Day 8 ( The Visit)

Love underneath


( Hey guys sorry for the late update, I had to travel and do some stuff. Maybe I'll do some double update for today ^^. Yey, MBLAQ finally won, But I want them to win more. I just have to share that for me to be able to add chapter into this story I have to listen to It's war and Scribble to get me in mood to write. Lol. Anyway, Please look forward. Thanks for the comments. leave me some after this. Take care y'all.)


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“Ohho, What do we have here? Are we having a lover’s quarrel eh?”


Kush suddenly as he walks in.


“Hyung” Seunghyun said.


“Hey man, So I decided to visit. What do we have here?” Kush said smiling.


He looked at Bom, Smiled and then grinned at Seunghyun.


“We’re you guys fighting when I came in?” Kush asked Seunghyun.


“Ah, No hyung. So what brought you here? Any news?” Seunghyun asked.


Bom was just staring at the two guys in front of him.


“Oh, No news. I just decided to catch up. Say  Mind if I have time with Park Bom here eh?” Kush smiled.


Bom eyes widened and looked at Seunghyun. A hint of fear in her eyes after what almost happened a few days ago.


Seunghyun looked back and hesitated.


“Uhm.. what for Hyung?” seunghyun asked.


“Just want to know what’s so special about her that she need to be kidnap eh?” Kush said still smiling.


Seunghyun looked at Kush trying to figure what he was thinking.


“C’mon.. This wouldn’t take long. You are on over protective kidnapper” Kush said with a laugh.


“I’ll just be outside then” Seunghyun said firmly while taking a glance of Bom.




After Tabi left, The man came forward and grab a seat. This man was seriously smiling so much. I can’t  imagine him being a kidnapper  or a criminal even. He was smiling so much you could tell he was a happy person, Happy doing crimes eh? Omo.


“So Park Bom.. Indeed you are really pretty.. Seunghyun was right” He said.


“Seunghyun???” I asked.


“Oh.. oops. I guess I shoudn’t have said.” The man replied slapping himself.


“Who’s Seunghyun?” I asked again.


“The man who just kidnapped you” he said smiling.


“Oh.. Tabii” I mumbled.


“No need  to get scared of me. I just want to check up on you. You seem to be not just an ordinary girl for Seunghyun” he said  laughing.


“What do you mean?” I asked for I was getting confused.


“Oh I mean a lot of things Park Bom. You make him worry a lot eh?” He answered grinning.

- -

(Meanwhile outside of the room)


Seunghyun was walking back and forth. He was anxious,  He was already pissed off to start with. So the surprise visit was also not a help to him. He hasn't got any proper sleep lately, He had been feeling sick and been having headaches. He has been thinking too much.


After of almost 20 minutes.


“What the hell is he doing in there? Tsk Tsk” Seunghyun mumbled.


“NOO! I don’t wanna touch it!!” he heard Bom loudly.


The moment he heard Bom, he was ready to kick up the door But he remembered that Kush is he’s senior. There is always this rule at the organization that Senior are always to be respected and followed.


He breathed heavily.


“Nooo. I don’t wanna touch it” she heard Bom again,




He couldn’t take it anymore so he finally decided to get in.


“HYUNG! What’s going on?” Seunghyun said when he get in.


Kush was facing Seunghyun’s back covering Bom so he can’t see what’s going on.


Kush turned with an amused faced. “Oh, did I get you worried?” he said smiling.


When he finally turned to face Seunghyun “I was just showing Bom my little guy here”.


He showed his favorite pet his snake children python. It was a small snake that was twirled around his hands.


“Oh” was the only word Seunghyun managed to say.


“Well, I think I have to go, we have  a very strict kidnapper here eh Park Bom? I hope to meet you again in different time and situation.” Kush said then gave bom a wink and a wide smile.


Seunghyun walked Kush to his car that was parked outside. Seunghyun leaned to the car’s door and lighted a cigarette.


“You like her don’t you?” Kush said.


Seunghyun puffed and just look at him.


Kush smiled and said “She makes you nervous, You worry about her, She pisses you off, You like her Seunghyun.”


Seunghyun just sighed in answer.


“An assassin falling in love is always dangerous. But I’d rather see you being like this than continuing to be the person you think you are.” Kush seriously said while playing with his snake in his hands.


“I hate his father Hyung” Seunghyun simply stated.


“I didn’t tell you to fall in love with her father.” Kush replied chuckling.

“There are things worth sacrificing in life Seunghyun,  As your hyung, I want to see you out of this business. Live a life, Get a girl, Have a family. You’re better off with this those stuff than guns and killings you know” Kush said.

"If only I have known this stuff earlier, I wouldn't be where I am today. I would have made different choices, But it's too late for me now. But not for you dongsaeng." he added.


Kush then opened his car door and went in, rolled he’s windows down.


“Think about it boy.. and I think she likes you too” Kush smiled.


“What??“ Seunghyun asked surprisingly.


But even before Seunghyun can get answer, Kush drove off with a wide grin in his face.


"Aish, Hyung you jerk!" Seunghyun said while looking at his hyung's car driving off.


He turned around to face the door , There inside the girl he held captive and have been bothering his mind for days now.


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( oooh. I think later will be fun. Gun shots and stuff cheeky)

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Chapter 25: tabi left ? what will happen ? this a good story ! cant wait for the update :> looking forward to it ! TOPBOM FIGHTING !
Chapter 25: Where'd he go????!!! Sniff* I'm not sure if Top still holds a grudge on her are they gonna be together....I hope they'll end up together~
Kay37541 #3

Top left?!!! :O
Chapter 25: YAAAAYYY! You updated!! I was so surprised when i saw that you had updated!!
TABI! Don't leave Bommie like that! You love her, right? So if you do, then you should go back to her!!
Kay37541 #5
Chapter 24: OMG AN UPDATE!!! ^_^

Eeeeep! Tabi got shot?! :O
sooyoung_05 #6
Chapter 24: LMAO @lovealice unnie's comment. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Daebak!!

Yay you updated! Omo why did someone shot Tabi!!!? Poor boy and bommie. TTT___TTT I'm curious on what will happen next. Thanks for the update author-nim!! Please update when you're free ^^
Chapter 24: Thankyou~ for update new chapter, i'm waiting the update like..forever. Tabi got shot? But he's not gonna die, rite? I want to see topbom happy~ i wonder how bom will react.. Update soon authornim~ ps: don't be so bussy reading other fics, update this first ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ i'm kiding~ just update when you can update, i'll wait again..