Chapter 9: Time to Face the Truth.

I be the trouble and you be the maker?

Today was any other ordinary day at CUBE ent. HyunA was about to meet up with Hyunseung at the practice room to practice for their first music show live performance of "Troublemaker" the next day on Inkigayo. 

HyunA takes in a deep breath before entering the practice room.

HyunA: Here goes nothing~

HyunA opens the door slowly and sees Hyunseung practicing his dance moves with such "manly elegance". (LOL) She seems awestruck by his talent and just stands there, watching his every move.

Suddenly, Hyunseung stops what he's doing and turns off the music. He turns to look at HyunA.

Hyunseung: Well? 

HyunA: Well, what?

Hyunseung: Are you gonna come and practice with me or not? You can't possibly be standing there the whole day, right?

HyunA: Oh, right! Ok, let's get this started from the top then.

The pair practice and practice and practice and soon enough, 3 hours had passed by. They stop to take a break and drink from their water bottles. Hyunseung seems to be avoiding HyunA's gaze although he could tell that HyunA wanted to speak to him about the other day. 


Hyunseung: What?

HyunA: Are you gonna continue ignoring me like this? For how long is this gonna go on huh? We're partners, we can't possibly not be on talking terms and still promote our music together! Are you gonna give me the cold shoulder forever just because of what I said? Seriously?

Hyunseung: Aren't I talking to you now?

HyunA: No, don't give me that sarcasm. You know what the heck I mean ok. So yeah, I called your heart stupid. What's the big deal? Man up and accept that harsh critiscm will ya? 

Hyunseung: I've accepted it; my heart is stupid, true enough. It's stupid enough to fall for someone who won't possibly feel the same way towards me!

HyunA: Now look here- Wait, what? Are..are you saying you like me? But...why? Why me?

Hyunseung: I don't know why I feel this way but apparently, that's how my stupid heart works. So now what, are you gonna call it ridiculous? Go ahead.

HyunA: Do you really think that badly of me? 

Hyunseung: I don't know. It just seems that I'm nobody to you or rather, nobody important.

HyunA: You're like a brother to me! We're like siblings, remember?

Hyunseung: Yes, I'll always remember it. But has it ever occurred to you that I don't just wanna be like your big brother? But I can't blame you wholly; blame it on me for being too cowardly to admit my feelings for you. Sorry...

HyunA: NO! Don't say sorry, prove me wrong. Stop being a coward and admit your feelings now! It's either you take me as I am or watch me as I go. I know I'm not perfect or anything but neither are you and THAT'S what makes us suitable for each other, Do you understand? Now, speak up or do you want "us" to never happen? 

Hyunseung: I...I...

HyunA: You what?! Speak up Jang Hyunseung, I'm begging you. I don't wanna suffer the consequences of a one-sided love. Don't do this to me.

Hyunseung: Wh-what? One-sided love? You feel the same way I do? Is that true?

HyunA: I'll be honest with you Hyunseung. I really don't know whether what I'm feeling towards is you is love or not but I would like to find out and the only way to do so is if you give "us" a chance. I can't promise that I'll be the best girlfriend ever but I'll try to be as accomodating as possible. Us being together is definitely gonna earn us haters but I'll be willing to bear all that if you're here with me. 

Hyunseung: Is this for real?

HyunA: Yes, it is. I spent the whole night thinking about it and I usually don't think so much. Heh, but still, you get my point. I don't know if "us" will last forever but it's better to have tried than to give up the opportunity right? Am I making sense here or am I talking gibberish?

Hyunseung: You're making perfect sense :-)

Hyunseung smiles sweetly at HyunA and she blushes while trying to avoid his gaze by looking in another direction. Hyunseung then moves closer towards her and grabs her hand while using his thumb to rub it slowly. 

Hyunseung: So..what you're saying is you want us to be together? 

HyunA: Isn't it obvious enough? :P

Hyunseung: So...we're official now? Am I right in saying that?

HyunA: Whatever :P As long as you stop ignoring me, I'm fine with it. 

Hyunseung: Me ignoring you bothered you that much huh? You must reallllyyyyy like me alot ;-))

HyunA lightly slaps Hyunseung playfully and the both of them start laughing. Within moments, they found themselves looking into each other's eyes once again like how they were previously at the airport.

Hyunseung: I never got to notice how pretty your eyes were the other time but now I have the privilege to.

HyunA: You've got a glib tongue eh?

Hyunseung: Mmhmm. So, since I'm technically your boyfriend now and let me emphasise on the word, "BOYFRIEND", I guess I can do this eh?

HyunA: Huh? Do wh-

Before HyunA could complete her question, Hyunseung lands a soft kiss on her lips. They both close their eyes and enjoy the moment.

Meanwhile, Doojoon was looking for HyunA as he desperately wanted to get her to pay him back so he can get more Swiss chocolates for himself.

Doojoon: Now where could she be? Oh right, she's supposed to be practicing her routine with Hyunseung now! To the practice room!~~~

Doojoon runs to the practice room like a little kid and quietly opens the door. To his surprise, he saw HyunA and Hyunseung kissing each other! He put a hand on his mouth and tried his best not to laugh to himself. He was happy that HyunA decided to take his advice. Doojoon then closed the door back and smiled to himself.

Doojoon: Oh yeah, I'm a certified love guru. ;-))

A/N: A long chapter for once! Heh, hope you enjoyed this chapter! But don't worry, the story doesn't end here. There's much more to come ;-)) Comment and subscribe! xoxo. <33

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Nimamafong #1
Update soon ! :D
Chapter 16: This guy is pissing me off. That is not love. 2hyun fighting
Chapter 9: Uwa so lovely, right now i have the stupidest grin ever
Chapter 4: Ahahaahhahahahaha the finale was so hilarious xDDD
I am tearing up haha. This story is so damn good really.
It's okay as long as you don't intend to stop updating this story forever hehe:P We all know that school is important, right? Aww, Hyunseung is so cute? Btw, are they doing that NC-16 thing?!!!
Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry for going on hiatus ): I've just been really with sch all this time. Mianhae everyone!! ><
Update soon !!! Please !!!
i like yoseob part <br />
"Erm, so... who's gonna be the one to turn off the television?"<br />
cute<br />
Update soon! xD
scinavi10 #10
Omgeeee update soon...:D