Chapter 7

Kissing 101
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Lady And The Tramp


After my appointment from the Orthodontist, my mother took me on over to the DMV; I was finally about to take my driver's test after months of having my learner's permit. Now I didn't have to depend on anyone for rides anymore. My grandparents were going to drive their used car down from Daegu next week and then I was set for the summer.

Summer was slow and I knew what that meant…I needed a job. My mother spotted several stores with signs for hire, but I wasn't too crazy about them once I saw what they were. I did, however, spot one not too far from the school. A local ice cream shop was searching for a part-time applicant; I was more than happy to tell my mom to pull over and get a form. This would be a nice change, for once.

After a few days, they called me back and I was able to start immediately. Sure I was overwhelmed at first, but it was a fun place nonetheless; minus the herds of demanding children or the indecisive individuals. I was destined to see my former classmates. At the same time, it allowed me to get further acquainted with them; even the older students began calling me by my first name.

Jimin surprised me one day when he came to visit. He had heard by word of mouth that I was working there. When I asked how he was doing, he said just as crappy as the last time I had seen him, but he stayed for a while. He even kept me company as I wiped down the tables and restocked the napkins. I finished my shift, but Jimin wasn't done with me yet apparently. We opted to get some Chinese food right down the street to continue our conversations.

"I know we used to be close and lately we haven't been but do you mind if I kind of vent on you?" The look of frustration sprung from his face.

"Of course, you can. What's up?"

"There was a girl I was kind of seeing for a while, and it's just complicated. I even thought she was out of my league, and not even sure if she was my type to begin with…anyway, I don't want to get back together with her. We've actually broken up a couple of times, but then she just persuades me back."

In the midst of Jimin's vulnerable confession, I recognized his confused state. I was always in a sea of confusion. Now I did get a little jealous; wanting desperately to know who this tramp was. Who had stolen away my chances of being with him? However, I was glad he came to talk to me.

"It's like I shouldn't be with her but I want to still. Does that sound crazy?" he asked.

"No. I found myself in a similar situation. But I can't tell you what to do. You have to make that choice, but the longer you wait the harder it gets. At least, that's what I'm always told… Are you going to tell me who she is?"

"I'd rather not," he smiled nervously. "You wouldn't know her."

Hmmm, this led me to believe that she could possibly be older than him. That would explain her toying with his feelings like she did. And maybe this girl went to the same college that Taehyung did and that's why he was so eager to go to this party. Yes, my problem-solving skills were blossoming but I had no evidence to back myself up. The truth was I wasn't the only one keeping secrets around here.

We finished our meals and he offered me a ride home. And while during the summer time, every day of the week was supposed to feel like a Saturday night, mine always seemed more like a Monday. Sora wasn't available much to hang out and I believed she was getting bored with me. She, on the other hand, was going out on several dates. Where is the parental control? How would there be any if they lived in their office, though?

On the bright side, I saw less of Taehyung. It was safer that way because the times that I had seen him when Sora wasn't looking, he'd slip a seductive stare my way. Like a vulture, waiting and lurking for a moment alone, to remind me that he had seen me semi-. Sora was unaware and still oblivious to what had happened between us. I hated him less but at the same time that worried me.



"I got us some hot dates for tonight," Sora blurted out on the phone once I picked up.

Oh, joy, so this meant I wouldn't be the single 5th wheel anymore. I wasn't about to put my heart on my sleeve and hope that my date would turn out to be prince charming, but a fresh face to talk to wouldn't hurt.

"Who are they?" I asked somewhat interested.

"They are actually friends of Taehyung. I met them at the party."

Splendid, I couldn't wait to meet these guys of such excellent standards…I'm sure. I had a gut feeling that I just couldn't ignore. Regardless it had been a few weeks since I last slept over Sora's house and I missed that. All I had to do was lock the door when showering and I'd be fine right?

I wore my ripped jeans and a striped navy blue and white shirt with converse. I thought I looked casually pretty. I wasn't focused on winning any hearts. Like I said, a new face to talk to. I heard a car horn and was utterly disappointed to see Taehyung's Jeep outside. I knew we were going to meet his friends but Sora didn't mention that he would be joining us too. Oh well, let the good times roll…or not.

Taehyung's date was sitting in the front so I climbed over into the back seat with Sora. She told me our dates were going to meet us there. Unlike my nautical theme, Sora looked like a Spanish diva wearing a bold purple dress and braided her hair. I didn't like to compare myself to her but sometimes her outshining me got tiring.

Walking up to the front entrance of the movie theater, we met up with our dates. I didn't know if Sora remembered my preference or not, but I got stuck with the dark hair guy while she took the blonde cutie. Dang it! She'll always have her way won't she? Luckily, this was a nice guy with actual manners. There weren't a spark or any tickles of any kind, but he was fun to talk to.

Taehyung and his date sat in the row before us while I sat next to Sora with our guys on either side. We voted on a thriller, meaning the room would stay dark throughout the majority of the movie. I sat silently with my date but noticed the flirting between my friend and her rookie. Taehyung, of course, was way ahead of the game, arm around his girl and the whispering and giggling.

I thought I would throw up once he started kissing her, it made it impossible to focus in on the movie no matter how dark it was. My body stiffened when I caught Taehyung staring back at me while kissing her. I wanted to look away but I was enticed to stare on. He was doing this on purpose and although my hatred for him didn't increase, something else sure did.

After the movie, we hung out back at the house, but I faked that I wasn't feeling well so I could go lay down in Sora's room. I was tired and sure that if I closed my eyes I would fall asleep, still I didn't want to just yet. I felt lonely and very emotional. I kept staring at Jungkook's text and wanted to write him again so badly. I thought that if I text him and then said that I was dru

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some