Of Coffee and Polish

You're Worth It

Hey loves, I'm so so so sorry for the lack of updates *bows twice* But I'm back with another chapter! 



“Thanks for the ride,” Jin smiled once they pulled up to the restaurant.


Namjoon returned the smile, revealing his dimple. “No prob.”


Before Jin could step out, he placed his hand on his thigh. “Ahem, aren’t you forgetting something?"


Jin thought about what he could’ve forgotten. Then it suddenly dawned on him. “Oh, oops, right.” He leaned over and gave Namjoon a lingering kiss. “Better?” He smiled cheekily.


Namjoon nodded. “Much. See ya.” He waved goodbye.


Jin waved and watched as he drove away with a soft blush on his cheeks. He opened his phone to check the time. 5:08 A.M. He had ended up staying until the rain let up at Namjoon and Taehyung’s apartment. Mostly as an excuse to stay with his (now) boyfriend. Picking up the spare key in the potted plant next to the door, he unlocked the door and crept inside. Upstairs, Jin was only a couple feet from his room when he heard a…


“Yah! Freeze you brat!”


Jin stopped and sighed.


“And where the hell have you been?” Hyosang hissed.


Jin wrinkled his nose from the smell of alcohol wafting from his brother’s breath. “Easy on the booze hyung.”


“Don’t change the subject!”


“It was pouring so I went to a friend’s house.” He made sure to keep the ‘friend’s’ subtle.


Hyosang shook his head. “Umma called every single one of your friends, said they haven’t seen or heard from you. Except Yoongi.”


Jin shrugged. “So to prove your point, I was taking shelter from the rain. No harm done.”


Something in Hyosang finally seemed to relax. He rubbed his aching head. “Ok. Alright, alright. Just, don’t go anywhere without telling us..arraso-”


Jin was already inside the door before Hyosang finished. “Yeah thanks!”


“You punk! I wasn’t finished!”


Jin chuckled at his brother’s overreaction. He realized that he was still wearing the clothes Namjoon had given him. He smiled at the thought. His scent was still there on the shirt. Jin sat down on his mattress and picked up his phone again.


Not wanting to keep any secrets from his friends, he wanted to at least tell them about him and Namjoon. He couldn’t call Yoongi; that boy slept at least twelve hours a day, so he dialed Jimin’s number. It was late, but Jimin chose to be a night owl.


After a couple rings, he heard a voice on the other line.


“Hey Jimin, I have to-”




“Shh, baby, just relax..”


Jin’s left eye twitched as more soft moans and the sound of a mattress squeaking escaped through the speaker. Of course, he thought. Of course I’d catch them having .


"So good baby, ugh, you're so good...!"


Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he was unsure if he should wait until sunrise or interrupt. Taking a deep breath, he hung up. Unfortunately now, he couldn’t get the image of Jimin and Jungkook out of his head.


{Jikook POV}


Jimin woke up with his lovely boyfriend in his arms. His bare pale skin was now covered in multiple marks and hickeys from last night’s previous activities. He was sure that there was at least some marks on his back or something. Jungkook’s lips curled into a small smile when he felt a pair of lips kiss the top of his head.


“Mmm...I’m still tired boo.”


Jimin chuckled and just continued to pepper his face, neck, and clavicle with kisses. “Good morning to you too gorgeous.”


Jungkook finally gave up and wrapped his arms around his neck. With an innocent look he whispered, “you know, it’s still early Jimin.” There was a slight purr in his voice.


Jimin felt himself turn red. How was it that his boyfriend was so innocent, but was an absolute fiend? “Um, I guess we have some time.”


The two were once again caught in a heated kiss, until Jimin’s cell phone started blaring Taeyang, interrupting their make out session. Jungkook pouted as Jimin pulled away to answer his phone.




Even though Jungkook couldn't hear anything, he could tell that the caller was Seokjin.


"Hey hyung. No not much, Kookie and I are just...sleeping." He turned to his boyfriend and gave him a wink, causing the youngest to giggle. There was some slight yelling coming from his phone. "Yah, what makes you think we were..." Jimin's face grew red. "Ohh, you heard that. Ahem, well this isn't awkward."


Jungkook watched as his boyfriend continued to talk to the other individual on the other line. He watched as his face went from embarrassed, to confused, then to shocked.


"You have a what?!" Jimin exclaimed in disbelief, causing the latter to jump. Jungkook now started to get curious.


"Boo, what did he say?" He asked, tapping his shoulder gently.


Jimin placed a finger on the boy's lips to shush him. "Okay Jin, we'll be right there."


With that, he hung up and turned to Jungkook with a happy grin on his face. "What was that about?" His boyfriend asked.


Jimin's smile only continued to grow wider. "Time to get dressed sweetie, coffee time.


Jungkook's face lit up at the sound of the hot pick me up, then suddenly pursed his lips into a pout. "So...no quickie?"


{Yoongi POV}


In the dark confinements of his room, Yoongi was burrowed deep within at least three layers of blankets (as well as some pillows and patterned quilts). He had woken up a little earlier, but one look out the window made him change his mind.


He chose sleep rather than go out and socialize.


Everything was peaceful for Yoongi. Until...


Give me some sugar
Hayake naeryeojwoyo
Ooh ooh ooh
Ne mameul nogyeobollae
Ooh ooh ooh

Hey boy show me how you shake it

Hey boy show me how you shake it


Yoongi growled and pulled his pillow over his ears to muffle the blaring sound of his ringtone. He reminded himself to kill Seokjin for making him get that ringtone in the first place. He tried his hardest to wait until his phone went to voice message, but sadly, no prevail.


Imma try to tell you something
Dareun saramhanten mami dachin


Nainde neohanten
Nae mameul da gatda bachil


Sasireul almyeon cham dalgeol
Kyaramel gachi dalkomhalgeol


Sweethan geol johahamyeon
Baby I'm your sugar girl


"AAAAAHHHHH!" He whipped his pillow to the ground and snatched his phone, finally answering the damn call. "KIM SEOKJIN I AM GOING TO ING KILL YOU!"


His yelling could've practically awoken his entire floor. It took Yoongi a while to process what Jin was saying as he explained why he disturbed his slumber.


"Jesus Christ Suga, I know you hate it when people wake you up, but I didn't you'd act like a wild bear that just got disturbed from hibernation."


"If you call me 'Suga' one more time, I will personally rip out your tongue," Yoongi all but threatened. It wasn't his fault that his skin was so pale. So why would his friends even bother to give him the stupid nickname? "What do you want?"


He heard Jin sigh. "Look I don't really have time to explain via phone, so just meet us at the cafe down the street from school. By us, I mean Jimin and Jungkook."


Yoongi rubbed his eyes irritably. "Okay okay. Fine, just give me a minute."


He placed his phone back on the dresser, then laid down on his bed again. It was just so comfy. Instead of getting up, Yoongi decided it wouldn't be bad if he closed his eyes for a bit.


"Min Yoongi, get your lazy over here. Now!"


Yoongi swore that if Jin called him again, he would chuck his phone at the nearest wall.




Jin approached the counter of the coffee shop and eyed the array of beverages.


"Hi!" A female barista smiled. "What can I get for ya?"


"Umm, I'll have one caffe latte. Tall please." He handed her a five dollar bill.


"Is that all?" She asked as she placed the dollar in the cash register.


Jin nodded. "Oh! And a cup of black coffee please."  Knowing Yoongi, he was still probably going to be grouchy after being woken up so early. At Jin's nod, the barista  turned around and started making his drinks.


After a total of five minutes, she placed his drink on the counter. "One tall cafe latte and black coffee for Seokjin!"


Jin gave her a smile, grabbed the two cups of coffee, then retreated back to his friends. He sat down and took a sip of the warm latte. Jimin took a sip of his americano. "So, what is it you have to tell us hyung?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.


Jin chuckled. "Ah ah ah, not yet. Yoongi's not here."


Right when he mentioned said boy's name, the doors to the coffee shop flew open, revealing a paler than usual Yoongi wearing nothing but a red sweater, sweatpants, and a black face mask. From the others general view, he could've looked as if he was ready to drop dead and sleep.


"Oh, speak of the devil," Jin piped, taking another sip of coffee.


"Jeez hyung, you look like death," Jimin's muttered holding a cup of coffee up to him.


Yoongi mumbled incoherently and just snatched the drink out of his hand. "Shut up." He plopped down in the seat next to Jin and took a sip of the coffee. He grimaced. "Black?" He asked the man next to him.


"Figured you needed a little pick me up. Unless you want some 'Suga' with that." Jin winked at his friend.


Yoongi's nostrils flared in annoyance. Resisting the urge to splash coffee in his face, he managed to take another sip of coffee. Needless to say it was helping him stay awake.


"So, what's the big exciting news you wanted to tell us Jin hyung?" Jungkook asked in anticipation. Jimin nodded in agreement. Yoongi pretended not to care.


Jin gave them all a mischievous smile. "Well," he took a sip of coffee. "Yesterday, I was waiting by the bus stop after buying some makeup for Miniji. After some endless conversation with Yoongi-"


"What were you and him talking about?" Jimin threw a suspicious glance at Yoongi.


The pale man glared at Jin with a look that flat out said tell-him-and-I-will-end-you as clear as day. Seokjin continued with his story. "Anyway, it started raining by the time our call ended. To my luck, Namjoon happened to pick me up."


Jimin arched a brow, while Jungkook smirked. "Namjoon?" They said in unison.


"Wasn't he that guy you left with at the makeup store, like two days ago?" Yoongi added.


Jin batted his lashes innocently. "Moving on; he was kind enough to give me a lift to his place where I could take a bath and...Jungkook, are you ok?"


The maknae sitting across from him was on the edge of his seat, resting his chin in his hands with a creepy smile on his face. "Hm? I don't mind me, keep going?"


"Okay..." Jin took another chug of his drink. "Anyway, after my bath I made dinner for him and his roommate Taehyung, and ended up staying till five in the morning. Hyosang was steaming pissed once I got home." He laughed at the thought.


The others all blinked their eyes in confusion. "Wait, that's it?" Jimin asked.


Jin looked up at them. "Hm?"


"That's the whole story?


Yoongi rubbed his face in annoyance. "You've got to be ing kidding if this was why you woke me-"


"I never said I was finished," Jin interrupted. "Like I said, I got caught in the rain, got a ride from Namjoon, took a bath, got a boyfriend, then made dinner before leaving."


The three males in front all dropped the cups they were holding. Black coffee spilling from Yoongi's cup mixed in with Jungkook's caramel macchiato as it pooled in the center of the table. The others ignored the mess they made.


"Excuse me, did I just hear you utter the word 'boyfriend'?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.


Jin nodded with a shy grin on his face.


"Seokjin explanation. Now," Yoongi demanded


"I'm pretty sure that entire story was an explanation," Jin smiled.


"How, what, where, when?!" Jimin frantically flailed his hands around, almost knocking over his americano (which was the only beverage still standing).


"I called it!" Jungkook boasted. "I knew that you were hiding something!"


The maknae ran over and sat on his lap. "So tell me, how far have you guys gone?" He wiggled his brows in anticipation. Typical Jungkook and his .


"Woah there baby, I don't think Jin hyung would go that far. Would you?" Jimin turned to Jin.


Jin shook his head, a faint blush on his cheeks. "No...not yet at least." This type of topic was something that Jin would usually stray away from. He was aware of how intimate Jungkook and Jimin were, but just was never interested in that. Until he met Namjoon of course.


Jin turned to Yoongi who looked like he was still in utter shock. "You alright?"


Yoongi snapped out of his train of thought. "I'm just having a hard time processing this, that's all."


Jungkook got off of Jin's lap, then retreated over to his boyfriend, who wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Now that I think about it, Yoongi's the only one who's not in a relationship." He pouted slightly. Jimin kissed his cheek.


Jin smirked. "For now."


Yoongi's eyes widened and his face flushed into a bright crimson shade. Jungkook looked like he was about ready to faint out of utter happiness. "Hyung, are you hiding something from us?" Jimin asked.


Yoongi jumped out of his seat and slapped his hand over Jin's mouth before he could say anything embarrassing. "I will kill you," he hissed just for Jin to hear. "Nope, there is nothing I am hiding. Absolutely nothing."


Jimin and Jungkook shared the same mischievous look. "Whatever you say."




After the quartet of friends had coffee, Jimin left for work, Jungkook left for school (which was in the other direction from where Jimin worked), and Yoongi and Jin left for community college. Bidding one another a farewell, they parted in different directions.


Since it was Thursday, their lectures would last for about four hours. Jin had the same calculus class as Yoongi. Their teacher, who sounded like a broken record, was in the middle of his lesson, when Yoongi felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to the side and eyed Jin.


"What?" He mouthed.


"Can I borrow your calculator?" He asked.


Yoongi shrugged in confusion. "Um, sure? He handed the little device without any questions.


Jin held it in his hands and typed away. After about three seconds, he handed it back over to Yoongi. The pale skin man looked at the screen and was shocked to see what Jin typed using the alphabet tool.


Hows Hoseok?


Yoongi shot a glare to his friend before deleting the message and typing one of his own on the calculator. He passed it over to Jin.


I dont wanna talk about it


Jin sighed then typed another message and passed it over to Yoongi.


why dont you just tell him??


He typed something underneath that message.


I know you like him


Yoongi felt as if something pierced his heart. Why didn’t he just tell him? They kissed. That must’ve meant something to them. He just didn’t know if he liked him. He handed Jin the calculator.


Its complicated


Jin turned to his distraught looking friend. What do I do? He thought. Jin passed the calculator over to Yoongi again.


Take your time...I know its hard


Yoongi bit his lip in contemplation. Right when he was about to type another message, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. In a haste, Yoongi shoved his calculator into his back, packed up his things, and ran to get to his next class.


Seokjin watched as Yoongi exited the room. He looked at the clock and released another sigh. Only three more hours until they could leave.


Needless to say, the hours ticked by relatively fast. Mostly due to the fact Jin spent more time thinking about how to hook Yoongi and Hoseok together, and a certain makeup artist whom he was in a relationship with.


At the final hour, he was sitting in one of his writing classes when he felt his phone buzz, signaling a text. Expecting it to be from Yoongi, he was surprised when he saw that it was Namjoon.


Namjoonie: Sup girl~ (I know that’s weird, but it’s just what I’m used to)


Jin laughed at his corniness. As stealthily as he could, he typed a message underneath the wood of his desk.


Seokjin: lol, whatevs. what’s up?


His phone released another silent buzz. He looked up to make sure his teacher hadn’t heard, then looked at his phone.


Namjoonie: seriously? whatevs? Babe, this isn’t the 80s


Jin snorted rather too loudly. His teacher turned to him with a cold glare. Jin looked at his notes as if nothing was bothering him. Once the teacher turned around, he typed another message.


Seokjin: FYI it was the 90s. what’s up?


The bell finally rang right when Namjoon sent him another text. His eyes widened when he saw the text. Jin didn’t even finish reading: Namjoon: look outside ;) Because he was too busy looking outside the school window.


Of course, Namjoon’s car was parked right outside. Even though he couldn’t see him, Jin knew he was probably giving him his signature smug- smile.


Gathering his things, he ran out into the small campus over to his car. He slipped into the car without being noticed by anyone. Jin sat himself down in the passenger seat and turned to Namjoon.


“I can’t believe you’re here to pick me up!”  He laughed breathlessly.


Namjoon smirked. “Surprised?”  


Jin nodded. “So, where to?”  


Namjoon shrugged as he adjusted the rearview mirror. “Dunno, I was thinking of grabbing a bite, maybe hang around at my place.”  He gave him a wink, causing Jin to blush.


“I you say so.”  Jin suddenly thought about Yoongi. Grabbing his phone, he sent Yoongi a text saying that he wasn’t going to be on the bus. He turned to Namjoon and noticed a faint scent. Something that you would find at a nail salon. He looked down.


“Namjoon..are you putting on nail polish?”  


Namjoon looked down. “Oh! These, yeah I was sampling them for Soyou, says she doesn’t want to taint her nail with a color that doesn’t go with her outfit.”  


Jin rolled his eyes, then leaned over and wrapped his arms around his neck. He pressed his lips against his. “Sampling? You don’t have to be shy if you said you just wanted a color that suits you.”  He whispered into the kiss before giving him another one. “Which it does.”  

Namjoon resisted the urge to laugh. He wanted to enjoy the moment. Namjoon placed his hand on the back of Jin’s head and his brown locks. The couple stayed like that for awhile, until they figured it was best to go before they got caught.


Aww! You guys have no idea how much joy it brings me when I write a NamJin scene. That Jikook scene though! Ha ha ha, I knew I would add that in. I swear I kept thinking about the song coffee while I was writing. By the way, what are your guy's favorite type of coffee (if you drink it), I prefer caramel. Comment down below what you like. Hopefully I'll update soon (I have a long weekend lol). Till then, thank you guys for being patient!



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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*