Chapter 23: Yoseob to the Rescue!

I be the trouble and you be the maker?

HyunA grabs her bag and storms out of the practice room, slamming the door on her way out. This was not a good start to the day at all. 

She walks out of the building and out onto the streets; aimlessly heading nowhere. She knows she may have gone overboard back there in the practice room but she felt that she had the right to speak her mind. The relationship didn't seem to be working out and that's not what she wanted when she agreed to starting it in the first place. She's lost in her thoughts; unable to think clearly as to what she would do next about the problem. She needed a listening ear but who exactly would be the one?

She stops by a park and proceeds to sit on a wooden bench near a pond. She stares into space and heaves a huge sigh. Tears were forming at the corners of her eyes. She felt helpless and why was that so? It's because she allowed such a petty problem to cause a misunderstanding between her and Hyunseung. But the question is, was it a reasonable argument or a petty one? First dates are important, right?

Suddenly, HyunA felt a tap on her shoulder. She turns around to see Yoseob, looking at her with a puzzled face as to why she was on the verge of crying. He seated himself beside her and pops a question.

Yoseob: Why the long face HyunA? Did you and Hyunseung fight or something?

HyunA: How'd you know? Is it really that obvious?

Yoseob: Well...usually, girls your age cry either because they think they're fat or they have relationship problems. I don't think you're fat obviously which would mean that you probably suit the second option. Am I right?

HyunA: You're quite smart eh? -tries to fake a smile-

Yoseob: Nah, not really actually. Junhyung hyung has never called me smart. He laughed at me the other time when I exclaimed that I was craving for bananas. Oh well.

HyunA manages a laugh after hearing about Yoseob's hilarious antics.

Yoseob: There you go; you're smiling now (: So, mind telling me what happened? You'll feel better after confiding in someone you know.

HyunA: Yes Seob, that I know. It's a pretty, stupid story really. I think you'll just find the whole thing plain ridiculous.

Yoseob: I won't know till you tell me so, why don't you get started on this whole plain ridiculous story of yours? Hehe.

HyunA: Okok, basically, I fought with Hyunseung if it isn't already obvious enough. There was a point in time whereby I promised that we would have our first date if we won a music show award for TroubleMaker which we did thankfully but yet, that first date has yet to happen. 

Yoseob: Okay....carry on....

HyunA: Yeah and so he's been putting this off for months now and it gets me frustrated because he has cancelled out on me so many times before too. He says it's because he's busy with all those endorsement deals and all but seriously? He can't even make it for a simple lunch or dinner date with me; just a freaking simple meal and it seems almost impossible for him to do so. I'm tired of this you know. He wanted us to be together and we are now but which couple dates for a few months and has not even gone on a single date yet? It's just plain ridiculous. I know he's tired and so am I. We both have pretty much the same careers but I'm doing pretty fine so why isn't he huh?

HyunA's evident anger is shown through her facial expression and her face reddening with fury. She seems hurt but more of disappointed.

Yoseob: Wow, that's quite a big thing actually.

HyunA: You think so too? So, I'm not being "too much", am I? I have this weird feeling that I went overboard back there so tell me what am I supposed to believe Seob. I'm confused.

Yoseob: First thing's first; you need a chill pill. Let's go grab some iced coffees okay? After that, we can sit down and have a good talk about this alright? How does that sound?

HyunA: It sounds reasonable but you're paying. 

Yoseob: HAHA of course I will, that goes without saying. My female friend's upset; I can't possibly make her pay for an iced coffee right?

HyunA: HAHA, you're adorkably sweet Seob. Thank you :-)

Yoseob: Nah, it's nothing. Let's get going! :D

HyunA and Yoseob soon reach the Starbucks branch that was located nearest to their dorm; the very same one that HyunA had been to with Junhyung the other day. 

After ordering their respective iced coffees, the pair seat themselves in a cushioned seat near to the window in the cosy corner of Starbucks.

Yoseob: HEHE ok now, we can talk comfortably and whilst sipping a cool drink down. Ahhh, this is the life :-)

HyunA: You're a really interesting person Seob, really interesting.

Yoseob: Is that a good thing?

HyunA: Perhaps so ;-))

Yoseob: HAHA OK WHATEVER. Carry on with your story.

HyunA: I'm done with my story Seob. You're supposed to give me advice right now. 

Yoseob: OH RIGHT! Ok fine you see, I don't exactly know how the argument between you and Hyunseung went just now but if you think you had gone overboard, then you have gone overboard. It's called trusting your instincts. I believe you have a reasonable cause to fight for but maybe, you just didn't put your point across too nicely. Instead, it blew out of proportion and caused this severe misunderstanding between you two.

HyunA: Wow, that's really deep coming from a person of your character.

Yoseob: Eh?

HyunA: As in, you're always like this adorable noob and all of a sudden, you're giving mature advice. It's just too much to handle all at once.

Yoseob: Well, it's as the saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover".

HyunA: Okok, true enough. Carry on with your speech.

Yoseob: So yeah, think about it. The guy's dead tired from all his work which is a fact because humans do tire themselves out and yes, they need sufficient rest to carry out daily activities but of course, that doesn't give them the excuse to cancel out on their partners all the time which is a cause for concern there. Is it because he's really tired all the time or is it because he's just downright lazy sometimes? And if he is lazy, then it will hurt his partner which is you, because it makes you feel as if you're not worth his time or energy. Wow, this is really confusing.

HyunA: I don't get it. Who exactly is right and who's at fault here?

Yoseob: I have no clue. It seems to me that the both of you are right and wrong at the same time.

HyunA: So what does that mean? What do we do next?

Yoseob: Go back to the basic; apologize and make up NOT make out. See the difference? Hehe. Ok fine, maybe you have to make out after you make up. It's natural human instincts.

HyunA: Ok wait, I need to digest all of this.

A/N: Wow, deep words from Yoseob eh? HAHA, he can be so cute and yet mature at times. Stay tuned! xoxo.

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Nimamafong #1
Update soon ! :D
Chapter 16: This guy is pissing me off. That is not love. 2hyun fighting
Chapter 9: Uwa so lovely, right now i have the stupidest grin ever
Chapter 4: Ahahaahhahahahaha the finale was so hilarious xDDD
I am tearing up haha. This story is so damn good really.
It's okay as long as you don't intend to stop updating this story forever hehe:P We all know that school is important, right? Aww, Hyunseung is so cute? Btw, are they doing that NC-16 thing?!!!
Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry for going on hiatus ): I've just been really with sch all this time. Mianhae everyone!! ><
Update soon !!! Please !!!
i like yoseob part <br />
"Erm, so... who's gonna be the one to turn off the television?"<br />
cute<br />
Update soon! xD
scinavi10 #10
Omgeeee update soon...:D