Chapter 19: The Truth.

I be the trouble and you be the maker?

HyunA: This must be some kind of joke. You and I can't possibly be half-siblings. It just doesn't make any sense.

Junhyung: Well, believe it. Do you think I'd actually joke about something like that? Do you?

HyunA: But it's just too weird! Of all people in the world, you're expecting me to believe that my labelmate and really close friend is all of a sudden, my long-lost, unacknowledged half-brother? You do realise how crazy and wacky that sounds right?

Junhyung: Sighs, I know it's really, really hard to believe but trust me, I'm telling the truth. What would I gain from lying about such a serious thing huh?

HyunA: Assuming it's true, so are you try'na tell me that I'm an illegitimate child? My birth was never pre-planned and that makes me feel like an extra.

Junhyung: Don't think it of that way HyunA, please. My dad or rather, our dad really loved and cared about you.

HyunA: If he cared about me, he would have bothered to visit me or rather, acknowledge me. How do you think I've been feeling all these years? I had no freaking idea who my biological dad was and there I was, having to lie to the media that my dad died in a car accident a few years back and I did not want to disclose anymore information about him, not even his name, just to show him respect?! Can you believe the bull I had to make up?

Junhyung: So what do you intend on doing now huh? Do you wanna beat the hell out of him? Torture him till he apologizes to you? What do you want from him? YOU TELL ME.

HyunA: Why do you think of me as such a horrible person?

Junhyung: Then why do YOU think of our father as such a horrible person?

HyunA: BECAUSE HE DIDN'T CARE ABOUT ME AND MY MUM. Does he think that giving us money every month is a form of caring?

Junhyung: As a matter of fact, yes. If he didn't care, he would not even bother to give your mum money. And that's not the only thing he has been doing so get your facts right. Don't insult him when you don't even know the full truth.

HyunA: Fine, tell me then, what is the full truth?

Junhyung: It's true that he never went to visit your mum when she had given birth to you but he was there during other occasions. For instance, he was there for your kindergarten, junior high and high school graduations. It's just that, he didn't make his presence known or obvious. Well, you didn't even know how he looked like so it was pretty easy for him to just show up without having you recognise him.

HyunA: Showing up at my school that all?

Junhyung: When you fell terribly sick when you were 5 and had to be admitted to the hospital, he went to visit you in the middle of the night. Your mum had to work that night and there was no one else to keep you company. But, do you remember your hand being held? Did you think it was your mother? Would you never have guessed that it was actually your father? Yet, you were still soundly asleep and didn't wake up while he was there.

HyunA: That was him? Seriously?

Junhyung: Mmhmm. Remember that oddly-wrapped present under the Christmas tree in your home when you were 10?

HyunA: The present was a teddy bear holding a heart, right?

Junhyung: That's the one; our dad bought that for you and spent the whole night wrapping it. He's not really good at that kind of stuff so it took him a couple of tries before he finally got it right.

HyunA: The wrapping was still hideous though...haha...

Junhyung: You're smiling I see. (;

HyunA: I believe I have the right to do so, right?

Junhyung: Yeah, of course you do.'re not gonna rip his intestines apart now right? You guys cool?

HyunA: NOT just yet. I don't forgive someone who has in a way, abandoned me for almost the whole of my life THAT easily. 

Junhyung: Ok, fair enough. So now what?

HyunA: I wanna meet him, now.

Junhyung: That can be arranged. I'll see what I can do.

Junhyung and HyunA took a cab to Junhyung's place and at the door of his home outside, HyunA suddenly freezes in her steps.

Junhyung: Wh-what's wrong? 

HyunA: I'm scared. How do you expect me not to be scared when I'm meeting my father for the very first time? I don't know what to say and how to react.

Junhyung: Just be yourself; easy.

HyunA: Sighs, you just don't understand...

Junhyung grabs hold of HyunA's hand and grips it tightly. He looks into his eyes, assuring her a sense of confidence.

Junhyung: Well, technically, I'm your brother now and have always been so no matter what, I got'cha back for sure. You can count on me, remember?

HyunA smiles with tears forming in her eyes. She takes a deep breath and Junhyung opens the door slowly.

The door creaks in the awkward silence and there's a faint sight of a figure, lying on the floor motionlessly. HyunA suddenly screams and Junhyung catches sight of the man on the floor. This was not a good sign.

Junhyung: DAD!!!

Junhyung falls to the ground on his knees and tries to wake his father up but to no avail. He signals to HyunA to help him help his father down to the lobby where they could rush him to the hospital after flagging a cab. Junhyung placed his father upon his back and HyunA grabbed hold of all their belongings and important documents they would need at the hospital after being told by Junhyung where they were kept.

About 15 minutes later, they arrived at the hospital and rushed their father to the emergency room. The nurses forbade Junhyung from entering the room while their father was being examined which made him very frustrated. He was really worried for his dad; poor Junhyung.

HyunA grabs her brother's hand and puts her arm around him.

HyunA: You said you'd always be there for me but don't forget that I'll always be here for you too. Be strong oppa. ♥ 

Junhyung looks into her eyes and manages to calm down.

Junhyung: Thank you. ♥ 

A/N: Omg what could have possibly happened to their father? Stay tuned! 

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Nimamafong #1
Update soon ! :D
Chapter 16: This guy is pissing me off. That is not love. 2hyun fighting
Chapter 9: Uwa so lovely, right now i have the stupidest grin ever
Chapter 4: Ahahaahhahahahaha the finale was so hilarious xDDD
I am tearing up haha. This story is so damn good really.
It's okay as long as you don't intend to stop updating this story forever hehe:P We all know that school is important, right? Aww, Hyunseung is so cute? Btw, are they doing that NC-16 thing?!!!
Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry for going on hiatus ): I've just been really with sch all this time. Mianhae everyone!! ><
Update soon !!! Please !!!
i like yoseob part <br />
"Erm, so... who's gonna be the one to turn off the television?"<br />
cute<br />
Update soon! xD
scinavi10 #10
Omgeeee update soon...:D