Chapter 6

Kissing 101
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Last Friday Night


A distant slam of the door startled me, and before my eyes could fully recover from the bright impact of sudden daylight, my head began to throb. Like annoying pokes that I couldn't brush away, I needed Tylenol fast before it got worse. My teeth felt grimy and my mouth dry. Fully awake I turned to see the time as I began to stretch. A little past ten in the morning, all my senses were uploading as I now heard the shower in Sora's bathroom running.

Gravity was taking its toll as my headache got worse, as predicted. I dragged myself to the bathroom, to look in her cabinet but saw no useful medication. Deciding to wash my face and shake this lag off, I had a sudden craving for orange juice; anything to get my blood flowing.

"Sora, I need some Tylenol. Where is it?" I moaned.

"It's downstairs in the kitchen. The medicine cabinet right by the fridge..." she peeped her head out of the shower curtain and I swear her eyes grew 5 times their size. "Woah, good morning there hickey!" She laughed.

What?! Hickey?! I practically clung to the cabinet mirror, a quarter-sized hickey planted on my lower neck had miraculously gone unnoticed…till now. How in the world did this happen? And more importantly, who the heck decided to mark me as their territory? This was impossible, how could I not remember anything? I was stunned and on my way down to the kitchen I kept searching for answers; trying my hardest to remember.

Barely able to blink, I served my juice and swallowed the pills in a complete daze. My next worry was hiding this from my mother, especially since we were scheduled for a mother-daughter date this evening. It seemed absurd to wear a scarf in the beginning of summer, so how would I pull this off? Okay, calm down Iseul. I took care of a headache and now I needed a shower and to finally get out of this canary looking dress.

I walked in to find Sora all dressed and texting on her phone. She seemed ready to leave; observing the car keys in her hand and a purse over her shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh hey, I need to go out a quick sec. Do you mind? I swear I'll be right back and then give you a ride home," she excused herself.

"But…" I was left with words in my mouth as she bolted out the room.

Why couldn't she drop me off on the way out? Oh wait, maybe not. I still hadn't figured out the hickey situation yet. Where was I …ah yes, a shower?


Rejuvenated and returning to my normal self, headache gone and so was my memories of yesterday. There was a gap I couldn't recall. Retracing my steps, I remembered pushing Taehyung away after he kissed me; I still couldn't get over the fact that that happened. I was shocked and went to rinse my mouth with a beer someone handed me…and then I had another one…and possibly another? I was just guessing at this point, but I hoped the truth would come to me soon.

"Are you serious?!" I had pushed back the curtain to find no towel.

I hated putting clothes on while being wet, they always stuck to you and had a wedgie-like effect. I tip-toed out of the shower to see if by chance there was one under her sink cabinet; no such luck. I thought I heard footsteps outside the room and was relieved that Sora had come back so quickly. Since the bathroom door was open I figured she'd hear me from here.

"Hey, can you get me a towel?" I shouted uncomfortably. I heard the door swing open and knew she had heard me after all.

"Here ya go…WOAH!" I was greeted with a man's raspy voice instead of Sora's.

I shrieked in a panic, not having anything but my hands to cover my privates. I was dripping wet and needed the towel in Taehyung's hand, but didn't know which hand to use without something being revealed.

"Damn you Taehyung! What the hell?" I shouted.

"You said you needed a towel, so I brought you one. Only I thought you were my sister!" he explained.

"You can look away now!" I darted my eyes at him.

"Oh, right!" he finally realized how rude he was being. Turning his head he handed me the towel and turned completely around.

I grabbed it and slammed the door. The nerve of him seeing me now; that is all I needed for my suitcase of insecurities. I still had to grab some of Sora's clothes, so I carefully peered through the door to see if he was gone. I double-checked the lock on the door and quickly got dressed. Oh, Sora please return home soon!

I walked timidly downstairs to the living room to wait impatiently for her. I felt paranoid like at any moment I would be spotted. I was terrified to see his face again, but I didn't know what to do in the meantime. I began to check my phone messages and was tempted more than ever for someone's company.

Taehyung walked into the kitchen shirtless with blue, orange and white colored board shorts. I tried to keep my eyes focused on my phone but they desperately wanted another glimpse. I suppose he was making himself something to eat, I kept hearing dishes being thrown in the sink. I hadn't noticed that the house looked spotless; they must've hired cleaners too.

I couldn't decide whether I wanted Taehyung to ignore me or come talk to me, but the silence in this big house was slowly starting to make me feel claustrophobic. I chose to walk on over to the kitchen and say something to start some sort of entertaining conversation to kill time and boredom. I stood at the counter but remained quiet.

"Want some?" Taehyung asked as he showed me his plate of scrambled eggs and toast.

"No thanks. Did you go practicing already?" My nerves began to settle down.

"Yeah. I'm going back out in a bit…Nice hickey, by the way, didn't know you had it in you."

"Apparently neither did I. I'm so embarrassed," I admitted.

"Don't be, it's your first one. Wear it proudly," he smiled.

I wondered if we would ever mention the kiss from last night or this mor

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some