Chapter 15: Slip of the Tongue. Whoops.

I be the trouble and you be the maker?

Junhyung is busy wearing his shirt in the room after a quick, morning shower and accidentally kicks the dustbin in the room down. Yoseob yawns like a little bear and stretches his arms, awakened by the noise. He squints his eyes and yawns again.

Yoseob: Hy-hyung, where are you headed so early in the morning? It's like only 8am; normal people still sleep at this time.

Junhyung: Hmm, then why are you awake oh normal person?

Yoseob: Because some kicked the dustbin down and the noise woke me up, that's why. -.-

Junhyung: Heh, k whatever. I'm just headed out to get some coffee. Wanna tag along?

Yoseob: Does it look like I wanna tag along?

Junhyung: Well honestly, you look like an old haggard guy who just woke up from his sleep.

Yoseob: Ok shaddup and leave, NOW.

Junhyung: Aww, grandpa's grouchy ): 

Yoseob: OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Junhyung rushes out of the room, afraid that Yoseob would come after him and pull his hair or something. Moments later, he sneaks back into the room.

Yoseob: I thought I told you to leave -.-

Junhyung: I forgot my wallet, heh. -cheeky smile-

Yoseob grabs Junhyung's wallet on his bed and throws it at him like some drunkard.

Yoseob: NOW SERIOUSLY LEAVE HYUNG. I need my sleep cause I have a long, packed schedule later!! GAH!

Junhyung: Pffsh, fine grumpy. Chillax bro.

Junhyung heads off to the nearest Starbucks Coffee branch to BEAST's dormitory.  In the lift, he took a selca. (He seems to be in a pretty, good mood today)

Check it out below:

Junhyung strolls to the shop, avoiding the public's gaze in case there were fangirls lurking around. He tried to lay as low as possible but then suddenly, he got tapped on the shoulder. Too late, a fangirl had probably spotted him already. Aww man.

Junhyung: asdfghjkl. sighs.

Junhyung turns around and was startled to see no fangirl but rather, just a girl or more of a lady a.k.a Kim HyunA. She smiles sweetly at him and he smiles back. HyunA starts poking his chest in an interrogative manner.

HyunA: Where did you sneak off to yesterday huh huh huh? Were you not happy for me and Hyunseung? Was that why you ran away hmm?

Junhyung: Huh? Erm, no. LOL, what makes you think that way?

HyunA: HAHA just kidding you noob. Doojoon said you had something on.

Junhyung: Huh? Oh right! Erm yeah, I guess I did.

HyunA: You're acting all weird. Is there something you're hiding from me? TELL ME TELL ME!! I can keep a secret! ;D

Junhyung: What secret?!

HyunA: Are you secretly dating someone? ;O

Junhyung: Yeah yeah, I'm "secretly" dating Goo Hara when I already announced it to the public. So much for secrets eh?

HyunA: Pffsh F I N E, so there is no secret about that. Whatever. What'cha doing here?

Junhyung: I'm here to buy myself an air ticket to fly off to Hawaii and hula dance with hot babes.

HyunA: Seriously? ._.

Junhyung: NO! This is Starbucks, what else could I possibly be doing here other than buying coffee?

HyunA: Well... You could...-

Junhyung: Zip it, I don't wanna hear any of your lame crap.

HyunA: PFFFFFTTTTTTT. -sticks out tongue-

Junhyung: You here for a coffee too right? What'cha gonna buy? My treat.

HyunA: *gasp* Since when are you so generous? :O HAHA ok ok kiddinggggg. I want an ice blended mocha!

Junhyung: S A M E! Wow, it's like we have the same taste.

HyunA: HEH, like brother and sister! ;D

Junhyung: Say what? Brother and sister? Since when were we siblings?

HyunA: Whoa chill bro, I meant it in an labelmates sibling relationship kind of thing. HAHA how could we be possibly blood related? LOL.

Junhyung: Er yeah..haha..that's a joke. Erm, here take this money and order the stuff cause I needa' head to the gents for a short while. Brb.

Junhyung heads to the toilet in a flustered manner; he seems all panicky. He proceeds to the basin and continuously splashes his face with water. He looks into the mirror in front of him, looking all pale. Trying to calm himself down, he whispers softly.

Junhyung: She must not find out the truth.

A/N: OMG sorry for the late update guys. I keep going back and forth from my room to the toilet cause I'm not feeling well. I fell sick while I was overseas, sighs. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Comment and subscribe! xoxo.

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Nimamafong #1
Update soon ! :D
Chapter 16: This guy is pissing me off. That is not love. 2hyun fighting
Chapter 9: Uwa so lovely, right now i have the stupidest grin ever
Chapter 4: Ahahaahhahahahaha the finale was so hilarious xDDD
I am tearing up haha. This story is so damn good really.
It's okay as long as you don't intend to stop updating this story forever hehe:P We all know that school is important, right? Aww, Hyunseung is so cute? Btw, are they doing that NC-16 thing?!!!
Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry for going on hiatus ): I've just been really with sch all this time. Mianhae everyone!! ><
Update soon !!! Please !!!
i like yoseob part <br />
"Erm, so... who's gonna be the one to turn off the television?"<br />
cute<br />
Update soon! xD
scinavi10 #10
Omgeeee update soon...:D