Chapter 1: Up for the Challenge?

I be the trouble and you be the maker?

HyunA and Hyunseung were busy practicing their routines in the practice room when suddenly, HyunA just backs out.

-song is playing-

Hyunseung: 1,2,3,4. 1, 2,3...4...? Er... HyunA? It's your turn ya knw? You missed that step.

HyunA: I don't wanna do it oppa. I can't do it. I mean, the choreo is so . What will our fans and other audiences think? I don't wanna be labelled as a lady who has no shame for agreeing to do such "unacceptable" choreo. 

Hyunseung: Why the sudden rush of emotions? You pretty much did choreo for your previous singles as well. The same went for "Change" and "Bubble Pop". So, why be embarrassed at this stage?

HyunA: Don't you understand? That' the perception everyone probably has of me now but to be honest, that's not how I want people to think of me. I don't wanna be thought of as a y, fierce girl. I wanna be that sweet, charming celebrity that fans see in people like... like... IU for example!

-Hyunseung turns off the music and sits beside HyunA on the floor-

Hyunseung: Hmm.. I didn't expect such thinking from you at all. I always thought you were this confident, daring woman who isn't afraid to go all out for your career. Sorry for judging...

HyunA: You see?! Even you feel the same way. And nah, it's ok. It's not your fault. It's mine because I agree to promoting my music through such methods. But, it's not that easy to change people's perception that easily. Even if I were to become like IU tomorrow, people would not accept it and still remember me as the.. like what you think of me..

-Hyunseung puts his arm around HyunA and gives her a quick, squeeze kind of hug-

Hyunseung: C H I L L. Let's put it this way ok? Since everyone has that kind of thinking about you and that's how you've been going about as performer all this while, then why not just be good at it? If you're good at what you do, then people will have no grounds to insult you. C'mon, you're HyunA. You're unique; different from other female celebs whom I'm friends with. Believe in yourself ok?

HyunA: You really think that would work? Our society is so judgemental nowadays..

Hyunseung: I'm not 100% confident that it would work but I'm not 100% unconfident either. You won't know till you try, right? True, that's how society is but why let them affect you? Seriously Kim HyunA? YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS.

-HyunA looks up in Hyunseung's eyes and smiles-

HyunA: Thank you <3 I'm sorry my emotions got the better of me today. I've just been having alot on my mind recently.

Hyunseung: Nah, it's ok! We're like sibling remember? I got'cha back ;D 

HyunA: Siblings? Oh right! Haha thanks bruh!

Hyunseung: Welcome! At least now that you've shared with me all this, we're like closer now you know? You can definitely count on me if you need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on next time ok? :D

HyunA: OK! Don't break that promise ok? Heehee.

Hyunseung: Sure, sure, I won't. Now let's get back to practice! 

-Hyunseung stands up and puts his hand out for HyunA. She then grabs it and stands up while smiling.-

Hyunseung: Ok, from the top! 1,2,3,4. 1,2,3,4! YEAH! We got it! Hi-5!!

The both of them exchange high-fives and from that day on, they became closer; one step closer to being together eh? (;

A/N: Hi everyone! I apologise if this chapter seems short to you. I'm not really sure how long or short you guys prefer it so leave your comments if possible yeah? This chapter was just to show their relationship as siblings strengthening, a day before their live performances for "TroubleMaker" starts. I hope you enjoyed it! (: Stay tuned for the next chapter!!

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Nimamafong #1
Update soon ! :D
Chapter 16: This guy is pissing me off. That is not love. 2hyun fighting
Chapter 9: Uwa so lovely, right now i have the stupidest grin ever
Chapter 4: Ahahaahhahahahaha the finale was so hilarious xDDD
I am tearing up haha. This story is so damn good really.
It's okay as long as you don't intend to stop updating this story forever hehe:P We all know that school is important, right? Aww, Hyunseung is so cute? Btw, are they doing that NC-16 thing?!!!
Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry for going on hiatus ): I've just been really with sch all this time. Mianhae everyone!! ><
Update soon !!! Please !!!
i like yoseob part <br />
"Erm, so... who's gonna be the one to turn off the television?"<br />
cute<br />
Update soon! xD
scinavi10 #10
Omgeeee update soon...:D