Chapter 28

Kissing 101
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Hot Air


I spent the morning of my birthday changing the water from the flowers in Taehyung's room. Somehow I pictured this special day to be more exhilarating, but now was not the time for celebration. Everyone was still grieving over Jaebum's funeral that had taken place yesterday, and I was in no position to remind my friends that I was born this day 20 years ago.

I didn't blame anyone for forgetting, maybe next week would be a better time to celebrate it. Besides I had greater worries, poor Suran had slept in Taehyung's hospital room almost every night, on the chair by his bed. We both missed a couple days of school, and we didn't care about the consequences. Suran confessed that it was her fault that Taehyung was in the hospital and Jaebum was gone. No matter how we tried, we couldn't convince her otherwise.

Taehyung was doing better and now wore a neck brace. If all went well during the next analysis in a couple of hours, they could discharge him by tomorrow morning. Taehyung hardly knew Jaebum except for seeing him a few times, still he was heartbroken over his death. I learned that Taehyung's reason for driving out to search for Suran was out of worry for her drunkenness, he regretted leaving in the first place...Interesting how that turned out.

Sora and Yoongi showed up with the baby. Suran took Lilan so the siblings could talk, meanwhile, Yoongi and I were about to head to the cafeteria.

"Oh wait, Iseul. I think Taehyung wants to tell you something," Sora called out.

Taehyung could barely speak loud enough for any of us to hear. Walking to his bedside I leaned closer.

"Happy Birth-day," he whispered.

How he always remembered, even in this state was a mystery to me. I gently squeezed his hand as I articulated a thank you and walked outside.

"Are you okay, Iseul?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know…there's just been…so much has happened it's hard to digest," I replied as we slowly walked towards the elevator.

Even though Yoongi and I had a 'phase', he was the person I loved to vent with. He always gave me an honest answer, just like Jimin, except he was around more. Even at school it seemed impossible to talk to Jimin lately. I think he was nervous to leave for boot camp right after graduation and be so far from Jaemi. Yoongi remained as a brother figure to me and Suran. Sora was lucky to have him.

"So, off topic, how are things between you and Sora going?"

"Well, I've been helping her with Lilan as she's been studying for all these exams to get her diploma. I'm sure she's told you that she won't be walking with you on graduation day, but at least they cut her a break."

I agreed with Yoongi, although I wondered what she would do now.

"And how are things as far as your 'relationship'?"

"I know at first, I was drawn to her out of sympathy for her situation. But now as I've gotten to know her, my fondness for both her and Lilan have grown. I dare say she's the one I'd like to 'settle' with," he smiled.

"Now 'settle' as in there is no one else to peak your interest, so you're 'settling' for her'?" I asked worriedly.

"No Iseul, 'settle' as she's the ONE I see myself marrying in the near future," he shocked me.

Another one followed by Jimin' wedding; is everyone getting married? Was it the new fad? Regardless, I shared my friend's happiness as if it were my own. Especially when it came to this group, I felt each tear and laughter.

"Now tell me, how much ground did Jungkook shake with his visit here?" Yoongi turned the tables.

"Oh God, that was so unexpected. He was the last person I thought to ever see at the restaurant."

"So…how did you feel?"

"I can't even describe it. It was like a cluster of all these emotions. I had missed him and it was great to see him, but at the same time, I wanted to slap him and pour hot coffee on his lap."

"You would never do that."

"But I fantasized about it for a minute! You know that feeling you get when you pass by the old house that you grew up in…that's what it kind of felt like. The warmth and the good memories that lure you to come in and stay for a while, but then you remember that you now live somewhere else and it's hard to drive away."

"That's quite the analogy, sounds rough."

"I dreamt of the day I'd bump into him, or that he'd call me to tell me that he moved back. But I was so unprepared that day, and for the first time he was difficult to read. Before he left he gave me the impression that he was looking for another chance…"

"What did you do?"

"I told him how happy I was with Hoseok," I said taking a seat at one of the tables with a cup of tea.

"Speaking of Hoseok, you know how at first I didn't like him…well I was wrong. But you already knew that. He's good for you. How has he been handling all of this? Did you tell him about Jungkook?"

"I did but very little. Why bore his ear off with Ex-history? And you know how self-controlled he is, yet I swear his chest puffed up when Jungkook introduced himself at the funeral."

"I'll admit that was a gutsy yet mature move," Yoongi nodded while sipping his coffee.

"Sometimes, or usually, I feel like Hoseok hides his emotions so well that it makes it hard to know what he's thinking."

"You ever wonder if he does that to protect you or himself?" Yoongi brought an interesting point.

"That would make sense, but I don't want to have a relationship with a robot."

"Have you talked to him about it?"

"No, and I should. I will, next time I see him."

"Just don't bring up the robot comparison. Even I wouldn't take that lightly," he winked. "But let me ask you, are you happy? Do you think you made the right choice of Hoseok over Jungkook?"

Flashing before my eyes were the memories I had made with both men. And while I had more recent pictures of several romantic dates with Hoseok, I also had many that led to a gigantic moment in time with Jungkook. Which only meant that if my 'gigantic moment' with Hoseok happened soon, he would blow Jungkook's out of the water.

"Yes, I'm happy with Hoseok," I smiled as I felt all fuzzy just thinking about him.


I drove over to Suran's house the day after the dreadful reunion at the hospital. Hoseok, who had taken a week off, had just checked on her for the 10th time but she was still sleeping. He told me she had fallen into a traumatic depression and worried that this could destroy her and her chances of going to nursing school if she didn't get out of it soon. I gave him a huge hug; I needed it as I too felt emotionally drained.

I always felt revived and secure in Hoseok's arms. I knew I owed it to him… I owed him the truth.

"So you know that guy at the hospital that came with Jimin and Jaemi…that was Jungkook."

Hoseok cleared his throat, "Was he the same guy at the restaurant earlier?"

"Yes, he came to visit me."

"What did he want?" His voice was serious.

"Just to see how I was doing I guess."

"How did you feel?" Hoseok slowly pulled back to read my reaction to his question. "How did you feel seeing him again?"

"I was shocked. I didn't know he was back."

"Would that have changed anything? Would you perhaps have gone to see him?" I could tell where this was going.

"No," I responded, although it didn't sound convincing.

"No? If given the opportunity…I mean I know that he was your first and I can never take that place but… should I be worried for any reason at all?"

"No of course not!"

"So you can honestly say that you feel stronger feelings for me than you do for him? Have you truly gotten over him, because I know that's what hindered our relationship in the beginning?"

"I love YOU Hoseok, not him. I love YOU and want to be with YOU," I said staring into his eyes hoping he would believe me. Yet he seemed to have a hard time wrapping his head around my words.


Crazy to think almost a week had gone by and I hadn't even begun packing. I drove back home and all I wanted was to soak in a warm bath for an hour; it was the least I could do for myself on my birthday. It was almost 11 o'clock in the morning and yet I felt so tired. I dragged my feet through the house and up to my room and as I opened the door, I had to rub my eyes and wonder if I was in the right house.

My room had bouquets upon bouquets of gorgeous wildflowers in different colored vases everywhere; on my night stand, book shelf, dresser, and desk. When I looked above the dresser I caught sight of a banner that read "Happy Birthday!" The flowers by my nightstand had a card in it although I already knew who they were from.

"Thank you for trusting me and giving us a chance. I apologize for my attitude a couple days ago but know that you made me the happiest man alive when you said those 3 simple words. Happy Birthday my love! -Hoseok."

I smiled and insisted on observing and smelling each floral arrangement. All I wanted for my birthday was to be snuggled up close to Hoseok and forget about everything up to my mother's wedding. I had just received a text from yours truly telling me to get ready that he was going to pick me up in a couple of minutes. But I didn't want to go anywhere, still knowing Hoseok and how he never disappoints, I played along.

Wearing a white tank top with a leather jacket and boots, I kept my hair down as I felt a potential headache approaching. I felt super sensitive, probably because I was ovulating. I wouldn't be surprised if I cried on my own birthday…and not of happiness.

I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey you, come here!" I pulled Hoseok inside and locked my arms around his waist. "I love you so much," I said breathing onto his chest.

He was definitely my cozy new house, looking very cute in his beige shirt and dark green shorts. Hoseok walked me to his truck and said we were driving towards Yeongdeong. I wondered what we would do over there but I trusted him.

It didn't take long for him to notice my bummer mood and he took out a can from the back of my seat to hand to me.

"Redbull? Isn't this stuff like poison?" I smiled.

"No, despite what you've heard. I think it's the 'pick me up' you need. It's your BIRTHDAY! You should be excited not sulking!"

"I know, but you can understand why" I listened to him anyway and began sipping on the oddly flavored soda.

He shared it with me but he was already hyper, thank goodness! He cranked up the radio to his favorite pop/punk rock songs and was singing away while slightly head-banging to the side to get me to smile. He also made silly faces for my entertainment and soon I had cheered up alongside him. At a red light, he stole a quick kiss before changing shifts again.

His hair was soft and uncombed, but it went with his carefree personality today. Just then I was reminded what I wanted to talk to him about and knew I had to wait for an appropriate time. We pulled into an entrance that read Yeongdong Valley Wine Country on one of the signs.

"Are we going wine tasting?" I asked eagerly. I wasn't a fan of wine but the idea was stunning.

"No, what do you think I want to get you drunk on your Birthday?" he nodded.

He kept driving on this dirt road that brought us to a secluded yard. There I spotted another truck at a distance. He pulled out his phone and started driving slower.

"We're coming up. Start it now," he told the other person.

And as we got closer I noticed a huge basket and an enormous purple blanket, or so I thought. It began to inflate and I jumped up in my seat, feeling the effects of the Redbull finally.

"We're going in a hot air balloon ride?" I beamed.

Hoseok just smiled, pleased to see my enthusiasm. "Remember that pilot friend I told you about. He's also a certified balloon pilot."

Even the casket had a happy birthday banner. Hoseok introduced me to Huang, who was closer to my stepdad's age, and I just marveled at how cool this giant balloon looked as the fire shot up filling the last of its crevices.

"You guys ready?" Huang announced untying the ropes.

Hoseok gave me a lift and climbed in. Huang fired up the burner and soon we began to float off the ground. He continued to explain the simple mechanism of how the gas from the propane tanks flowed through the burner to produce the flames and fill the envelope, aka the balloon, with hot air as it was lighter than cool air and so on. It was absolutely one of the coolest things ever.

The hot air coming from the burner felt strange like I was standing a little too close to a heater. But mixed with some colder random winds, it wasn't so bad. Hoseok had his arm around the back of my waist as we both gazed out at the vast sky an

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some