Chapter 10

Kissing 101
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Not Alone


I was relaxed, listening to the soothing instrumental music that echoed in this solitary room. I glanced at posters of perfectly white smiles and grew a tad enthusiastic that I too would have one of these. Having my braces taken out a couple months earlier was the best news I could have received for such a gloomy beginning to my winter. Normally my favorite season, this would be the coldest winter ever; and I don't mean as in temperature.

After an hour of picking and pulling, fist clenching and holding, spraying and filling; I was done. It was the weirdest and coolest sensation ever to pass my tongue on a smooth surface. My teeth were free, and now it was time for me to be too. Mom anticipated my exit into the waiting room with her camera at hand for our first picture without my metallic teeth. She seemed eager for more quality time together. I think she was just trying to do her best to fix my broken heart.

I heard the best remedy for sadness was to either go shopping or get a makeover. And while I was in the mood for neither I agreed to the makeover…as long as it wasn't drastic. I told my mother about ¼ of my love story; I saw the boy I thought I loved dating another girl that I despised. That was enough to give her the heads up on how awful I had been feeling for the past week. It was my first heartbreak and as depressing as that word was, I felt it also necessary for growing up.

Now I sat in another chair in a room full of content strangers embracing change. Facing my image in the mirror; light eyes that no longer shimmered, beige skin without a healthy glow, comment. It was flat, without shine and body… kind of like me. The stylist began to toss it around, I assume envisioning its potential if any. My dull one length raven hair fell half way down my back, this was my look aside from the ponytail, but I was done with that as well.

"I think I'm going to go add some layers  to give you a lift. And making your hair a little bit wavy. I don't want to dye your hair. Your black hair is really stunning together with the silver streak of your hair. It's a waste if you color your hair. What do you think?" she looked thru the mirror studying my reaction.

With my first chance to show off my new smile, I consented. Meanwhile, this outward change needed some inward changing to match it. Remembering last week's disaster, I don't know how I woke up the next day with the strength to get out of bed. Like a Tin Man, I carried on heartless so that I could get on with my life; or at least, make it to work. There I faked a smile all morning through and was delighted to see two faces come visit me, but not to answer their questions.

Jimin and Jaemi kept staring at me as though I were about to commit suicide with an ice cream scooper. I stared back thinking where they've come from, what they've been through. Jimin recovered from a cheating witch and Jaemi . . . I didn't know her story yet. Now they seemed to have found each other, with my help, but something beautiful had come from such a horrible mess. And that's the kind of mentality I needed…hope.

Jimin remained clueless as to who Ara was. After I ran off, while they were still dancing, Sora and Jungkook made their own disappearing act as well. Although Jimin would be the first person I'd run to with the news, I decided to close the case. I was done with Sora and Jungkook; otherwise, I'd never be free from her evil clutches.

Sticking to my story, I explained that I felt sick to my stomach and I couldn't stand watching Jungkook with his date. I didn't want to ruin their, Jimin and Jaemi's night, so I left on my own. Their sympathetic smile at my selfless act was enough to actually consider the ice cream scooper suicide after all. But it was nice to know that I had friends that cared for me; I wasn't alone this time.

As far as the winter festival, I did my part and handed over the rest of the duties to Jimin. Jaemi, already on winter break, assisted him on the minor details. I had excused myself; I wanted to stay away from Sora as much as possible. I couldn't believe how someone I thought so close was now my greatest adversary.

"I have a great idea; let's spend Christmas week up at Big Bear," my mother interrupted me out of my thoughtful daze.

That did sound like a wonderful idea; anything to get out of here for a while. The hairdresser had finished blow drying my hair and spun me around to observe my transformation. I was wowed. I felt beautiful, it did help jump start my attitude; as vain as that sounds. But you girls can relate, right? 

"I love it! Where to next?" I asked my mother more enthusiastic than before.



"You're not alone, there is more to this I know…You can make it out…You will live to tell."

I sang to the lyrics coming from the car radio; words of strength and brighter days. After my mother filled up the gas tank we were well on our way to Big Bear. Over our two and a half hour drive, she did nothing but suggest plenty of ideas of things to do. I thought the snowboarding lessons sounded interesting.

We checked into our cozy little cabin and the first thing I did was raise the heat; I was freezing. The Christmas spirit filled our surroundings, from the lobby to our room, we inhaled the fresh pine scent and marveled at the colorful and festive decorations. Once unpacked, we made a tentative schedule for our week, making sure we did as much as this place had to offer.

Our first activity was a soothing massage and then a hearty dinner, sitting by the window facing the lake. Afterward, we sulked in the hot tub and called it a day. I had been texting Jimin and Jaemi a few times and invited them to come up, to which they agreed. It was going to be a long day tomorrow as I had my first snowboarding lesson and my mother was taking up skiing.


I was finishing my hot chocolate, geared up with my rental suit and waiting for my instructor.

"Hey, Iseul, right on time. Are you ready?" he asked.

I sprinted to my feet and followed him anxiously. We arrived at a somewhat secluded area, surrounded by a few kids and their parents. I didn't stick out at all, yeah right! There he had another guy waiting with our snowboards. I'll tell you what, though, instructors have plenty of patience to teach because my progress was going nowhere. Between tumbling forward and slipping backward on my each time I got up, I was sore and discouraged much sooner than I anticipated. Finally towards the end, I managed to glide for a grand total of 5 feet…victory!

My instructor was very helpful and did I forget to men

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some