bom grabbed Seunghyun and pushed him in the front.


“Cmon, Play some. I 'KNOW' you are good at this. Win me some bears, pleaaaseeeeeee” Bom pleaded.


“Bom, Play it yourself.  I don’t want to” Seunghyun said.


“Oh c’mon! Don’t be lame, Just do it!” Bom insisted.


The guy that was beside Bom suddenly  said “Looks like your boyfriend can’t make a shot miss, you want me to do it for you?” Smiling like a to Bom.


Seunghyun turned around , face the guy. The guy smirked at him. Seunghyun Grabbed the air gun, Stared directly at the guy’s eyes while his Left hand was in place to shoot.


Seunghyun continued to stare at the man without looking at the target. *bang* *bang* *bang* he took the shot.




Bom catching the bears as the prize for Seunghyun shot all three bulls eye.


Seunghyun smirked at the guy in front of him.


“uhm.. oh.. Nice shot there buddy!” The guy said smiling nervously. “You guys have fun, Gotta go now” He continued and walk away immediately.


“Such a show off tabi” Bom said smiling


“What did I do?” Seunghyun said innocently


“Yeah right, Act like you don’t know” Bom said laughing.. “Thank you for the bears!” she added.


“What to do now? Oh.. That that” Bom said pointing at something.


Seunghyun followed where Bom was pointing.


“Noraebang?Oh no way" Seunghyun said but even before he could agree Bom yet again dragged Seunghyun inside.


“Okay, Let’s do this.” Bom said.


Bom sang few fast upbeat songs at first, It was random like most from Beyonce. Seunghyun was just seating and listening to her. Then she finally found a song which she really likes.


“Ooh. I love this song!” Bom exclaimed.


Seunghyun was staring at Bom all the time she was singing.


“You totally lost the game. You know you like her Seunghyun” He thought.


Just as the song ended, Seungyun came back to his senses and clapped.


“You are really good.” Seunghyun said


“Why Thank you Mr.Choi” Bom replied.


“Now it’s your turn” Bom said.


“NO, Not gonna happen Bom” Seunghyun immediately answered.


“Oh cmon Tabi, Pleaaasee. I did all the singing. Just one song? Cmonn!!!” Bom pleaded.


“Nah. No. No.No” Seunghyun said


“Tabiiiii. Pleaseeeee” Bom pleaded again now with her Aegyo. “Tabiiiiii” she continued.


She went sat next to Seunghyun, shaking his arms.


“Please. Just one song, I won’t judge you or anything. I promise.. Then after that we could go!” Bom said.


Seunghyun stared at her for a minute..


“Fine. Just one. That’s it!” Seunghyun said.


“YES!” Bom exclaimed clapping.


Seunghyun’s song started to play.


Just as seunghyun started to sing, Bom was left at awe..


Just as what Seunghyun was doing earlier, She was staring at him all the time he was singing.  She can see the pain on his eyes while singing the song.


When Seunghyun finished the song. He turned to Bom but to his surprised Bom had tears in her eyes.


“Hey, What’s wrong? Am I that bad??” Seunghyun hurriedly seating at Bom’s side.


“Pabo!” Bom answered softly.


“Seriously, What’s wrong?” Seunghyun asked Bom


And too much to his surprised Bom suddenly hugged Seunghyun.


The hugged just lasted for a minute or less, then Bom moved away and ran to the exit.


“Hey! Wait up!” Seunghyun yelled.


When Seunghyun catched up on her “Yah! What you running for? And what was that for? "He asked.


“The hug? I just guessed you needed one. Let’s go home?” Bom answered now with a small smile in her face.


Seunghyun and Bom went home still by walking.


At the corner where they have to turn, they found themselves coming across three guys who looked drunk. The moment they pass through Seunghyun and Bom they stopped.


“Hey!” Guy 1 yelled at them


“Can we have your Girl?” He said.


“Just continue walking” Seunghyun mumbled.


When they did.  Suddenly Guy 1 ran towards them then tried to strangle Seunghyun from the back.


“Tabii!” Bom yelled.


“Stay at the side!” Seunghyun said.


He now was able to change the situation, Guy 2 then punched him from the side but still was able to hold his position , and still in his arms was Guy 1.

Guy 3 rushed in only to be kicked by Seunghyun on his groin, he yelled in pain. Guy 2 then came forward again punching another one.


“Punch back tabi!” Bom yelled from the side.


He then kicked guy 2’s groin making him kneel in Pain. He let go of Guy 1.


“Run your of before I you regret about it” Seunghyun said to the Three guys infront of him, while looking dead serious.


The three guys run off immediately.


Bom ran to Seunghyun as well.


“Yah!! Tabi! What did you do?Why we’re you not punching back? You let that other guy punch you twice!! Twice! That creep, what if he did something more? Huh? Why did you Le….”


Seunghun kissed Bom, But unlike their first kiss, it was not just a peck in the lips. Seunghyun pressed his lips softly on Bom’s. Though both brains were rejecting the idea of the situation both responded to the kiss.


Seunghyun then stopped and stared at Bom “Sorry. You we’re about to Nag again” He smiled. “And remember today will be fun that’s why I decided not to break their faces.”


Bom was just staring back when she realized she was zoning out she suddenly started speaking “ well.. yeah.. But  you should have at least…”

Seunghyun moves his face towards Bom as if to kiss her again,making her bit her lip to stop talking.


Seunghyun moved away and smiled.  


Seunghyun was about to start walking when Bom was again just standing there, he moved back. Grab Bom’s hand “C’mon, It’s my turn to drag you. You have been dragging me whole day”


Bom wasn’t able to protest and instead made him drag her while he was holding her hands.


When they arrived at the hostel, Both cleaned up and got ready to sleep with silence surrounding them.


When Both were at place to sleep, Bom at the Bed. Seunghyun at the Sofa,, lights turned off except the lamp between them.


“Bom.. I hate to admit it.. but today was fun.. I haven’t done this  for so long. Thank you” Seunghyun said while staring at the ceiling.


“I had fun too tabi.. Thank you as well” Bom replied softly.


“Good Night Bom” Seunghyun added.


“Good Night Tabi” Bom replied.


Both assumed of going to get a rest, not knowing both has the same thing lingering in their minds.


The kiss they just both shared.


_ _


(Hello guys!! Thank you so much for the comments! Keep em comin!! Hope you like this update! Laters. Take care y'all ^^. )

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Chapter 25: tabi left ? what will happen ? this a good story ! cant wait for the update :> looking forward to it ! TOPBOM FIGHTING !
Chapter 25: Where'd he go????!!! Sniff* I'm not sure if Top still holds a grudge on her are they gonna be together....I hope they'll end up together~
Kay37541 #3

Top left?!!! :O
Chapter 25: YAAAAYYY! You updated!! I was so surprised when i saw that you had updated!!
TABI! Don't leave Bommie like that! You love her, right? So if you do, then you should go back to her!!
Kay37541 #5
Chapter 24: OMG AN UPDATE!!! ^_^

Eeeeep! Tabi got shot?! :O
sooyoung_05 #6
Chapter 24: LMAO @lovealice unnie's comment. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Daebak!!

Yay you updated! Omo why did someone shot Tabi!!!? Poor boy and bommie. TTT___TTT I'm curious on what will happen next. Thanks for the update author-nim!! Please update when you're free ^^
Chapter 24: Thankyou~ for update new chapter, i'm waiting the update like..forever. Tabi got shot? But he's not gonna die, rite? I want to see topbom happy~ i wonder how bom will react.. Update soon authornim~ ps: don't be so bussy reading other fics, update this first ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ i'm kiding~ just update when you can update, i'll wait again..