Chapter 20: It's all too sudden.

I be the trouble and you be the maker?

A few minutes later, nurses and doctors are seen rushing Junhyung and HyunA's father to the operating room. The pair was startled and tried to ask one of the nurses why it was happening but the nurse declined to answer as she had to attend to the ongoing emergency. The siblings gripped onto each others' hands and hoped for the best.

About 2 hours later, a doctor finally emerges from the room with his head lying low; oh no.

Doctor: I'm sorry but we did our best. If he was brought in sooner, we could have probably saved him but lung cancer got the better of him. Sorry once again...

Junhyung: Lung cancer? Did you just say lung cancer?

Doctor: You didn't know? Well yes, sadly, he did have lung cancer and it was at the final stage. There was no chance of him being cured. It was too late.

Junhyung: I never knew he had lung cancer... If I did, I would have brought him for regular check-ups and all but...

Doctor: Don't be too hard on yourself boy, it's not your fault. Maybe, he himself didn't know what was in store for him. 

The doctor walks away after patting Junhyung on his back. HyunA tries to comfort her brother by reassuring him that it was not his fault their father passed away so suddenly. 

The both of them head to the mortuary to see their father for one last time but for HyunA, it was her first and her last.

At the mortuary, Junhyung lifts up the white sheet covering his father and immediately breaks down upon seeing his pale, lifeless face.

HyunA: Hi dad, I'm finally here to see you. Who would have known that I would be meeting you for the first time in such a situation? Thank you for always secretly being there for me and trying to do your part as a father. I'm just sorry that we couldn't acknowledge each other before you left... Forgive me, okay? );

Junhyung: Oh dad, you should have told me you had lung cancer. I would've done my best to help you but now it's too late... I'm missing you already, do you know that? );

The both of them break down and start crying uncontrollably. It was just too much for them too handle. One moment, HyunA finally knows the truth about her past and the next moment, the dad that she could finally acknowledge, passes away all of a sudden. Life is just unpredictable. Sighs.

After a few minutes, they head out of the mortuary and into the hospital garden outside the building. They seat themselves down on a wooden bench and heave heavy sighs.

Junhyung: Unbelievable.

HyunA: I know right.

Junhyung: I can't believe this is happening. I mean like, seriously? I finally get to reunite with my half-sister but then, at the cost of losing my dad in exchange? I don't know exactly how to react to all of this. Am I supposed to be happy or am I supposed to be upset? 

HyunA: You're supposed to feel blessed.

Junhyung: Blessed? You must be joking.

HyunA: No, I'm not. You should feel blessed because we can finally reunite as siblings. I know it's hard for you to accept our father's sudden death but at the end of the day, life moves on and at least, you know that you're not alone. You still have me for a relative. Do you get what I'm trying to say? Besides me, you have the rest of BEAST and our other labelmates. We're all one, big family.

Junhyung: I know, I know but I only have one dad and now, he's gone. 

HyunA: Isn't it worse for me? He's my dad too and I lost him before I could even get to know him. 

Junhyung: I-

HyunA: What I'm trying to say is; go ahead and grieve, cry, emo, whatever BUT don't let this hold you down forever. You gotta' get back up on yo' feet eventually. Do you think emoing in one corner for the rest of your life, will help you? I think not so it's best to start early. Start being positive now. We'll go through all the preparations for his funeral, mourning, remembering him and all but after that, you must promise me to regain your compusure. Understand? And I'm serious about this.

Junhyung takes a deep, deep breath, clenches his fist and bites his lip before replying.

Junhyung: Ok, I promise. :-)

HyunA smiles with a sense of relief that she has managed to talk some sense into her brother.

HyunA: Good. :-) now let's go, we need to get started on the funeral preparations and all. We're gonna be really busy but I got'cha back and you got mine right?

Junhyung: Right. :-)

So, for the next 2 months or so, Junhyung and HyunA mourned their father's death and were given moral support by their labelmates and other relatives. It was really not easy, especially for Junhyung but he managed to let go eventually and now, he's doing pretty alright. He has nothing to fear for he has his sister by his side. But...brothers are known to be overprotective of their little sisters. Does this spell bad news for Hyunseung? Stay tuned!

A/N: I know the whole death things is really too sudden but I didn't know what to do much with the father and I wanted to focus more on 2Hyun so this was the only way I could get out of the sibling drama thing. I hope you guys approve of it! More of 2Hyun coming up next! (:

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Nimamafong #1
Update soon ! :D
Chapter 16: This guy is pissing me off. That is not love. 2hyun fighting
Chapter 9: Uwa so lovely, right now i have the stupidest grin ever
Chapter 4: Ahahaahhahahahaha the finale was so hilarious xDDD
I am tearing up haha. This story is so damn good really.
It's okay as long as you don't intend to stop updating this story forever hehe:P We all know that school is important, right? Aww, Hyunseung is so cute? Btw, are they doing that NC-16 thing?!!!
Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry for going on hiatus ): I've just been really with sch all this time. Mianhae everyone!! ><
Update soon !!! Please !!!
i like yoseob part <br />
"Erm, so... who's gonna be the one to turn off the television?"<br />
cute<br />
Update soon! xD
scinavi10 #10
Omgeeee update soon...:D