Let Me


This wasn't how it supposed to be.

This wasn't how I was supposed to be acting.

This wasn't supposed to happen at all.

I was supposed to be keeping it all in.

Drama wasn't my thing. I don't do drama. My life is plain as a blank paper. Drama was supposed to be avoided.

But somehow, drama just found me.


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Chapter 1: wow just wow. i love ?? such a good story!!!
lolawlol #2
Chapter 1: <33333333333344
mikasa07 #3
Chapter 1: Waah ~
This story is really awesome :)
Can you please make an epilogue or a bonus chapter?
I couldn't comment last night when I read this coz I was on my phone, but OMFGGGGGG T___T

I didn't know what I was expecting when I chose to read this. I hardly read fics anymore due to focusing on my own, but I was craving some Jungkook feels and LEMME TELL YOU, I was very satisfied with this oneshot :3 The way you laid out the story, describing everything that had led to the confession & just the emotion behind your words was incredible. I just wanted to comment to let you know how AMAZING (ugh, that's not the word I want... like, better than amazing - I can't think) this one shot is. The structure of it was what I liked most, and it wasn't too cheesy without being totally fluffless either. It was perfectly balanced. And everything tied in well at the end (why does it sound like I'm writing a review LOL)

But srsly, keep writing! Don't stop, coz you have a gift <3
Chapter 1: OKAY. WHY OUR KOOKIE IS SO CUTE AND HOT IN THIS DRAMA XD . Anyway, I like this story *thumbs up*
Strawberrykiwi #6
This is wonderful. I love it!!!