Of Champagne and Neckties

You're Worth It

Surprise update loves! I just want to take a moment to say thank you so much for 93 subbies! You guys are what keeps me motivated. I love you and I hope you enjoy this chapter! 


“Ten, twenty, thirty…” Jin counted the dollar bills from his usual earnings at the restaurant, as well as the earns he got from modeling.


It had been nearly a month since he had started working at the company, and he already had $367.50 saved up just from modeling as well as waiting hours. Most of the money was being saved for school of course.


Counting at least sixty dollars, Jin stuffed the money back into his wallet and proceeded on heading to the boutique to rent himself a tux for the gala tonight.


As he was walking down the hallway, he passed by the office. Stopping in his tracks, he peaked inside and noticed his mother sorting through piles of paper. One of them happen to catch his eye.


Hong Kong, China


Jin stepped into the office. “Umma?”


Yerin turned around. When she saw that it was her son, she quickly shoved the papers underneath a notebook, and smiled. “Hi honey, is something wrong?”


Jin shook his head, growing suspicious to why his mother was acting so shady. “No. What are you doing?”


“I’m just, sorting through the uh, papers for the restaurant, that’s all!”


Silence grew between the son and mother. Jin continued to glare at her, knowing fully well that she wasn’t telling the truth. Yerin on the other hand hoped she sounded impassive.


She raised a smarter son of course.


“Are you sure you’re alright Umma, you’ve been acting weird ever since the mid-Autumn festival,” Jin persisted, grabbing a chair to sit on.


Yerin finally sighed, then approached her son. Crouching down in front of him, she ruffled his chocolate brown hair. “I’m sorry Jin. Nothing’s wrong, I guess I’ve just been thinking about your grandfather lately.”


“Grandfather?” Jin asked, sitting up straighter.


Yerin nodded. “Mmhm. You know how hard it was when we lost him. Knowing that he’s finally appeased finally brought a sense of relief to me. Almost took of the burden.” Yerin sighed once more, this time in remorse. “But, part of me still misses him being with us sweetheart.”


All feelings of suspicion finally flew out the window as Jin wrapped his arms around his mother. Rubbing small, comforting circles on his back, he said in a soothing voice, “I miss him too Umma.”


Yerin smiled warmly and rested her cheek against his shoulder. After a while, she pulled away and tucked some of his hair behind his ear. “Now, were you going anywhere?”


Jin nodded, almost forgetting the reason why he intended to leave. “Oh yeah, I’m supposed to get a tux for a party tonight.”


“Are you going with Namjoon?” Yerin asked with a hint of amusement in her tone.


Seokjin blushed. “Mmhm,” he hummed.


Yerin grinned and finally stood up, and started pushing her son out of the office. “Alright then, off you go!”


Jin shook his head in amusement, waved goodbye, then walked downstairs to the dining room. Yerin waited until she heard the familiar chime of the bell on the door, signaling that Jin just left. Sighing in relief, she shut the door, then returned back to her work.




At the boutique store, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Yoongi were lost in a sea of black silk tuxedos, bowties, neckties, and whatnot. Jungkook pushed through a rack of black jackets, curiously searching for his boyfriend.


“Jimin?” He called out innocently.


“I’m here honey, just follow the sound of my voice!” The latter’s voice echoed through the shop.


The maknae continued to part the rows and rows of jackets, with no progress of finding Jimin. Using his height as an advantage, he jumped and started bouncing to try and see if he could catch sight of Jimin.


“Ji!” He jumped. “Min?!”


“Okay, I’m right next to you, just like feel for my arm!”


Jungkook stopped bouncing, then stuck his hands through the coat rack, feeling for the toned arm of his boyfriend. His hands finally brushed against something plush, yet firm. He beamed, thinking he found him.


“Um Jungkook, that’s not my arm you know.” Jungkook was suddenly tugged from where he originally was into the arms of said person. The younger male blushed, realizing what he had touched. He quickly removed his hand off of Jimin’s .


“I have no trouble with your hand there at least,” Jimin winked, then kissed the tip of Jungkook’s nose.


Yoongi elbowed Jimin in the ribs, causing the latter to release a cute yelp. “Please resist mean to portray inappropriate behavior when we’re in public, kay?”


“You’re one to talk you hypocritical hyung!” Jimin retorted, eyes flickering to Hoseok, whose arm was wrapped protectively around Yoongi’s waist.


Even though he was covering his hands, Jimin could probably Yoongi was flicking him off. In return, he stuck his tongue out at them.


Jin, who was on the other side of the store, was still searching through the racks of clothes available. “Eotteoke…” he mumbled under his breath worryingly. He pulled out a long black shirt and held it against his body to check the size.


“Need some help?” Hoseok asked.


The eldest nodded, relieved to have someone who actually had a sense in fashion, or at least knew about clothes. “Yes, I don’t know what to do!”


Hoseok smiled and placed his hands on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I have got your back.”


With that, he turned around and started sorting through the rows of jackets. Using his ‘stylist’ eyes, he picked out black blazer that had silver studs on the lapels.


Yoongi came up behind him, holding a white dress shirt in his hands. “Hey what do you-” Hoseok suddenly snatched the search out of his hand.


“Perfect!” He gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek, then trotted over to where the black neckties were.


Jungkook and Jimin were playing around with a couple different ties. Jungkook spotted Hoseok and waved. “I need a tie, do you guys have one?”


Jimin smiled, then held two neckties up. “Pink or black?” Before he knew it, the black tie he was holding was gone and in Hoseok’s possession.


Hoseok presented the newly made outfit in front of Jin. “Try it on!” He said excitingly.


Jin didn’t argue and just stepped into one of the fitting rooms. After a moment, he came out. “So, how’s it look.”


Hoseok turned around and gasp, a big grin playing at his face. Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook approached the duo. “Wahh! Jin hyung when did you look hot?” Jungkook squealed in delight.


“I agree, which is a first,” Yoongi complimented. Bluntly of course.


Jim felt his cheeks grow hot. “Do I really?”


Hoseok once again placed his hands on his shoulders. “As hot as you’ll ever be. Trust your hope Jin!”


Jin had no idea what that meant, but his gut was telling him to go with it. Looking at the price tag, he was more than happy to know that the price was in reasonable range.


He beamed at his friend. Ï think we found ourselves a winner.”




“Wow,” Jin said in awe as he took in the interior of the ballroom. The floor was made out of white marble. Tables were covered in white table cloths with gold napkins and confetti scattered all over the table for decoration. Members of the company were all present, dressed in exquisite outfits. Familiar and unfamiliar.


“Pretty stunning don’t you think?” Namjoon asked.


Jin looked up at his boyfriend and nodded while smiling. He took in the way he looked. Namjoon was dressed in a somewhat similar outfit with the black blazer and black trousers. The only difference was that the white dress shirt he was wearing didn’t have a necktie and was ed halfway, revealing parts of his chest.


His platinum white hair was tousled, some strands touching the corner of his eyes. There was also some small hints of pink eyeshadow dusted on the outer corners and black liner. There were no words to describe how he looked. He was just downright y.


Namjoon held his hand out to him. “Shall we?”


Jin laced their fingers together, then started walking hand in hand with him. The duo were suddenly approached by Soyou and Hyorin. Instead of black, Soyou’s hair was dyed a gorgeous light brown with a magenta ombré.


“You look beautiful Soyou-unnie,” Jin complimented.


Soyou smiled sweetly at him. “Aww, you’re sweet. But look at you! I’m kind of guessing this was Hoseok’s work.”


Jin nodded, biting back a smile. “Yeah, actually it was.”


“Am I right, where is the little goofball anyway?" She asked looking around for him.


"He's busy, hanging out with his boyfriend," Jin said with an eye roll.


Soyou giggled. "Makes sense. Well I hope you guys, especially you guys, enjoy the night.” Soyou grabbed two glasses of champagne from a passing busboy and handed it to the couple.


Jin watched as the two ladies walked towards the other direction, then brought the sparkling liquid to his lips. It was his first time trying champagne, so he didn't know what to expect. He couldn't help but giggle when the little bubbles fizzed when they touched his lips.


Namjoon found the sight adorable, but proceeded to sip his drink and avoid making too much of a fool of himself. He pulled Jin towards the table Soyou and Hyorin were at and sat down next to them.


Soyou smiled, then took out her phone. She grabbed Hyorin and scooted closer to Jin and Namjoon. "For sentimental values." Holding her phone above them so the camera was facing them, Soyou took a selca.


"So pretty," she gushed, admiring the picture of them; her and Hyorin flashing the camera dazzling smiles, Jin holding up a peace sign, and Namjoon kissing his cheek.


"Send that to me!" Hyorin tapped her shoulder.


"So Hyorin," Namjoon started. "How are things with, you know who?"


Hyorin rolled her eyes. "Who?" Jin asked.


"Well," Namjoon rested his cheek on his fist. "Hyorin's older sister Bora has been seeing Taehyung." He smirked when he saw Hyorin pout.


Jin gaped at him. "Wait, but doesn't he, like boys?"


Namjoon snorted. "Hell to the no. He's straight, but he flirts with guys. Ain't that right Hyojung?"


Soyou giggled, while Hyorin covered her face in embarrassment. "Who's Hyojung? Jin once again questioned.


"Her real name," Soyou answered. "We just use code names for work. Like me, my real name is actually Jihyun."


"Anyway, Hyorin here is just a little jealous that the fact her big sister is dating Tae, who also happens to be her old crush."


Hyorin blushed. "Oh please, I'm over it, I just want to make sure my sister is safe."


Soyou folded her arms across her chest. "She's the same age as Jin. Taehyung's younger, so she can handle herself."


Hyorin continued to pout. "I guess."


"Age doesn't define the relationship honey," Namjoon sang, draping an arm around Jin.


The lights of the ballroom suddenly dimmed. The light evening chatter softened. Their gracious host, Jung Kibum, stood in the center of the room with a microphone in hand. "Is everyone having an enjoyable evening?" A slight murmur of "yes's" echoed through the large space.


Kibum nodded in delight. "Excellent. Well, as usual I would like to thank everyone who is in attendance. As you know it has been at least six years since Lo-Fi has been in business.” Another applause. “I would just like to take a moment to not only thank the wonderful members of our team who have put forth, but thank one of our newest members who has performed such talent in a limited amount of time.”


Kibum’s eyes scanned the crowd until landing in Jin. “Kim Seokjin.”


Jin froze. He turned to Namjoon, then to Soyou. He pointed to himself. “M-me?” Soyou suddenly started urging Jin to stand up. When he did, Kibum walked over to him and handed him the microphone. Seokjin held the mic in his hands, and looked around the room; all eyes were on him.


Jin his dry lips, gulping ever so slightly as he thought of words to say. “Um, annyeong…” The mice squeaked a bit. He winced, then cleared his throat. “I’m K-Kim Seokjin. I was recruited by Kibum sajangnim not too long ago and…”


His voice started to grow soft, almost making him inaudible. Jin’s hands were clammy. The room they were in was thick with silence. Before things got more awkward, Jin felt a light tap on his thigh. Turning to the side, he saw Namjoon flash him a sweet, dimpled smile, as well as a wink for good measure.


“Breath baby,” he mouthed.


Jin felt his heart flutter. Clearing his throat once again, he continued. “In a way, it was like a miracle that he found me. I never imagined I would be in that kind of scene, modeling. I also can’t believe I’m standing up here right now.


“I think the most important thing that’s happened in my life was knowing that I actually had a shot in this. As my mother told me, something good always comes out of dilemmas.”


His gaze flickered to Namjoon, then back up. “I also think I wouldn’t have been able to meet my amazing makeup artist Kim Namjoon, who’s taught me what the true meaning of beauty is. For that, I think you.”


Namjoon smiled, his eyes growing watery. As Jin bowed, people started rising from their seats, applauding him for his emotional speech. When Jin sat down, Namjoon wrapped an arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “I love you,” he whispered, sending a warm feeling in the bottom of Jin’s heart. Seokjin blushed, but gave him a light peck on the lips. “Love you too.”




Just like that, a lively atmosphere was brought back into the scene. The crew members, staff, Jin, Namjoon, Soyou, Hyorin, and Kibum all stood together to take a group photo.


“Hana, dul, set!”


The camera’s flash, forever capturing the memorable moment.


Jin and Namjoon walked around the ballroom, one hand wrapped around their waists. “So, not so bad for your first night, right?” Namjoon hummed into his hair. Jin nodded, blushing from the sudden feeling of affection Namjoon was portraying. “I’m just glad I didn’t mess up during the talking portion; It’s not easy when you’ve been awkward since birth!”


Namjoon chuckled, then pulled away, walking towards where some hors d'oeuvres were. “Be right back!”


Jin watched as he walked away, and just stood in place where he was, shyly staring at his black shoes.


“Oh, isn’t that the guy Jung Kibum was talking about.”


“Yeah, Kim Seokjin or something.”


From Jin’s peripheral vision, he could see two tux dressed men standing probably a foot away from him, whispering to one another.


“What’s weird was that he was recruited from a restaurant; no professional training of some sorts.”


“Wonder how he got in in the first place.”




“Could be, I wouldn’t be surprised,” the other snickered.


Jin tried to ignore the tears that started to sting his eyes, as well as the harsh words they were hissing behind his back. He paid no mind to their trivial assumptions. It didn’t matter what they said.


“There’s also something else about him. You know his makeup artist, Kim Namjoon?”


“Yeah, what about him?”


“Well, word on the street him and Namjoon have been really intimate.”


“Huh, I guess playing makeup isn’t the only thing they do in their spare time. I always knew that Kim Namjoon was gay.”


Something inside Jin finally snapped. He whipped his head around and strode over to the two naysayers. “So what?” He demanded. “So what if he was gay? There’s nothing wrong with that.”


The two were taking back for a moment, before one of them snorted. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that he’s probably wasting his time on a like your-”


His words were suddenly interrupted. Jin watched as Namjoon tipped a glass of champagne his was holding, and dumped it on his head, soaking his hair and suit.


“Yah! Kim Namjoon, what the ?!”


“You shut your ing trap if you don’t want what else is coming to you,” Namjoon said darkly.


He drew his hand back as if to slap him. “You son of a-”


“Stop!” Jin stood between the two, only to get the slap. The loud sound of hand coming in contact with skin was loud enough to turn a couple of heads. The man’s hand left a bright red mark on Jin’s cheek. Biting back tears, he looked him in the eye and said, “say what you want, make me feel worthless if you have to. Just don’t say anything so disheartening about Namjoon!”


With that, Jin bolted out of the ballroom into the pouring rain.


Jin stood outside the building, wearing nothing but a soaked tux that he would probably have to wash before returning it. That wasn’t his problem. Jin felt discouraged, hurt, and even alone. What Namjoon did was probably the most courageous thing anyone had ever done for him, but he never meant any harm. He looked down at his feet again, allowing his tears to fall with the rain.


Then suddenly, someone was by his said, draping a jacket over his head. He turned to the side. “N-Namjoon.”


“Hey, it’s not healthy if you say in the rain, you’ll catch your death.”


Jin felt himself smile for the first time. On instinct, he wrapped his arms around Namjoon’s waist and buried his face in his soaked, but warm chest. Namjoon gazed tenderly at the male snuggling close to him. With his index finger, he tipped Jin’s chin so he was looking up at him.


“Listen, don’t pay any attention to what those dickheads were saying. They don’t even know what they’re talking about. You’re beautiful Jin, remember that.” He emphasized his point with a kiss.


Jin bit his lip, shaking his head as he did, water flying from his bangs. “I believe baby, I really do. But it just seems like no matter how many times I tell myself, it just doesn’t stick. You’ve seen what I’m really like.”


“I know I have,” he said gently. “And it was who you are that makes me love you Jin.” He dropped the jacket he was holding and pulled Jin closer to his body, showering his face with butterfly kisses. “I love everything about you Jin. From your eyes, to your nose.” He paused and took time to gaze at Jin’s gorgeous pink plum lips. “To your lips.” With that, he kissed him with so much passion, Jin almost toppled backwards. Tightening his grip on his waist, Namjoon pushed Jin against the brick wall of a building, making the latter gasp lightly. Namjoon shoved his tongue into his mouth and rested his hand on the side of Jin’s neck.


Jin moaned softly when he started to feel kissing and on his neck. It was only when he the shell of his ear he whimpered slightly.


“I want to hear you say it. Tell me you want it Jin.”


While it was a struggle to answer, as Namjoon continued to on his collarbone, Jin managed to drape his arms over Namjoon’s shoulder and seductively whispered the words Namjoon wanted to hear, “Take me, Kim Namjoon.”

And we shall end this chapter here. Haha, I am so evil XD Something tells me you guys already know what's gonna happen in the next chapter. I feel that a big round of applause goes to Namjoon for sticking up at the b*tches. Go Namja! Comment, subscribe, and upvote loves. I'll see you in the next chapter! 
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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*