Weddings & CO

I took my phone that I haven’t checked for the past hour, not from the last text I’ve received from my dear grandmother that had since called me twice. I shivered…Sue was right I really needed to give up on the silent option. I was mentally discussing with myself if I should call her back when my phone went off as Hana was calling me.

- Hey …honey can I call you later…there’s a bit of a situation going on…

- Well over here too…you don’t need to call me later you’ll SEE me later …I heard her say in a whispering tone as if she was afraid to be watched.

- What’s going on… are you ok?

- Not really…could you explain me why your grandmother changed the reception hall visit for the new line launching party from the end of the month to…well TODAY???

- That must be a mistake then, last time I checked that hall was still under construction we can’t visit it …

- Actually construction is finished but it’s strictly confidential because there’s a priority guest having the exclusivity on that visit and that guest is actually coming today at 3pm…the same time your grandmother had informed she would come…

- Oh …ok…Euh… Why didn’t you say “no it’s impossible someone else is coming”

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Gongju saying no is admitting that another client is more important than you…you don’t wanna say that to a customer especially not to your grandmother…look the thing is …she knows that the reception hall is no longer under construction…I don’t know how the hell she knows that how but she does…  she trapped me … 

Ok so what do you want me to do?

COME! This is why I called you actually in the first place…she apparently tried to call you twice already but you weren’t answering which is kind of normal knowing you…

Wait wait wait…so I have to be there as well? At 3pm?


Hon’ that should’ve been the information you should’ve started with…I’m going to be late! I said hanging up the phone and looking frenetically around.

Is everything ok? I startled at the manwh- ehem Ji Hoon still being there as his car was just brought to him.

Yeah yeah…I’m fine thank you…I said still looking around Mister Choi. I’m begging you please show up…

Where are you going? He asked me still slightly startled by the whole discussion we had.

The Shilla … I carelessly answered still looking around.

I’ll drop you then…I’m meeting Jin-hyuk…

What? I said as if he had just insulted me soon regretting my cold answer. - I mean don’t worry …I’m fine…

C’mon you’re already late if you wish to be there at 3… and from the antsy look you have it’s kind of serious… It is serious and obviously Mister Choi has abandoned me. But it’s Ji the man-…JI THE MANWHORE…we’re talking about! I can’t ride with him it’s against the rules.

You’re right…I’ll go with you…I said making up my mind walking towards his passenger door and I instantly remembered how much I hated Ferraris as soon as I got in. I felt squeezed in a black fireball and his intoxicating perfume wasn’t helping.  He sped up the gear and I feared the worst. Sunny will be happy to hear that I found a worst driver than her. There was traffic jam. I was gesticulating on my seat trying to find a good position, as I was uncomfortable.

What the hell is wrong with you? I raised my head only to see his frowning face. I think I was looking a bit weird right now.

Your car is too small…my back is hurting me…I said honestly.

Oh … oh yeah right …wait a sec … he removed his seatbelt and put his right hand at my left side and left arm over the right side of my seat looking for something. In another words he was hugging me.

What the hell ARE YOU DOING? He didn’t answer and kept on roaming around my leg and hip without really touching it only brushing it enough for me to feel suddenly hot thank god I’m not the blushy type. Breathe in breathe out. It’s only a normal and physical attraction that happens between a female and a male body. Nothing out of normal. There’s no way on earth I could be attracted to that –

Found it…he finally said pushing a button that moved back my seat giving me more space. Feeling better now?

Ehem I don’t know …why don’t you get off me first? He jumped back to his seat, what is wrong with him? I could’ve done it myself …

Don’t get it twisted ok? He said clearing his throat …I just hate people touching my car that’s all…I widened my eyes. Did he just read in my mind? I shook these terrible thoughts and stretched my legs. That’s the annoying part of being tall and wearing heels. The guy is 24/7 with models; didn’t it cross his minds to readjust his passenger seat before? I looked back to his direction and I swear I caught him checking me out but I brushed away this terrible thought coming from an obvious wild imagination. I started to feel nervous, as the traffic didn’t seem to get any better. I sighed. I looked at my watch. I sighed again. I started tapping my foot. I sighed. I bit my lip. I sighed.

Stop it. You’re making me feel nervous …he lazily said looking at the opposite side. Excuse me? What shall I say then???

Sorry…I answered nicely realizing that the guy offered me the ride. I took a deep breath and stopped my silly act. I stayed silent as we were slowly getting there. The hotel wasn’t that far from the Congdu but the traffic …God Seoul I love you but traffic is too much …

Ok you still can breath you know I didn’t ask you to act dead…he suddenly said frustrated and I couldn’t help but let a small laugh at his reaction. And laughing kind of made me feel relaxed.

How strong is the hp here? I suddenly asked out of curiosity

What? He asked this time looking at me as If I had said something completely crazy.

The horsepower…

I know what HP means…I’m surprised you know …

Oh c’mon seriously? That’s basic knowledge…even Sunny knows what horsepower it is.

Trust me not among female seoulite population …ok he might be right. Most of the girls he’s met probably have only noticed the horse in the logo - 597…He said all proud.

Oh so this is a special? The regular version of the 458 is powered by 562 hp…he looked at me with widen eyes.

I know a bit more than basic knowledge…

I can see that…yes it’s a special…

You got it at an auction right? This isn’t in the market yet… The increased power is made possible by a sky-high 14.0:1 compression ratio, revised combustion chambers, new pistons, shorter intake runners, reshaped intake ports, and higher lift on the exhaust and intake valves, along with a new carbon-fiber manifold and air box…I must admit…you’ve got a rare piece…


HOLY …that is NOT a bit more that basic knowledge … man…e NOBODY do know these type of things…it is a rare piece indeed…and it’s impossible to meet people that knows how much it is RARE…you have a thing for Ferrari too don’t you? But why are you driving a Bentley??? He asked with eyes full of sparks.

Oh no I don’t …my grandfather has a thing for Ferraris …I don’t …I love big cars…I need space…

Really? That’s funny I didn’t picture Lee Sajanim being a fond of Ferraris…That’s because I was talking about my other grandfather. I felt suddenly uncomfortable. Speaking of that…you had your Bentley at an auction too right?

Yes I did…I mean not me, my grandparents did…graduation gift…

How??? I mean …I used to think that my baby was rare but seriously when I saw yours …he said with a glimpse of jealousy and annoyance and I found It…cute…did I say??? – There isn’t only money behind this…there’s clearly something else…there’s no way you would get a car one year before it’s in the market unless you’re the hidden daughter of Volkswagen himself…and I laughed. – I’m serious …there must be an explanation…

There is…actually one of the inheritors of the group happened to be studying with us at Colombia, Sue had to intern with him within their New York quarters as she was obliged by her father…she stayed 9 days I think…and trust me that was already a big achievement knowing her… she got him all over the heels…so when my grand told her about the gift idea it took her only a call to get me that baby with a 600hp… He looked at me with angered eyes and I enjoyed the sight.

I see…women…they’re dangerous…He said talking to himself. Man you have no idea.

Please I’m sure men do the same…I’m sure you do the same…

No I don’t… it’s natural for me…but I know someone who’s as good as your friend…he said all mysterious and I urged myself to not slap him. First for praising himself without any hint of humor. Second, who the hell could that be? I really doubt someone could match Sue’s level.

Can we reverse the roof? He gave me the “are you serious” look.

Oh c’mon it’s already a shame to not be able to use a 597hp…let us at least enjoy the fun options…

You know what …you’re right...especially that YOU CAN’T do that with your Bentley…I scoffed. You might want to put your glasses on though…he said pushing the magical button as I put my shades on. The roof suddenly disappeared and we were soon under the immensity of the sky, very blue luckily.

Hell yeah…that’s what a Ferrari should be like…now I get to appreciate it…you know what I might have a thing for Ferraris two…only if they’re open…it looks to much like a sarcophagus otherwise…I said. He laughed.

Yeah I kind of agree with you but there’s obvious reasons why I can’t drive like that…

What the weather? It’s nice these days…I genuinely said before looking around only to realize that most of the other cars divers, passengers, and pedestrians were looking at us. Even worst snapping pictures with their mobile. - WHAT THE FU--…OH MY GOD…SERIOUSLY…what the hell is wrong with people we’re not idols or anything…ok put it back I’d rather be confined in a coffin than being hash tagged as Ju ji hoon’s new on Instagram… He burst into a big fat laughter and thank god his phone rang.  I buried myself in my chair using my hair to dissimulate my face as I was trying to reach the button to push so that the roof would come back. I simply looked crazy.

Yes? (- Where the are you???) I could hear Jin hyuk on the other side. The guy has such a clear pronunciation that I still could hear each distinct word despite the roof still being open. So Jin-Hyuk does curse…good to know. - I told you I’m on my way man, last time I checked they haven’t figured wings for cars yet, I promise I’ll get one if they do… he said winking at me and I almost threw up… (- What’s with this silly girlfriend voice you have on…oh no you’re with a chick aren’t you…god I knew it…I knew it…) I saw him scoff. – No…he confidently stated while pushing my hand aside as I was desperately trying to touch the reversing button while laying down on my seat so that the morons in the car next to him can’t snap my face and as I almost reached it he again pushed me aside making me loose my balance.

OPPA! I shouted and he glared at me. Oups…

I mean yes I am but it’s far… like really really far from what you’re thinking…he added now blocking my two arms now as I was perfectly sitting and decided more than ever to bring the roof back but in vain. He was way stronger and I gave up crossing my arms in my seat. (- if you’re not here in the next 10 minutes I promise me and your mother will be having a very nice discussion about-)  - hahahaha…yeah me too bro can’t wait to be there he said this time looking at me and I pretended I haven’t heard anything.

Hon’ I promise I’m on my way…I said as soon as I took her call.

How far are you on your way??? You texted me the same twice already!

Calm down…ok no need for the curse you’re at work as well…remember?

Yes I remember…but I’m quitting anyway if you don’t get your here in the following 10 minutes! Your grandmother is here …you know how I can’t stay alone with her…she even smiled when I told her you were going to be late…can you believe that? She smiled?? I’m scared … ok? I’m ing scared…please please I’m begging you in the name of our long friendship…save me!!!

Seriously Hon’ …like seriously??? Ok whatever I’ll be there in 10 minutes …I said hanging up the phone tired of my long time friend’s silly and overdramatic act.

You know we can’t legally be there in 10 minutes...it’s impossible… I heard the Ji talking to me who; after I looked at him, must have been cautiously listening to my conversation. Seriously, the guy has no… like…at least he should pretend…just like I did.

What about we get there illegally? I whispered ily as an idea just popped out.  He looked at me dramatically for a moment then smirked…

Damn kitty you’re more dangerous that I thought you would be…he answered playing along and my heart skipped a beat. Yes it did. But hold on a second it is not what you think…it did skip a beat but not in a good way ok? A bad way, a very bad way as I remembered the last time he called me that way. And what happened that day… I think I just realized something. The guy is a jinx…he’s my jinx… - ready? He asked looking at me a last time. I simply nodded and before I could realize it we found ourselves on the emergency lane. Ok now I need to describe what it feels like flying driving with your pedal to the metal in a ing Ferrari 458 special with a 597 HP…ok we didn’t need to reach that power as I thought I would already die when he crossed 250km per hour, I had my hand firmly gripped into the both sides of my seat and If I wasn’t afraid to look ridiculous I’d be screaming my fear out and would have my hands on my chest trying to keep my heart from coming out. My long hair probably never felt that free and was probably having the time of his life. I couldn’t speak, move or breath actually… just like you can’t while you’re riding on a roller coaster…you just wait for the moment to pass and look back on your life…then you eventually survive it. We actually did. He dramatically braked in front of the hotel entrance and no need to say that we made quite an impression. It took us actually 4minutes and 35 seconds instead of ten to get there.

- OH MY ING GOD…THAT WAS THE BEST RIDE EVER LIKE EVER…he said like a happy child getting off the car and walking to my side. Does he realize that he flashed all the possible radars on earths and that he might probably be forbidden to drive for his next 5 lives?

- Are you out of your mind? Yes of course you are…I said standing as well but still inside the car; as I forgot how to even open a door.

- Oh c’mon it was fun wasn’t it…he said now in front of me and as it was the most natural thing in the world he lifted me up from his cabriolet, maybe he forgot how to open a door as well. – Plus it was your idea…he said after putting me down. My legs were terribly shaking and I felt dizzy.

- My idea??? I only suggested using the emergency lane not the speeding …I defended. He laughed.

- Well your fault…you should’ve been clearer about what you really wanted…he teased grabbing my hand and believe me or not I didn’t budge. We walked towards the entry when he almost bumped into … Hana oh and her boss and from the similar expression both had it’s safe to say that they’ve been there for a long time, how could I describe it? STUPEFACTION, SHOCK, CONFUSION?

It was quite hilarious to see, it seems like she was trying to say something but refused to obey.

- This is isn’t real right? I saw the vampire whisper to my friend.

- I’m afraid it is…she whispered back. Okay…okay…one thing at a time…no matter how much my brain is perfect it’s quite hard to process the situation right now…so…what…  you guys are together??? She said as her and her boss was staring at my hand that I forgot was still in Ji hoon’s one.

- WHAT??? I shout at her. He just dropped me what on earth is wrong with you? I said immediately freeing myself from him.

- The visit…she’s talking about the visit…you’re talking about the visit right? Asked her boss. And I felt confused as well.

- Yes sir…I am… thank you …he’s the prior guest I was talking about earlier…

- Is he? You said you were meeting Jin-Hyuk Oppa …I looked at him with an interrogative look.

- Yes …I told you I am meeting Jin-hyuk… for a visit of the new reception hall for our next charity event…

- Nooo…you only said “I’m meeting Jin-hyuk” you didn’t mention why…

- Well you didn’t ask “why” either…

- Yes but-

- Ok I’m sorry to break the nice chat but your mother has been waiting along with miss Lee’s grandmother. Interrupted me Jin-hyuk. We better proceed to the lobby…We’ll figure out what the whole situation is about then…he added walking towards the construction hall soon followed by Hana who gave me the “we have to talk” look. I was lost in translation. What’s his mom doing here?

- What is your grand doing here? He whispered to me.

- She’s here to visit…what is your mother doing here?

- I told you…kitty… the visit! Is this …is this a part of the Sogeting plan we had to go through earlier? He genuinely asked.  Was it? No…usually a Sogeting doesn’t have these kinds of options…

- I have no idea…and stop calling me like that…he smirked. What kind of situation am I in? We kept on walking few steps and turned to the right opposite the reception into a corridor that is still refused to access. There was a security member standing close to a checkpoint that immediately opened as he saw Jin-hyuk coming there. Where are we going? The blue house???

- Oh so you made it. I seriously started to loose hope. I heard my grandmother speaking out loud and having her eyes on her phone. Everyone stayed there silent and Hana instinctively got closer to me.

- I am sorry…but it was kind of last minute the visit was supposed to be on-

- Always good excuses my little princess…always the best excuses…she said this time eying me. I stood there silent. That was exactly what I feared the most. Her, treating me coldly in front of everybody.

- My apologies Mrs. Lee, spoke suddenly Ji. - Our date turned out to be a bit longer that it should’ve…and I’m the one to blame for that. Date? I irked at the word.

- Date??? Exclaimed both Hana and Jin-hyuk. And I wished I had pictured their hilarious expression but I was too busy doing mine as I looked at him as he was standing at my left with a daring stare and provocative smirk he had for my grandmother. Ok, the guy surely needs a psychiatrist because you don’t want to talk to her like that unless you gave up on any idea that involves staying alive. I stared at him in awe and he didn’t budge, he faced her, he hold on to the stare contest and I hate to admit it but I kind of admired that. It was the first time for me to see someone butting head with her, beside my grandfather, and my father. I was impressed.

- So I believe you did really enjoyed yourself with my granddaughter Ji-hoon-a, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind…she answered with an equal smirk and I started to feel dizzy. Here goes the result of useless provocation, are you happy with yourself Ju-JI-HOON???

- Of course I did Mrs. Lee. He answered without any form of destabilization.

- Then I couldn’t be more happier my dear son…we heard a particular woman say behind us who happened to be Ji hoon’s mother. We all turned back to see her rushing towards us with phone in hand, as she must have gone for an important phone call. She was flawless as usual. – See I told you it was a good idea eonni…she gave my grand a wink and I swear I heard wrong. Her idea? …So now that our two birds are finally here shall we start with the visit? She said all hyped about the idea and another bunch of awkward looks were exchanged before we finally entered that cursed reception hall. It was huge. It gave me the feeling of opening a magical door that would lead you into a secret, hidden place. The cupola the architect went for was surprising, as the hotel structure doesn’t seem to be able to carry this kind of shape in the first place. I was taken back. Black & white. These were the main colors, which was safe and could help the hall being used for different reasons. Black for the floor where I could see my own reflection thanks to the polished porcelain material and white for walls. Off white actually that took the shape of huge checker pieces all over the room except around the massive door that we took where the checkers became bronze and around the second door at the opposite of the of the first one. The ceiling was adorned with a massive chandelier, 18 meters diameter if I believe the explanation Hana has been giving since we entered the hall and another play of checkers all in metal with few black stones in it. I knew instantly who was behind the interior. And I couldn’t be surer as I saw a painting representing what could be assimilated with a planet of the solar system. Probably Mars.

- Thierry W Despond…I said before Jin Hyuk could answer Mrs. Ju’s question. They all shifted their attention to me. I walked back towards the group.

- Exactly…how do you know? Not a lot of people know him here…Said Jin-Hyuk and I could hear a glimpse of annoyance in his voice.

- Well she is far from “people” sir…answered Hana with a proud smile.

- His office is in New York you can’t live in New York and not know about him I guess… added her boss.

- I actually know him from Paris.

- You do? He replied instantly as I picked his curiosity and I regretted as if there’s something my dear elder hates me to talk about is Paris.

- It’s a great job Jin-hyuk SSI. This is so far the greatest reception hall from all the hotels of the city. You’ve just achieved something. Complimented my grandmother so the discussion could be shifted to anything but Paris. 

- Thank you Mrs. Lee… it means a lot coming from you.

- Not only for charity events and launching products, I think this place could actually be perfect for…wedding receptions…don’t you think eonni? Said Mrs. Ju her voice full of mischief. Everyone felt suddenly awkward except for the two women. I took a deep breath. I looked at Hana she was frowning at me. She felt it as well. Danger.

- Well actually we already have some requests from Vvip guest but I’m not sure yet, I feel like it’ll be a waste compared to the place…answered honestly Jin-hyuk and I admired his professionalism in front of the teasing, or maybe he haven’t seen it.

- It depends which VIP we’re talking about, I’m sure Ju Ji-hoon getting married here will make this place’s worth triple in no time…said my grandmother laughing. - Don’t you think Gongju? She said this time eying me. This was really getting awkward. I looked at him and he seemed to be amused by the situation.

- Well I’m not sure I have anything to think about it but I totally agree with you this place will be amazing for…for the launching of our new line…Hon’ do you have by any chance the file I’ve sent you last week with-

- Your ideas for the event plan, lighting and display? Of course I have them…here you go! She said handling them to me and excited about the discussion getting back to what it should be; work.

- Thank you…well now that I get to see this place there’s few changes I have to do…can you take notes?

- Let’s get started…she said feeling super exited. I walked around the hall once again and noticing each detail and giving her directions about the screen we would need for the presentation product, the place where the photographers would have to stand for the official pictures. The VIP space, the buffet, the stage for the price. We then worked on the lightning, and more generally in to what extend the hall could adapt to the purpose of the event and even got the time to discuss the program of it. We got so focused on the meeting that I haven’t realized it’s been more than 20 minutes that Hana and I isolated ourselves from the rest of the group. I finally snapped back and even if I was sure they were doing their own thing when we just started it seemed now they were kind of focus on us. I cleared my throat. Both men had the same look; it was hard to figure out. It seemed like they were septic about these dolls working. I couldn’t understand, Jin Hyuk has been working with Hana for weeks now but he was looking at her as he has seen her for the first time, as he couldn’t get used to it. I felt disturbed. Maybe it was because of me. He didn’t know me. Maybe it was us two working together. I wasn’t sure. All I knew is that it felt uncomfortable.

- Sorry, we got carried away… Halmeoni, is there something you’d like to add…?

- Well you seem to have it all under control, plus this event is your thing and your grandfather insisted we should all leave it on you…thank you for making me pressured Grand. And if this event is my thing why did she care about visiting it today? I was frowning at her silly act getting more and more annoyed by all these things happening. Things I couldn’t understand.

- You must be really brilliant for your family to rely on you this way my dear…I wish I could be able to say the same… Ji-hoon-a… you’re taking care as well of the charity event…is there anything you’d like to say? I looked at him and I saw something weird happening. His face, changing from what I’ve seen earlier, going back to that jaded jerk I’ve seen all my life.

- It’s a cool place… he said nonchalantly and she scoffed in despair. I felt sorry…for him. Now I could see it, his acting.

- What is the program this year? I hesitantly asked. Why am I asking this?

- Well it’ll be different from the other years… it won’t be a usual fund collection but an auction sell. Answered me Jin-hyuk probably as he knew his friend wouldn’t answer this question.

- Really… why? I asked curious now.

- The press accused the company directors of being sassy for collecting funds when they’re the most healthiest people in the continent… answered me Hana almost in a mocking tone to what Mrs. Ju cleared .

- How do you know that? That was not the official reason we gave… asked Ji-hoon this time clearly annoyed.

- Her father had to deal with that issue? Remember? Said Jin-hyuk in the same desperate tone.

- Oh right… he said again nonchalantly and this time Hana scoffed.

- So is it an art auction or something? I asked. AGAIN. I’m sorry I’m asking too much questions… I said out loud blaming myself but isn’t curiosity a great sign of intelligence? Plus we’re doing this meeting all together so…

- Oh please don’t be sorry, your interest for our company means a lot to me. Said his mother with a meaningful look. This year Ji-Hoon is the sponsor of the event and we’re offering in exclusivity the first ever watch to match with the last phone created 1 year before it gets on the market… answered me his mother all proud and I wondered if it was always like that. If people spoke all the time for him.

- Oh…that’s great…

- It’s a great contribution indeed, it’s a very wise move from the company… added Jin-Hyuk in his formal tone. And I nodded.

- What? I heard Hana ask looking at me with a very suspicious look. You don’t think so right? She asked me and I felt like killing her right there.

- No…it’s not that…I…

- Oh c’mon, you did that thing with your lip, you always do that when you don’t like something…

- No I didn’t… I said touching my hair now. She’s not going to comment about that as well is she?

- Oh now you’re touching your hair meaning I caught you… c’mon give me your opinion it’s really important we can’t afford to mess with an event like that… 

Seriously? This girl has a strong hint deficiency. I saw my grandmother restraining a laugh and Mrs. Ju frown along with Jin-hyuk who was suddenly worried.

You think its crap don’t you? Finally spoke the manwh-…you know who I’m talking about. I looked at him and I was surprised again. His face went back to this expression he had and I saw earlier in the first time, in his car or by moment during lunch. Something innocently evil, amusedly evil. A child evil. I felt like photographing him right there. At least he seemed interested.

Of course I wouldn’t put this way… I said offended by the choice of his words. Doesn’t he know we’re in presence of elders? I swear this guy… it’s just that if avoiding the critic is the main goal of the campaign then I’m afraid offering the last phone will be taken as the most outrageous communication plan ever… but that’s only my opinion… I said after looking at the worried expression Mrs. Ju had. As Ju Ji hoon burst into a laugh.

I don’t see anything funny about it Ji-hoon reprimanded his mother.

You don’t seem surprise? Asked him this time Jin-hyuk.

Of course I’m not, I thought the same since ever this project started…

Then why didn’t you say anything? This is your auction Ji-hoon…

Oh is it mom? Because last time I checked I wasn’t asked anything but to come in the meeting shake few hands and sign a paper nobody dared to explain me even what it was about… he said with a monotone voice and lifeless expression. His mom was in shock. I was in shock, so was his friend and mine. There was this awkward silence now and when I looked at my grandmother she seemed amused by the situation, not amused in a funny way but more in an interested way. Like she was finally interested by what was happening. As for me, I felt sorry and guilty for the demeanor the discussion took and felt the urge to fix it.

So what are you going to do now?

What do you mean? He looked at me as I spoke Norwegian. There’s nothing to do about it…this auction is only three months away… it’s too late… he said almost satisfied by the upcoming failure.

Wouaouh I see you’re really heartbroken about it… in case you haven’t realized it yet you’ll be the one insulted on papers… not me… told him Jin-Hyuk.

Like I’m not used to it. He answered not caring a second.

Sorry for jumping in but what do you mean by “not me” sir? Ok you might not be personally attacked for that neither the hotel but still that’s not good for the image at all, we can’t be associated to a failure… this charity auction has to be successful, it has to be a blast! It’s the first event we’re holding after 5 years of construction… said Hana talking to her boss and for a second I asked myself who was actually the boss. He looked at her and he was going through these mini mental breakdowns you go through when you’re blown away by someone talking. Ji-hoon burst into laughter to what his friend gave him a killing look.

God Hon’ calm down, the situation isn’t that dramatic, three months is enough to come up with something I’m sure…I said looking at Mrs Ju who had this devastated look I couldn’t stand. There was something sad about that woman. I’ve always seen it and it still is the reason why I don’t feel confortable around her. She was put in a position every woman dreamed for and she literally had to die then be born again to survive in that spot. What for?  She looked at me as I picked her interest and immediately regretted it.

Not dramatic? An auction is prepared one year in advance not three months and for your inf- I pinched her arm so she could get hint. What?

Shut up… I whispered so she could get it straight.

Do you have an idea?


For the auction, do you think you can help Ji-hoon fix the situation? Asked me his mother. Ok that was not what I was hoping for at all. What was I actually hoping for? Scratch what I said earlier…Being curious is source of trouble.

I…I…Mrs. Jun I’m sure Ji-hoon can actually come up with something by himself…

I actually never was taught to do so…think by myself… he said this time looking at his mother and she looked at him this time with a restrained smirk. They exchanged a look only both of them could understand before reverting to me again. So since you’re here why don’t you give us your opinion? Am I being their chess piece right now? I took at deep breath and looked at my grandmother. She nodded at me and I felt better. Not that I was waiting for her approbation but more for support. And that’s what she gave me for the first time in what felt like a long time.

I don’t know… it’s complicated. I mean the purpose is still to promote the company and its latest products but it should be made less obvious, it should come as an accessory to something more personal, more close to you, to your taste… you know…wait a second isn’t that watch meant to be matched also with your…I paused as I saw him get a hint on where I was going.

You’re not thinking what I think you are? He asked me with a smirk.

Why not? That would perfectly suits you… I said trying to motivate him.

Can I do that? He genuinely asked.

Of course you can…it’s your auction after all…

I don’t know…it’s a bit risky… I might get even more criticized…

Well you said it yourself… you’re used it and if you’re gonna be criticized then at least it’ll be for something YOU chose …

DAMN… You’re right… 

Do you guys mind translate for us? Asked Hana, as everyone seemed to be watching a tennis match.

A car…I’m going to give away one of my cars…he said all proud.

What? Asked calmly his mother.

WHAT? Asked less calmly Hana.

WHICH CAR? Don’t tell me you’re speaking about the car I think you are… spoke Jin-hyuk.

Yes… that one… that’s the only one who can be matched with the watch…

WHAT THE F-… shouted his friend and we were surprised to seem him almost curse in front of all of us… no no no …don’t even think about it! That car is mine…you can’t do that…you promised to sell it to me he insisted completely out of control and I was confused.

What is he talking about? I asked Hana who was looking even more frustrated.

How am I supposed to know? I startled as she shouted at me as Ji-hoon and Jin-Hyuk were arguing about something we didn’t know about I shook my head in front of her all time overacting when she wasn’t in control or had missing information about something she thought her life depended on. I looked at the elders and both women seemed lost in some intense conversation. I decided to approach them and felt like interrupting their mysterious talk.

Is everything doing fine? I cautiously asked.

Yes…everything is fine…answered my grandmother but still locking eyes with Mrs. Jun.

S.T.O.P!!! Both of you shut up… I suddenly heard Hana shout to what everyone responded by shutting up their mouths especially the boys that had their eyes wide open. – Now I want everyone to communicate with everyone so that I can understand what’s going on… let’s all discuss about things ok… let’s be professional…she said satisfied as everyone was looking at her. I looked at the “wtf” face Jin-hyuk, Ji-hoon and his mother were having and tried hard to restrain a laugh to what she gave me her deadly look. – Sir; am I wrong? … Or the reason you’re opposing the car being at the auction is strictly personal?

It is strictly personal, she’s smart… no wonder you’ve been bragging about her all the time… said Ji-hoon to what Jin-hyuk widened his eyes before telepathically insulting his friend of every single curse human being came with since language was born.

I guessed so added Hana. I frowned at her. About the personal part not the bragging part… she said completely unaffected by the fact that Jin-hyuk the cold vampire did complimented her behind her back as it was the most random thing. I don’t need to know what is the personal drama behind that car and DO NOT WANT TO KNOW expect if there is something illegal issues about it, then I want to know but seriously from a professional point of you, what do you think Sir? Try to be objective … She spoke without taking a breath and looking at her boss.

I’m afraid I can’t be objective on that matter… you give me your opinion… he said with his defeated voice. I looked at him; at them and at that thing that I’ve wanted to point out since I arrived but couldn’t see it, name it. Complicity. That’s what they had and my mind was having really hard time processing it.

Ok…let me think…  I think it’s risky… she said looking at me and I didn’t budge waiting for her upcoming argument. But at the same time… it’s provocative… daring … and we need that…we need buzz … she looked at me with her smirk. It’s actually brilliant…

Well thanks for your great acknowledgment not that we actually cared… spoke Ji-hoon and before I had the chance to defend my friend someone else did.

I do… I would’ve not asked her otherwise… I wish her answer were different though; he said this time looking at her.  I guess we have a plan…

Amazing! Then I have to contact the Samsung communication department...we have one week to change the press release thank god this visit happened before…it would’ve been a disaster otherwise…

That was an amazing of luck indeed… thank you Mrs. Lee for taking part into the visit and miss Lee of course…added Jin-hyuk wit his all time diplomatic and professional tone.

Oh I don’t it was luck Jin-hyuk, that’s what we call destiny… said this time Ji-hoon eying me while insisting on the “destiny” part. I scoffed. This guy surely loves to tease around without giving a damn about who listens.

Well that was a very efficient meeting.  I guess we can leave now … don’t you think? Spoke my grandmother talking to Mrs. Jun and probably eager to break the awkward silence that had took place.  

Yes it was… eonni, let’s get going, you and I have a plenty things to review? Answered the latter and I got all suspicious, again.

Halmeoni, I … I thought you wanted to see me? I dared to ask. I suddenly felt like they shouldn’t hang out together, like Mrs. Jun had a lot to do with my grandmother’s late behavior and even blamed myself for not noticing it sooner.

Oh…  did I? Yeah right…  I’m sorry darling but can we talk at home? I’m really busy working on something now… she said with the most caring tender voice she could gather and I felt my heart aching as and no matter how crazy it sounded it felt incredibly sincere. I stood there looking at her, was she acting, was she fooling me? I didn’t know. Was she planning on something? I didn’t know. Did that something had to do with what I had to go earlier or her current behavior? I still didn’t know. I wish I never knew. 



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riwanritwo #1
Chapter 42: Good day authornim!! The holidays are comning, it's been what, 8 long months, still no update from you. We miss you, terribly, OMG, when are you going to post an update? I hope you will soon. Been reading the story for the nth time. hehehe I seem like a movie in my head.Make it a christmas gift to us your readers. Please please please.
riwanritwo #2
omg omg omg, you re back and back you are heheeh. Before i read the updates i just got to let you know how happy iam!!!! (doing the dance of joy) Thank you for the updates and I promise you I will enjoy reading them. So excited!!!
i am really beggin' to not hurt tae feeling i don't want to see ki-clown with sunny please ... if u wanted to make them a couple why did u make her marry tae at the fisrt sight :'( ... i will feel sorry and she will look like a wife who cheat on her husband with someone who was humilating her since she was make ... just :'( dun make sunny and ki-clown a couple jaebal i am beggin you again
princessjay #4
Chapter 42: OMG! You're back! You're here! With so many updates! Miss you! LOL! I woke up in the middle of the night to see a notification update on this. I thought I was dreaming!

And the updates...so juicy...what happened at that dinner and the big change in Sara? I feel she is backed to a corner to agree to this.

I'm curious to Wooky's reaction. He wanted that relationship with Sue but marriage is totally different. I hope he is happy with the turn of events.

Don't worry about the light interaction between Hana and Jin Hyuk. I was laughing while reading it. It is nice to read the vampire is shaken by something.

Great great updates! It is always always worth the wait. Hope you are doing fine with work and all. Take care!
FrenchKijibe #5
Chapter 42: Finally ! I'm back...I missed you my dear reader and I am so sorry it took me forever to post these...I wanted to post this in September then December then Valentine's Day but never managed to meet any of these deadlines.
I wrote these three parts were supposed to came out as one chapter but I ended up dividing in parts so that it makes the reading easier. I had written the confrontation with Sue and her dad plus Gongju and Jihoon but I thought it would be great to insert a lighter interaction with Hana and Jinhyuk but god I got stuck forever on it... I like the idea that they would be together when they would find out about Sue's father wanting to meet Wooky but then I since I've had put so much energy writting these heavy confrontations that I couldn't write a "lighter interaction"...and since I wasn't satisfied with the results...it was just getting dragged and dragged ...and then I realized that would never be satisfied so let's just go with it...hope you like and that it doesn't sound off ! let me know what you think...I've seriously missed you !!!
riwanritwo #7
Chapter 39: Good day authornim!! Yo What's up? Still no update and it's November already . Not that I am complaining, (nah I am.)(again) Please update , consider it as an early Christmas gift for your readers. Thank you in advance. God bless.
riwanritwo #8
Good day authornim!! Yo What's up? Still no update and it's September already . Not that I am complaining, (nah I am.) Please update , consider it as an early Christmas gift for your readers. Thank you in advance. God bless.
I miss this story
princessjay #10
Chapter 39: Wow! Such a long chapter! I was reading it since this morning (sneak reading a paragraph between work stuff...hehehe)...the wait was so worth it. I love everything.

Each and every interaction...from weird to wild (Ji-Sara), from platonic to playful (Ki-Sunny), from nothing to something (Jin-Hana)...everything was awesome.

I for one don't mind the detours. Hey, you're the author...you are driving, we are just here for the ride.

(Just a note: I particularly like how you've written Ki as a smaller character so far then all of a sudden...BAM! Now, I can't help but imagine that tattoo. LOL!)