Chapter 21

Kissing 101
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Meet Suran's Uncle


I vaguely remembered the last time I had been there. I was parked outside of Sora's house. It didn't look as colorful and full of life as I remembered it. After I learned that her parents were away, I insisted that she come help me with the pre-party arrangements. Honestly, she had nothing better to do in the meantime and I thought she could use the company. Who wants to be alone on Christmas?

Meanwhile, I was on the phone with Yoongi giving him a quick update on the past year of my life. Not highlighting the bad as much as the good memories. He understood right away and was happy to have my friend over. I had to remind myself not to bombard Sora with questions; just let her be and open up at the pace she wants. This was a different beginning to end the year. Yet, that didn't cancel out my speculations as to who the father was.

To my amazement, Sora came out in a modest burgundy dress with a black cardigan and her hair up in a tousled bun. Her makeup was simple as well. This wasn't the Sora I remembered, and maybe that was a good thing.

"Hey!" she caught her breath while climbing into my car.

"Ready to prep?" I smiled.

"Sure! Anything sounds like fun right now," she confessed.

I kept the air-friendly, filling the car with happy radio tunes, but I grew a little nervous as I kept watching her rub her belly.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh yes, I'm fine. She just always moves whenever I'm in the car."

"It's a girl? How far along are you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh not at all! I'm 7 months now…and Mark is the father."

"Oh, are you guys still dating?" I didn't know if that might have been pushing it.

"No, we remained as friends. He's going to help me and be a part of Lilan's life."

"Is that her name?"

"Yeah…Lilan Tuan. We agreed she could have his last name."

"How have you been…with all of this?" I asked worried for my long lost friend.

"It was very hard at first,but she has been my reason to turn my life around. Along with Taehyung who's been an amazing help when my parents turned their back on me. I'm surprised they haven't kicked me out yet. But I'm getting ready to move into Taehyung's apartment not too far away from here."

"Where is Taehyung by the way?"

"He left for another mission trip with his surf group. They're volunteering with Operation Christmas Child."

"My friend met him at the restaurant we work at, she said they exchanged numbers," I recalled.

"Yeah, he told me about that. He said it's been forever since he'd done that, and that it felt weird. Crazy, huh? My brother the former player feeling weird about getting a girl's number… My have times changed."

"It looks like you've changed too, Sora."

"So have you."

We exchanged a warm smile as I parked alongside the street to Yoongi's apartment building. For being pregnant, Sora still moved around with such ease. I carried my bags and escorted her to the elevator.

"Aren't you supposed to be waddling by now or something?" I said in an attempt at some light humor.

"I would like to practice my good posture while I still can…perhaps when I'm a little over the 9-month mark," she shook her head and laughed.

Yoongi was waiting for us by the door and took the bags from my hands. He was awfully kind to my friend and insisted that we relax in the den to catch up while he took care of the party dishes. I think seeing her pregnant hit a soft spot, reminding him of his sister, niece, and nephew.

Our butts were glued to the couch as we didn't move for almost two hours. Yoongi, on the other hand, was an amazing host, bringing us cups of hot chocolate as he'd eavesdrop on our conversation from time to time, learning of our individual history. Sora gave me one honest apology from the bottom of her heart about everything that happened with Jungkook and Jimin. I ree as well. Especially after I told her of the recent breakup; I could tell she felt sorry for me.

"Was it hard for you to get over your first?" I asked her searching for sisterly advice.

"It's always hard Iseul. No matter how nice or a jerk they turn out to be. That's why they're your first. But at least it was special and magical like you always wanted it to be. You'll always have a good memory of it when years have passed and the hurt is gone." That was the best encouragement I had ever received from her.

"You're right…it was," I smiled.

"So what about Yoongi?" she whispered. "He seems like a real great guy."

I paused at the thought of the perfect matchmaking opportunity. He was ready to settle down; Sora was forced with the choice of having a baby with a friendly tie to the dad but no relationship. It was fool proof. But the more I thought about it, I couldn't help get a little jealous.

I mean, I was in no state for a relationship right now. And I trusted Yoongi enough to know that he was a great guy and could be a great father. But there was also the fact that I liked him a little. I wasn't ready to see him attached just yet…how terribly greedy of me. How was this any different than when I encouraged Jimin and Jaemi to be together? Maybe I just needed time to learn to trust Sora again.

"Hey ladies, I don't mean to interrupt," but he did anyway, "come look outside the window."

Sora and I stood up as we couldn't believe what we saw. "I thought it didn't snow this year," I gasped.

The 3 of us pressed our noses against the window to see the rice sized fluff float down and disappear. It was going to be an amazing Christmas…correction, it already was. Sora reached over and grabbed my hand and gave it a warm squeeze, that's all it took for my eyes to begin to water again. But then I grabbed Yoongi's hand as well; the same appreciation she had towards me I felt towards him.


Yoongi cranked up the festive melodies while I kept opening the door for our guests. Upon her arrival, I quickly pulled my mom aside to tell her that Sora was there, and with the same reaction, she sought her and gave her a motherly hug. As soon as I saw Jimin and Jaemi I gave them a quick summary of the situation and they too agreed to let the past be passed. Soon Suran arrived with her dad, along with some of our coworkers. Even our boss, Namjoon, made a quick visit to drop off a stack of Christmas cards which smelled like bonuses to me.

I was filling the plastic wine glasses, some with champagne and others, on a different colored napkin, with apple cider. I made sure Sora had that one. In the midst of my amateur bartending Suran rushed over with twinkling eyes.

"You have to come and see this," she said and grabbed my arm.

Placing the bottle down before any accident should happen, I rushed along with her. Fearing what I might see as my mind rushed to conclusions, it was the least of things to expect. Leaning against the wall, Suran's dad and my mom were…flirting with each other? I knew by my mom's subtle tuck of hair behind her ear, that she was playing her cards right. And judging by Mr. Jung, he seemed just as interested.

"I think we might become sisters," she cried giddily.

Hmmm, a sister and a step dad; I didn't want to jinx anything but I was all for that! We stood by and admired them a while. Sora then joined in and I introduced her to Suran. It felt a little odd, my old and new best friends. But mix in a dab of Christmas cheer and anything was possible. Clearly, I nodded as I observed my mom.

Yoongi's kind gestures towards Sora far exceeded my expectations as he always asked her if she was hungry or wanting something to drink. He was very familiar with the dos and don'ts of pregnancy, proving to be a great help indeed.

"Am I sensing a little jealousy in that glare?" Suran called me out.

"Jealousy? Of course not! Why would I be jealous when my plan is to pair them up?" I lied, trying to convince myself.

"Is it? I thought you kind of had a thing for him."

"Well, you thought wrong. Besides, I just got out of a relationship and I don't believe in rebound dating," I clarified. Seemed like a legitimate response to me.

"Okay. I guess I was wrong then... Well, that's nice of you. Do you think they'll hit it off?"

"I guess we'll have to wait and see," I shrugged.

I took a walk about and watched our friends and fam

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some