Chapter 31

Kissing 101
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Hello everyoone

Before you read this new chapter, I would seriously want to apologize to everyone for being gone a long time. I promise y'all to keep updated on the last chapter but I broke it. Sorry fam. I should permanently tattoo an apology on my forehead for not keeping my word.
The reasons I been M.I.A for two months because I been admitted to the hospital for my clumsy action and been involved in an accident in my hometown during the week I post my last chapter. And the result, I broke my left arm and couldn't move for a whole week. But, don't worry lovelies, right now I'm healthy as ever that, I can bully my brother. >.<

So I started writing again last week and please I will keep my promise this time to keep update this story :))

Suran The Sitter


The flight definitely slow me down. I mean 10 hours on plane definitely are the worst. We pulled up to the North Point Apartments on Stockton Street and began unloading some of the luggage while Suran stayed in the car; to avoid parking elsewhere. It was a bit overwhelming, moving into this big complex, but once we established where my apartment number was everything settled into place. I was in 180 sorting my things while Hoseok traveled back and forth for the rest. Since that his military base located at here. It was easier for me to meet up with him. Looking around my very own studio and admiring the cozy size with the small kitchen, den, and bedroom; it was the right size for me…and Suran temporarily.

Although the couch didn't look miserably uncomfortable for sleeping, I had no problem sharing my full bed with Suran; we were tiny enough. Standing on the balcony, I gazed at the outdoor pool and grassy patio. I was growing fond of this place already.

The trees and benches looked so peaceful, even my innermost thoughts surfaced to take a peek. I hadn't told Hoseok about my unexpected phone call from Jungkook. Although I was confident about my feelings for Hoseok, I was afraid that if I merely mentioned the call it would be followed by a sum of questions I didn't want to answer right away. I honestly didn't want to even think about it. I was forcing myself to forget and continue as though it had never happened.

We decided to get a bite to eat down Bay Street before grocery shopping. Spotting a quaint Italian restaurant, we scarfed down some fine bread and pasta that left us full enough to last us the rest of the afternoon. Unfortunately, Hoseok was only able to stay with us that night as he had to go back to base; he was notified of another training program. Even though I was looking forward to some sightseeing with him, I understood…the military life was quite unpredictable. Plus, Hoseok got away with a lot for the many times he escaped to visit me. Still, I knew it would probably be a month or more till I would see him again.

The next days consisted of Suran and I driving around like tourists. We saw the famous Golden Gate Bridge and snapped phone pics of ourselves in front of it. We then strolled by the piers before driving down the Embarcadero; the road I'd have to take to get to the culinary school. Then I swung by to pick up my baking tools, white coat, and cap. Everything was sinking in.


I made it to my class 15 minutes early, eager to meet our Chef instructor and start baking. There were already a dozen students, including a brunette that sat beside me. She looked a couple of years older. Once the Chef came in and gave us our handouts to review the sanitary and safety regulations we were soon introduced to our tools and cooking terminology. The Chef, Enrico, was a funny Italian guy. I knew this would be a great class, and with that, our first assignment was on cutting and proper measurements.

Too distracted to make any conversation, still throughout the course of the class the brunette and I buddied up. Her name was Amy and we planned to go to the Starbucks on the corner of the street for our lunch break. We left our white coats and things back in the classroom and without hesitation we began chit chatting right away.

"So Amy are you from here?" I began.

"I am. I've been living here for 5 years; originally from San Diego. How about you?"

"I'm originally from Canada. I moved to Korea with my mom about 3 years ago."

"Nice, so is it just the two of you here?" she asked as we walked in the shop and straight for the line.

"Oh no, I actually moved here to San Francisco last week with my friend-sister Suran," I could tell I was only confusing her.

"Is she going to college here too?" she spoke very slowly trying to understand.

"No, she's… kind of taking a break. In fact, she's actually looking for a job to keep her busy."

"Nice, anything in particular?"

"Probably waitressing…oh and babysitting! She seemed to really enjoy that with Lilan," I mentioned the little girl as if Amy knew her. My bad.

"Nice…actually if she's interested, I have a friend who could really use a babysitter."

"Really?" My eyes widened at the opportunity. "I'm sure she would love that, even if it was temporary."

"Yes, let me give you Ian's number to give to your friend."

I was excited to share the news with Suran and perhaps ease her mind on already having a job lined up. Even though I didn't know Amy too well and much less this so called 'Ian', but I felt like this was fate. Besides, I'll let Suran make the judgment call. Getting further acquainted with Amy, I found out she too is an only child though 24 years old. We spoke a little longer and before we knew it we had to head back and finish off the day.

When I walked into my new apartment, haven't fully recovered from the change of scenery, I found Suran looking at a stack of newspapers with her laptop out on the coffee table.

"Any luck?" I asked trying to keep from smiling too much.

"Well, I made some calls for a few restaurants in the area but none of them are hiring," she said looking discouraged.

"How long have you been at it?" I sat beside her looking at the pen markings on the employment ads.

"Few hours and it seemed like forever…but it's only the first day. I'll try again tomorrow. Although I kind of having a little trouble with the language a bit," Suran grin at me.

"Well, I made a friend today and she gave me this guy's number," I took the piece of paper out of my pocket. "He's a single dad looking for a babysitter…" I waited to see if she was interested.

"Really! That would be perfect! Beats not doing anything for right now; how old is the child?"

"He has a son, I think he's 5."

"Cool, do you think I could call now?"

"I don't see why not," I shrugged and smiled.

Suran took her phone and went out on the balcony, so I went to take a shower and hoped to hear a good update when I was done. Only, she walked right in mid-shower.

"So I'm going to meet with the dad in a park tomorrow. Please come with me?!" she pleaded.

"At what time?" I said poking my head out from the shower curtain.

"He said at 4 o'clock."


I reported back to Amy the next day during class; I was excited that our job arrangement might turn out successful for our friends. And as if that wasn't a good start to our day, Enrico instructed us to make a dozen cupcakes for our next lesson, surely to be icing on the cake…get it?

I loved culinary school and was so happy to get to do this every day for the next couple of months. On another note, I also got to talk with Hoseok during my lunch break and cou

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some