Chapter 20

Kissing 101
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Reindeer Games


"You're in luck, I have ice cream!" Yoongi shouted with his head in the freezer.

"I'll take it, as long as it's not chocolate," I said weakly.

I heard the rambling of utensils in the kitchen before Yoongi appeared with 2 spoons and a little pint of cookie dough ice cream. Perfect!

"Do you not like chocolate?" he pried.

"It's just, that's HIS favorite flavor."

"Oh…I see."

I looked around Yoongi's loft. It was older and had red brick walls with black and wooden furnishings. I liked it a lot, it was wide and spacious. No walls only the corner bathroom and a staircase on the side that led to his open bedroom. I wish I could get a place like this when I graduate. We sat in the den, under the staircase and bedroom, which was separated from the dining area by a gray sectional. This part was cozy as opposed to the drastically high ceilings throughout the rest of his place.

"I'm honestly in love with your place!" I couldn't hold back.

"It's a nice little pad isn't it? The guy that lived here was a friend of my father's so he got me a good deal on it. You're welcome here anytime."

"Seriously?" I smiled in gratitude.

"So stop trying so hard around me, how are you really feeling?" I could see Yoongi's honest concern.

"I don't want to care but it does hurt. We said we loved each other…"

"And I don't doubt it. I'm sorry.That's why I can never trust long distance relationships, someone is always bound to get hurt."

"I thought we were the exception. I thought what we felt for each other would outlast the time we'd have to wait. But even I was weak…"

"What do you mean?" he asked suspiciously.

"Never mind; I actually don't want to keep dwelling on this depressing topic...Tell me, is there anyone you miss?" I dug another spoonful of ice cream.

Yoongi reached for his back pocket where he took out his wallet and handed it to me already open. There were two pictures of the cutest kids I had seen in a long time. Brown haired and same eyes, holding quite the resemblance.

"I didn't know you had kids."

"They're my nephews; my sister lives back in Washington. I miss all of them."

"She's older?"

"By 4 years. My nephew is 6 and niece 3."

"So you like kids. How many do you want to have?"

"I would like to have at least 2, more if possible. Lately, I've been pretty tired of this single life and I feel like I'm ready to settle down now."

"Hmmm, I didn't picture you as the 'settling' type," I said frankly.

"Well, there's a lot you don't know about me. You think I still want to be a bartender by the time I'm 35?"

"Like I said I don't know you that well…did you go to college?"

"I have a degree in business. I've been working with Namjoon for a couple of years now; his plan is to open another restaurant down in China and leave me in charge of this one."

"Would you still bartend?"

"To help out on busy nights, but I have some interesting ideas for when that time comes."

"That's fantastic! Here I thought you were just a flirt that liked to start trouble."

"Then you should be ashamed of yourself for judging me so poorly," he smiled.

"Ahhh, getting dumped !"

"It will for a while but you'll live," he winked. And of course, that reminded me of Jungkook.

"Okay, I need to be strictly honest with you…I know I'm here in your apartment and we've kind of been flirting lately, but don't get the wrong idea, nothing can happen," I warned him.

"Do you think I'm the kind of guy that would take advantage of your vulnerability? I invited you over because I thought you wouldn't want to be alone. And not to brag, but I've been told I have quite a comfortable shoulder. If you don't believe me ask my sister, she's cried on it plenty of times."

I smiled at his thoughtfulness. A shoulder sounded like the perfect remedy for the night. My image of Yoongi had changed. He was definitely a more sensitive guy than he put on to believe; I guess he had his sister to thank for that.

He brought out a blanket and turned off the lights as we got ready to watch a comedy. I didn't feel like laughing in the beginning but I have to admit laughter is contagious. My roller coaster night had a smooth ending after all. I don't remember up to what episode we got to but it wasn't long before I started getting sleepy.



"Hey." I heard a low whisper. "Iseul…hey." It was still too soft to recognize it wasn't from my dream.

I felt a hand pass over my forehead. Touch and sound seeming more realistic as I slowly began to wake. I opened my eyes to a blurry image of Yoongi who gazed at me sideways. No, wait I was sideways, lying on his comfy couch.

"Hey, good morning. I'm sorry to wake you but your phone has been going off for a while," he announced kindly.

"It's probably my mother, thanks."

I stretched my eyes open, then my arms and back. He left the phone on the coffee table for me and of course I saw it was my mother. I was too tired to think of what story to create for not being at home, but maybe my mother was dealing with her own hangover. I thought it would be best if I made the call in the bathroom.

"I left you a towel and some of my sister's old clothes if you want to use them," Yoongi offered.

I nodded and smiled. I felt like a grumpy monster too, not wanting to talk just yet. Once in the bathroom, I called Suran to see if my mom had called her, and wouldn't you know it, she had already said that I stayed over her house. So I was covered but had to call back ASAP because I was supposedly in the shower at the time.

"Hey, mom..."

"Sweetie, you had me worried. You didn't call me or leave a message that you were staying over Suran's house. You know how I worry."

"I know mom, I'm sorry. Did you have fun last night with the girls?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Yes, you wouldn't believe what we did. You might even get embarrassed for me. But I'll tell you about it later, how was the dance?"

"Oh, it was great. I had a lot of fun."

"That's good to hear. Well, I'm here stuck at work filling in for Mrs. Song , so I'll see you in the afternoon?"

"Sure thing, mom."

"Okay, bye hun."

About to say goodbye but hanging up instead, I saw my melted clown face in the mirror. I looked hideous; my eyeliner and mascara stained my face, like some sick demented gothic groupie. I had to shower fast and return to normal…some kind of normal.

I'm glad that Yoongi had his sister's spare clothes because I surely wasn't in the mood to wear this provocative dress after my shower. Did I slide into some pink and gray sweat pants and a pink tank, with a built-in bra? Awesome! Unfortunately, my hair remained wet on my shoulders; air drying was the only option now.

I searched for a comb and froze as I saw a familiar Chapstick. I might have hung myself if it turned out to be the same flavor; honey vanilla 'suicide'. But thankfully it wasn't. I opened the cap to a fresh smelling pomegranate. I liked this new flavor, and as I smeared it on I thought I could get used to this. I could get used to my new friendship with Yoongi.

"You look much better," Yoongi commented while cooking behind the stove.

"You think? I looked like an ax murderer, but I am feeling much better…thank

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some