Chapter 19

Kissing 101
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Winter Break


"What do you mean "we should take a break"?" I said while flopping to the floor.

After about 20 minutes into our phone conversation, I had an awful suspicion that something was wrong with Jungkook. We were about to celebrate our 5 month anniversary and I was trying to figure out what birthday package I could send to surprise him. But as I kept asking obvious questions I could sense his voice grow uneasy.

"I just think we jumped into this knowing the challenge it would be and we weren't really prepared for it. I was being selfish and I can't tell you how awful I feel about that," he explained.

"So what, you regret that weekend too? You don't love me anymore?" I asked unmistakably hurt.

"No! Of course, I love you and I don't regret a single moment with you! I just don't think it's fair to you. I'm stuck here for Christmas and I won't be able to fly down there till summer if that. Remember I said this could happen?"

"Yeah but what happened to me flying over there?"

"There's a small crew heading to Alaska for 3 months. We will be on a boat the entire time; it will be impossible to call you. It's just not fair to you. I can't give you the time and dedication you need right now."

I was hurt and drenched in silent streams of tears. I made sure he didn't hear me crying; it would only make matters worse. So we were 'taking a break' or 'temporarily breaking up' better yet said. How did this happen? Was it truly just bad timing for us? Are there couples that are truly meant to be together but they have to wait years to actually be together?

"I was talking with my coworker and what she said made perfect sense. You're a senior and you need to enjoy your life right now, not be impatiently waiting by the phone for me to call."

He made it sound like I didn't have a life. But more importantly, who was this 'coworker' that was brainwashing my boyfriend into breaking up with me? I immediately began to wonder if she was pretty or not. Did she have feelings for him and want to drive him away from me to have him all to herself? Why hadn't I heard about her before?

"She suggested that you break up with me?" my jealousy arose.

"No, Byul was just giving me her perspective on things; things that I knew but had overlooked. Iseul I love you but I feel like I have to do this."

"If you really loved me, you'd fight for me. Despite what this Byul woman has been telling you. Clearly her word matters more than mine," I muttered coldly.

"Iseul, don't be like that. We are just taking a few steps back that's all," Jungkook insisted.

"No, maybe you're right! Maybe we should see other people as you obviously have."

"No, I didn't say that! We are not seeing each other. We just work together."

"Is she going to Alaska with you?" I asked sternly.

There was a long pause. "Yes."

"Then it's settled. Enjoy your break and your trip to Alaska!"

I threw the phone in my drawer and stormed out. If I strained my ears I could hear Jungkook's voice calling my name. But I was too hurt, confused and filled with a sense of betrayal. This had been working side by side with Jungkook who knows how long and has suggested some 'good' advice as to dumping his high school girlfriend to join the big leagues.

If anything I was jealous of this Byul. I'm sure she was incredibly smart to be working there in the first place. And he must have esteemed their friendship to listen to her advice. There was the presence factor; she was there present with him and I was not.

The old Iseul would have hibernated in her room and played agonizing love songs while crying into an empty pint of Ben and Jerry's. But not this Iseul, I was hardened. I was defensive and thinking about enjoying what I had been missing out on…like flirting and dating and…kissing.

No! I was a freakin' senior in high school! This was supposed to be a memorable year and I wasn't about to let my very first, or second, heartbreak from the same guy throw me down. Nope! But right now I needed my girl support so I drove to Suran's house.

"He what?! I don't get it…it makes no sense!" Suran crossed her arms in shock.

"I know right! It's absurd. I tell you there has to be something going on with this Byul chick."

"It reminds me of that stupid quote 'if you love something then set it free…' whoever wrote that was a moron!"

"Exactly! Makes no sense! You would do the exact opposite if you truly loved someone. And that isn't considered selfish as he so claims it to be," I paced back and forth.

"What if he's just confused? Like maybe he did start feeling something for Byul and he needs time to figure things out. I mean she's with him every day…"

"Then why didn't he say that. He didn't have to cover it up to protect her. But maybe you're right. You can get confused with so much distance in the way…someone can come along and distract you and stir up feelings…" I rambled.

"Are we still talking about Byul or someone else?" Suran raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, we are talking about Byul. Who else would I be talking about?" I argued.

"I don't know… a particular bartender we both know," she smiled.

"Absolutely not! Suran focus, we are trying to get to the bottom of why Jungkook broke up with me!"

"I think he did you a favor. I mean honestly Iseul, you weren't necessarily the life of the party when we went out. I saw how sad you got when couples were holding hands in front of us, and how you clung to the phone as though you had no social life. We're Seniors! let's have fun before we hit that long winding road to college."

"You're right," I hung my head and Suran came closer to wrap me in a bear hug.


I had missed last year's Winter Festival, but I wasn't going to pass this last one up. I anticipated it and later Suran called me sounding very excited.

"So I know we said we would go to the Winter Festival together…now don't hate me but I got us two dates. Two. Hot. Dates!"

"Oh, Suran you are a gem! How could I hate you for that? Who are they?"

"That's the surprise. My dad's going to drop me off in a bit so I can get ready at your house. Our dates will meet us at the dance."

"Why do I have a funny feeling about this…" I raised my tone in alarm.

"See you laterrrrr."

I had a very good idea who my date probably was but the adventure of finding out motivated me even more to look my best tonight. I had gotten my very own LBD. And this one had a low cut in the back with a classy modest collar in the front. I wore a long silver cardigan over it, in case my mom questioned about how revealing my dress was. But rest assured it was coming off the minute I stepped out of the car.

I parted my hair to the side and wore silver chandelier earrings that matched my high heels and let's not forget my bold pink lips. I was shocked at how grown up I looked, compared to that self-conscious girl that let her outfits get chosen for her back in the day at Sora's… I rarely missed her but I always wondered how she was doing. Now it was my choice to wear the riskier outfit because I had the confidence to go along with it.

Suran wore a champagne strapless dress with black heels, my mom let her borrow, and a necklace. I helped finish her hair and makeup before we were ready to go. I was so excited to go to this cheesy school dance; I felt I had missed out on being a teenager as I focused on being in a mature adult relationship. Yes, I was looking forward to having a stupid good time tonight.

We arrived at the dance a little later than the starting time and I quickly spotted Jimin and Jaemi. For a moment I hoped it

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some