Chapter 3

Kissing 101
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Sizzling Chocolate


"The French Kiss isn't the only passionate kiss there is…try kissing me back without using your tongue," Jungkook politely instructed me.

I was so eager to kiss the life out of him but apparently I was too in a rush. I assumed after that first kiss, that now we were supposed to plunge into this open mouth waltz. Not so Iseul. Not so. Instead, we sat in the middle of his old bedroom floor, upon a black fluffy rug with our legs tangled like a double pretzel. Our bodies relaxed as we comfortably held each other's waist. It felt so natural, as though we did this all the time.

It was six o'clock on a Saturday evening, and I was scheduled for my regular sleepover at Sora's house, only I wasn't planning on being there tonight. As far as she knew, I was babysitting our neighbor's kids. Instead, I actually had a house date with Jungkook and my adventurous little heart was just as giddy as the butterflies that paraded in my stomach.

We were in Jungkook's parent's house, where he told me he came for the weekends, otherwise he remained on campus. His folks were having a date night of their own, leaving the house all to ourselves; including the fridge. The materials included in this lesson looked delicious. He had prepared, prior to my arrival, a cup of melted chocolate with a plate of fruit and other snacks. I never had such a romantic non-date like this before; the only group dates consisting of fast food and a movie. I was usually the 5th wheel. And yes, Sora was the one on the actual date.

Yet now, I didn't know how to address the situation as far as bragging rights. Jungkook wasn't my boyfriend or my fake boyfriend, we were somewhat friends but not enough to call each other often and talk about our lives. At least for now, we were kissing-mates. He seemed fine with it, as did I. There was still no progress with Jimin…so here I was. Clearly enduring this torturous exercise, because not only was I up-close-and-personal with this incredibly gorgeous guy, who was not in high school but in college! No one would ever believe me.

A couple of minutes into practicing this classic smooch, which I underestimated; no tongue can be jut as fun. I noticed Jungkook liked to grab hold of my neck like I was ever going to slip away…hah! And without any more verbal guidelines, his lips simply instructed mine on what to do. He'd keep his mouth partly opened and provoked me by giving me light angelic taps and then did a complete 180 and crammed his mouth vengefully upon mine.

And in the midst of this playful cycle, he'd give me an opportunity to do the same. My urge to him or slip my tongue in his mouth was driving me mad. The longer this pattern continued the dewier my skin got. I realized that I was definitely the follower. Sora always gave off the impression that she was the more influential seductress, I liked following his lead and suggestions rather. Meaning, it was less pressure for me to perform.

On our oxygen break, Jungkook began to pop some crushed ice in his mouth. I thought that looked rather refreshing so I did the same not knowing this was the next lesson we would engage in. Except this time he chose to make himself more comfortable and sat with his back against the bed frame. And I, like an obedient pupil, took his hand that led me to his lap; face to face. I felt further exposed as our contact became more intimate.

"Now we begin exploring… with our tongues," he smiled.

This smile ignited the spark I was missing to go full force. I would hold absolutely nothing back even if I looked like a fool trying. After Jungkook grabbed a little more ice, he then placed his hands on my thighs and watched me. Caught by surprise, as I was expecting his neck hold to lure me in, but this time, he let me take control.

Okay then.

I took a little more ice and tucked my lips in, hoping to get them as cold as possible in the short amount of time I had before the moment became stale. With a subtle exhale I drove my lips towards his. Grabbing his chin, just like his neck-hold, I wormed my way into his mouth with my exploring tongue. This kiss was exhilarating and wet, with cool and warm temperatures, both fun and different. I was really enjoying it and I couldn't help interrupt with a smile or two…or four.

Meanwhile, I felt his fingers bury in my waist and the garments of my back. I could feel him clench onto my shirt and tug as I played with the rhythm of the kiss. Apparently that wasn't the only thing in rhythm for I caught myself rocking on him. I hoped he would never mention it as I didn't do it intentionally. Needless to say, we were both severely into this kiss.

On his turn, keeping hold of my lower half, he rolled off the floor with me onto my back. Being pinned to the floor was a new view for me; seeing him contrasted against the white ceiling, drawing my full attention. Instead of continuing where we left off seconds ago, he sat back carefully putting his weight on his hind legs and not my stomach…thankfully.

"So tell me about this Jimin guy, why do you like him?" he began.

"Oh, I..." caught a bit off guard by his sudden curiosity, "We are friends, although ever since I've noticed my feelings for him, we don't seem to talk as much."

"So you don't have this "deep connection" with him? You can't tell if he's into you?"

"No," I sighed.

I knew in my heart that all that was left for Jimin was an empty crush. I mean compared to Jungkook…well there was no comparison; and no deep connection with either candidate. So where did that leave me? My first shot at a "boyfriend" and there was nothing to show for. No guy holding my hand to show off to my friends, no guy to bring home to an embarrassing dinner with mom, and no one to go on a cheesy date to eat fast food and watch a movie with. I was sick of being the 5th wheel!

Damn, I realized I was going off in my head while Jungkook stared in question. And then there was Jungkook…and then there was my inner voice telling me to shut the hell up. I could very well be at Sora's house, at this very instant getting grilled by her annoying brother and his tactics of getting me some pathetic action; or listening to Sora's love triangles that always seem to work in her favor. I had to be thankful and count my lucky stars. Secret or not, this was as good as a dorky girl with braces was ever going to get.

"What have you been thinking about over there?" Jungkook stood while helping me up in the process.

A nervous giggle is all I could share.

"Why don't we get some real food," Jungkook suggested while looking at our snacks.

I mentally pouted as I saw that lovely cup of chocolate go to waste. So we were going to have another part to this non-date that didn't involve just kissing? Sign me up…I think.

As far as the real food went, it brought us to the Saturday night hotspot…Pizza Port. Not only did all the high school students go here but his college friends were there as well. Stupid thoughts ran through my head; Jungkook passing me up as a kid sister or a cousin or a babysitting gig for his mother's friend. This could go wrong in so many ways.

I spotted the middle corner of a booth, my usual seat, in between the sets of couples. As I took a better look around I saw there weren't any booths available, which left us no other choice than to sit at the counter bar.

In plain sight, some of Jungkook's friends came over to pick on the poor guy, giving him a hard time asking who he was with. To which he merely replied "a friend". And I was more than fine with that. We had small table talk while gorging down on our pizza. I found out that he

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some