Make or break?

Paranormal Boy

Chapter 12

Over the past few days, Jinhye began to feel a bit lonely. Jongin and Junmyeon were constantly working while she would just sit there listening in or doing things to rid of her boredom. She even tried to do dancing again, hoping to gain the attention from Jongin, but he never showed any interest. She understood that the boys were working but she didn’t understand how they could be so focused and unaware of their surroundings. Jongin please, look at me.

She missed hanging out with Jongin, the way they would talk and joke around, everything was so chill and mellow. Don’t get her wrong, she was happy that they were creating away for Jongin to be real again but she never thought that it would sacrifice so much of their time together. She then began to think what would happen after this ordeal. What would Jongin do? How would he live? He’s basically been stuck in a time capsule all these years. He doesn’t have money, he doesn’t have credibility as a scientist anymore- to the world he was supposed to be dead, he’s going to have to start a new life.

While Jinhye was too busy thinking; she didn’t notice that Jongin would occasionally look over to her to see if she was alright. He might not be a rocket scientist (although he could pretty much be one), he knew that she was bored and he felt bad for neglecting her like he had. He wanted to talk to her, he wanted to put that smile on her face but the only thing in his way was Junmyeon.

“Junmyeon, we’ve been at this for hours, go out and have a coffee or something” Jongin voiced out. Junmyeon looked at him sceptically but eventually nodded his head.

“Alright, I will be back in half an hour” he said as he grabbed his coat and turned around to walk towards the exit. Before leaving however he stopped at Jinhye.

“You want me to get you something from the café?” he asks affectionately.

“No it’s alright, I’m fine” she replied with a smile. Seeing her smile that way for Junmyeon made Jongin clench his fists. No matter how many times he witnesses her smiling for him, he always got angry.

“Alright, I’ll see you when I get back” he said and walked off, leaving Jongin and Jinhye in the library alone.

There was a silence at first, they both wanted to start a conversation but they didn’t know what to say.

“So…How’s it coming along? Are you close to finishing?” she asks.

“Yeah, it’s coming along great I hypothesise that we should be finished by the end of the week” he explained.

“Ah is that so… um…if this thing works, what will you do?”

“Well, I haven’t actually thought that far. I was kind of hoping I could stay with you for a while…if you don’t mind of course” he admitted. Jinhye was screaming inside; living with Jongin? It’s a dream come true.

“U-uh sure! Yeah of course you can stay!” she exclaimed a bit too excitedly. Her outburst made Jongin laugh and look at her adoringly. She’s so cute.

“Jinhye…when all of this is over, I have something to tell you” Jongin wanted to tell her his feelings right now but figured it would be best when he had a physical body. So in the meantime he just wanted to give her a little warning.

“Huh? Why not tell me now?” she asked.

“Because it’s something that could make or break us, so I would prefer to do it after”

“Okay, it must be something important; so as soon as your back to normal you gotta spill the beans okay?” she asked.

“Yeah it’s a deal” 























I'm trying to think of ways to make it more interesting aha
Tbh I'm still not over the whole Kaistal thing (love the couple, but its still a big blow) Also! kai is not as happy as he once was- Did yall see kai at that lotte world secret night- HE BARELY SMILED AND LOOKED LIKE HE WANTED TO CRY!
Uhhh but I hope Kai dosen't end up like baekhyun (remember baekhyuns loud personality completely vanished for a while because of his dating scandal)

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Ot12gheis #1
Chapter 7: Just a few chapters in and im hooked.
kaushila #2
Chapter 31: Different story with different concept....I love this....❤❤
syatiqah #3
Chapter 31: I'm glad i found this fanfics :)
Lilycake #4
Chapter 31: Awwww this soooo lovely
Chapter 31: I love this so much!!!!!!
I thought I’d see Jongin and jinhye’s child but it’s nice where you dropped off at. ^.^
I love all your other stories too!!!
jessjejc #6
Chapter 29: Curious of what will happen next!
Chapter 28: I'm just glad cause i'm checking on your story.. ^^
Chapter 26: pleaaaaaaaase update very sooooon im realy going crasy about this story :''''''(