Chapter 9

Kissing 101
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The Red Witch


We are creatures of habit, and while I've heard it takes 21-30 days to break a bad habit, I'd like to believe I cut it off instantly. It had been several months since I was last diagnosed with the Kim's disease. Yes, I'm referring to Kim Sora and Kim Taehyung. Two individuals, I've had the pleasure of avoiding and cleansing from my life.

Almost entering into winter break, I'd have to say that my senior year has been very…challenging. I tried brainwashing my mother to let me transfer schools but she wasn't having it. I gave her a lame excuse and she thought whatever the itty-bitty issue was couldn't compare to the hardballs in the real world. Therefore, I had to work this situation out and not run away from it. I was glad to take her advice, she was quite the strong example that I needed and forgot I had.

Jimin had finally come around and we managed to put Sora behind us and stay friends. That didn't mean the tensions weren't there when we'd cross her in the halls. And how could we miss her, shockingly, she had dyed her hair bright red. It suited her well, devil-woman. Sora had tried to call me once after that dreadful lunch, but after learning what I did from Taehyung, my sketchy prank, she began to ignore me as well. At first, it started with mean looks and then it turned into me not existing at all. I had no problem with that whatsoever. Although when chatting with Jimin, the mean glares would reappear.

I decided to join the Student Council and talked Jimin into doing it with me. As representatives of our grade, we participated in various school projects and events. Which not only kept me busy and submerged in a different crowd but my mother loved the idea. I'm not the studious type but I'd have to say that this motivated me to be a better student academically and gave me a new set of goals; where if I would have stayed alongside Sora that might have never happened.

I kept my job part-time at the ice cream shop, working only on the weekends during the morning shift. I can't tell you how thankful I was to have my own car with such a demanding schedule now. So I eventually picked up some pieces to my messy life and was on a colorful road to recovery. I can't deny that the last month of summer was horrid. I had turned into a hermit and didn't know what to do with myself. Yup, I had my hair back in that ponytail for a while.

Not to worry, it's down again along with my sparkly silver locks. It took a morning, or a whole week, of realization that I needed to break free from this cocoon of self-pity. Let the past be passed. Oh, in case you were also wondering, I had given the whole boy-crazy phase a rest for a while. That and a weird case of mono had spread leaving a dozen students sick for weeks; that was enough to traumatize me.


The Vice-President of the Student Council had assigned me to gather fun decoration ideas for our upcoming winter festival before the last day of class. I had checked out previous yearbooks and magazines at the library but they were so outdated that it left me stumped. I decided to go to the bookstore at the mall after school; no doubt they would have holiday racks set up with many creative ideas. Jimin agreed to meet me there in a little while, and that gave me plenty of time to get a quick latte.

I was scouting the bargain tables and had a few magazines in my hands when I bumped into someone who was equally distracted.

"Oh excuse me…hey, don't I know you?" she said. It took me a second, but I smiled when I recalled our last encounter.

"Yeah, I was the girl in the bathroom," I smiled foolishly.

"I knew you looked familiar . . . It's funny running into each other again. You know my cousin Jungkook right?"

"Yeah…we're friends. I haven't seen him since he left for Japan."

"Well, he's back now, since the beginning of November. I'm sorry, I'm Jaemi."

"I'm Elise. Nice to meet you." I chuckled nervously. I figured if she mentioned anything to Jungkook about meeting a certain Iseul, he'd bad mouth me or something.

"You know what, his birthday is coming up next weekend; he'll be turning 21 so it's a big deal. You should come! Let me give you my number."

Gosh, she was like the sweetest person I had ever met. It was the biggest contrast from Sora so much.

"I remember Jungkook saying that you'd come visit, are you here visiting again?" I asked curiously.

"Actually, I moved to my Uncle's, Jungkook's house, this summer. I'm going to the same college, where I'm boarding as well. So Jungkook and I will be coming back on the weekends."

I remember Jungkook telling me that. I also remembered how sweet it was on those occasions where he'd drive all the way down here just to give me those wonderful kissing lessons, to then drive almost an hour back. Oh, those sweet memories.

"So this is your first year?"

"Yup and I love it! It's a great campus. Maybe you'll get to see it sometimes since we are having the party over there at The Queen Mary. It's going to be in one of their ballrooms, I'm so excited! The theme is old mobster movies, like Tracy. For some reason, my uncle talked him into it. Just so you know what to wear and don't feel out of place," she kindly added.

"Hey, there you are. You weren't answering your phone," Jimin interrupted.

And with his unexpected arrival, I saw an immediate spark in Jaemi's eyes; one that I was all too familiar with.

"Jaemi, this is my good friend Jimin," I introduced gladly. This was one and only one girl, that I didn't mind Jimin taking an interest in. We were just friends and nothing more.

Jimin shook her hand and put on that boyish smile of his; quite the charmer he was. And then I had a brilliant idea.

"Do you mind if I invite Jimin to the party?" I imposed but thought it more good than harmful.

Jimin was clearly lost but I would update him later on the facts. And then I just remembered that Jaemi had no clue what age we were or that we were in high school. Which to Jimin's advantage, I'd keep on the down low for a while longer; at least, till they talked a little more.

"It was nice to meet you, Jaemi. I have to excuse myself for a minute. Where are the restrooms here?" he said bashfully.

After she pointed in the opposite direction, watching him leave, it was obvious that she had taken an interest in him. Which was only confirmed when she cleverly said:

"Be sure to tell your date to wear the correct attire for the party."

"Oh, he's not my date. We're just friends going as friends. Besides I would feel better driving out there with someone instead of by myself," I explained.

"Oh good," she was ever so relieved to hear that good news.

Wouldn't want her confusing us as a couple…a mistake I had already made once. So she was what, 1 years older than us? That's not bad and I'm sure she wouldn't mind it once she'd find out. Jaemi had to leave, so we saved each other's phone numbers and said our goodbyes. Only Jimin was a little disappointed to find me alone.

"Oh, where did your friend go?" Nice try Jimin. I'm aware of these subtle plays.

"She said goodbye, she had to go. Oh, and by the way, whenever we hang out with her call me Elise."

"But no one calls you by your English name," he said puzzled.

"I know and that is why. I think it's time I tell you a little story," I motioned to the café right behind us there in the bookstore.

I told Ji

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some