Of Jjigae and Shampoo

You're Worth It

Jin fidgeted as he watched the numbers in the elevator go up. Part of him was nervous about coming into Namjoon’s place for the first time. At least it was for a good cause. He actually was dying to take a warm bath and change into something dry. The other part of him was still envious about the fact that he’d be meeting his roommate, Taehyung. Would he like him? Would he think he was just a nuisance? The elevator dinged, snapping him out of his thoughts.


“After you,” Namjoon smirked as the door opened.


Jin smiled back and stepped out. Namjoon followed right behind and lead him down the dull colored corridor. He stopped once they reach the room 1994. He knocked on the door a couple times. When no one answered, he groaned. “Ugh, sleeping in I see,” he muttered to himself.


Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. Jin didn’t question why he didn’t do that in the first place, and just stepped inside. The apartment complex was actually pretty spacious. There was a living room with a comfortable looking couch, and a T.V., a kitchen to the side, and a hallway which Seokjin assumed led to the bedroom and bathroom.


“Yah, Kim Taehyung!” Namjoon walked down the hallway into a random room.


From the outside, Jin could hear another voice.


“Ugh, hyung..why are you so lou-Yah, ow! Hey, hand off, hands off!!”


Curiosity got the best of him. Jin walked along the hallway and peeked inside the room. Inside, he saw Namjoon holding another young man by the shoulders. He had light brown hair that was dyed black at the ends, almond shaped eyes, and heart shaped lips. The man caught sight of Jin.


“Who are you?” He asked demandingly.


“Um, I’m-”


“That’s Seokjin, Tae,” Namjoon answered for him as he released the man, who slumped to the floor, and went over next to Jin and draped his arm over his shoulder. “This is the one I told you about.”


The man’s eyes widened in curiosity. He stood up and went over to Jin. “Ohh, so you’re the one that’s got my roomate on cloud 9 huh?” The man suddenly gave him a killer smile. “Awesome! You weren’t lying Joon, he’s hella adorable.” His smile only grew wider. “Believe me though, Namjoon fanboys whenever he thinks about, which is practically everyday. Oh! I’m Taehyung by the way!” He held his hand out.


Seokjin took his hand and shook it awkwardly. “Nice to..um, meet you?”


Taehyung’s smile suddenly changed to a smirk. “But I’m only being nice to you since Namjoon’s here. If you jump him, I’m not gonna let you get away with that, clear.”


“Sure man, sure.”


Namjoon finally grabbed Jin’s shoulder and forced him out of the room. “Okay, we are officially done here! How about that shower?”


“Whoa hyung, you’re taking him in the shower? I knew you were , but damn, that’s low even for you.”


“ing love you too Tae!” Namjoon hollered.


Seokjin couldn’t help but smile as he watched Namjoon’s cheeks change into a pretty shade of pink. Namjoon covered his face in embarrassment. “I am so sorry you had to witness that.”


Jin laughed. “No no, you’re good. This means we’re even; you’ve met my wonderful parents and I’ve met your drop dead gorgeous roommate.”


Namjoon nodded, then suddenly snapped his head up. “Wait, did you say drop dead gorgeous?”


The door was already slammed in his face. “Who’s jealous now?!” He heard Jin’s voice through the wood. Namjoon snickered, shaking his head in amusement.


“Shampoo and body soap is on the top shelf, and if you need conditioner, it’s in that small little container.”


Jin the water of the glass shower. There weren’t any curtains, not what he was used to, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Making sure that the doors were locked (and that there weren’t any surveillance cameras), he stripped out of his wet clothes and stepped under the warm water. He sighed as the water hit his cold body.


Taking the bottle of shampoo he had gotten out of the drawer, he started combing that through his hair. He inhaled a scent. It was faint, but it was still familiar. Jin made a mental note to find the brand of shampoo Namjoon used. As he was slathering his body in a nice smelling soap, he had the sudden urge to sing something. It didn’t happen often, but it wasn’t that rare to hear Seokjin singing in the shower. Taking a breath, he opened his mouth and started singing a sweet ballad.


Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave?


How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

But watching you stand alone,

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.


One step closer


I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more


-----{Outside the bathroom}-----


“I gotta leave it to you hyung, you’ve got great taste in men. I might even fall for him,” Taehyung smirked as he flopped down onto the couch.


Namjoon glared at Taehyung. “Good luck with that. Hate to break it to you but I’ve already got my eyes set on him, if you haven’t noticed.’


Taehyung whistled. “I’ve noticed, I’ve noticed.” He rested his arms behind his head. “Don’t be surprised if he starts to notice how hot I am though.”


“Tsk.” Namjoon sat down on top of Taehyung. “The only thing he’ll start to notice is your lack of sensibility.”


Taehyung made a garbled sound as Namjoon sat down on his legs. “Ergh! Hyung! C’mon get off you’re heavy!”


Namjoon rolled his eyes. “How can I be heavy when you’re the one who eats nine square meals a day?”


“Don’t judge!”


Namjoon laughed as he practically lied down on top of Taehyung. “I gotta say, you’re pretty ing comfy.”


Taehyung groaned.


Their bickering died down for a moment. Only a flicker of silence caused their heads to turn around to the sound of someone’s voice.


I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me…


“Is that…” Taehyung started. Namjoon was already off of him and standing by the door of the bathroom. Very carefully, he pressed his ear against the wooden frame. Seokjin’s voice could be heard from the other side, loud and clear through the sound of the shower running. A cloud of steam started to form through the cracks of the door.


I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more


And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more


Namjoon felt his heart melt. Jin’s voice was absolutely beautiful. Period. He closed his eyes, letting the feeling of affection get to him. The moment was interrupted when the door suddenly opened, revealing a shirtless Jin. Namjoon only managed to catch sight of Jin’s body before he slammed the door shut in a haste.


-----{Inside the bathroom}-----


Once Jin finished singing, he shut off the shower before stepping out. The mirror in front of him was foggy from the condensation. Wiping it with the back of his forearm, he grabbed a towel hanging off of the rack and dried his hair. He realized that he didn’t have any fresh clothes. Pulling on his boxers, he opened the door to go ask Namjoon if he had any clothes. When he unlocked the door and pulled it open, he was met with the surprised gaze of Namjoon. Jin had never blushed so hard in his life. He slammed the door shut, turned around, and placed his back against the door. He covered his mouth, eyes popping out of his eyes.


Namjoon just saw me , he legit saw me . If there was any moment Jin wanted to die out of complete humiliation, it would be now. A knock was heard.


“Um Jin? I have some clothes for you, if that’s what you’re looking for.”


Hesitating a bit, he wrapped the towel around his upper body and opened the door a little bit. He poked his head out and saw Namjoon with a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants in his arms. He opened and closed his mouth, before saying, “I figured my clothes would be pretty big on you, so I stole some from Taehyung, if that’s alright.”


Seokjin suddenly giggled. He didn’t imagine Namjoon would say ‘stole’ so innocently. He gave Namjoon a nod, much to his relief. “Okay good. Here.” He handed the clothes over to Jin.


Seokjin let the towel his had draped around his shoulders drop to the floor, much to Namjoon’s pleasure, and pulled the t-shirt on. It wasn’t to big, but it managed to cover half of his lower body. Namjoon blushed as Jin wiggled into the sweat pants.


“You know, you have a really beautiful voice.”


Jin froze. “Oh, you heard that?”


Namjoon nodded. Jin only continued to look shocked. The other individual stepped inside the bathroom and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t feel shy. You should be proud that you're blessed with such a voice.”


Jin gave a light laugh. “It wasn’t like I was blessed with it. I just like doing it. Relieves myself from stress I guess.”


Namjoon smiled. “First your looks and now this? What else are you going to surprise me with Jin?”


Jin looked up at Namjoon. The two stared at each other for a blissful moment. Just them gazing at each other. In what probably felt like slow motion, Namjoon moved his hand from his shoulder to his cheek, the smooth skin. Seokjin didn’t pull away. Before he knew it, Namjoon leaned in closer and pressed his lips against Jin’s plump ones.


Sparks went off in Namjoon’s mind. Finally, he thought. He brought his other hand to the side of Jin’s face, moved the hand on his cheek down to his nape and pulled him closer. He wanted them to be as close as possible.


Jin felt a shiver run down his spine when he felt Namjoon nibbling on his lower lip. Opening his mouth in the slightest, he granted Namjoon permission. Namjoon pushed his tongue inside of his mouth. Jin moaned at the contact he had with his own tongue. He returned the favor by poking Namjoon’s tongue with his own.


Namjoon only pulled him closer and gently pushed him against the shower. The two finally pulled apart when they felt like their lungs were about to burst. They pulled away slowly, letting the feeling of their lips linger. Namjoon released a breathy, “wow.”


Jin was breathing heavily. Never before had he experienced something so amazing. That moment was definitely the best one minute of his life. He looked up at Namjoon and smiled. “So, I kinda guess this means I’m your boyfriend, right?”


Namjoon chuckled, tongue poking out to his bottom lip. He pressed their foreheads together. “You better be.” He captured Jin’s lips again in another heated kiss.




“So, now that you guys are done eating each others mouth, can we please eat some real food?” Taehyung said sarcastically as he watched the two sneaking kisses from one another.


“I don’t know, I’m enjoying what I’m devouring,” Namjoon said seductively, causing Jin to giggle once more.



Taehyung’s eyes squinted in disgust. “Oh my god, you guys are ing gross.”


He sat up from the table with his hands in the air, symbolizing defeat. “That’s it, I’m ordering takeout. Have fun each other off!”


Jin suddenly pulled away, much to Namjoon’s dismay. “Taehyung, if you want anything to eat, I think I can make something for you.”


Taehyung’s ears perked up at the sound of food. He turned around and looked at Jin judgingly. He finally answered him. “Alright, but it better be good!”


Jin didn’t need him to say anymore as he looked inside of their fridge. “You guys have kimchi right?” Namjoon and Taehyung nodded.


“It’s in the square plastic container,” Namjoon said.


Jin grabbed the container and other random ingredients he happened to find around their tiny kitchen. He grabbed a cutting board and started chopping some onions, garlic, and ginger, before tossing them into a small pot. A savory fragrant started to fill up the apartment. He added some pieces of bacon into the pot, then the kimchi, then filled it up with water.


All the while, Namjoon kept peeking over his shoulder to watch what he was doing like a husband peeking over his wife’s shoulder before dinnertime. Jin covered the pot with a lid, and after a total of ten minutes, removed the lid and poured the stew into three bowls.


He placed two bowls in front of the boys. “I made jjigae, hope you guys like it.”


Taehyung grabbed his spoon and dipped it into the soup. He blew on the broth then helped himself to some soup. Taehyung gave a content ‘mmm!’ “This is so goooood~!”


Namjoon took a bite. “Wow, this is actually amazing.” He continued to take bites until the bowl was half empty.


Taehyung held his bowl out to Jin like a hungry toddler. “More?” He asked with a hint of aegyo.


Jin felt pride swell in his chest. He happily grabbed the bowl from Taehyung’s hand a filled it with more soup. He made sure to add a little more than usual.


“Are you gonna eat Jin?” Namjoon asked.


Jin shook his head as he placed the bowl in front of Taehyung again, which he began to scarf down. “It’s cool, watching you guys enjoy my food is satisfying enough.”


Namjoon smiled sweetly.


“Damn Namjoon. I give this one an A plus.” Taehyung gave Jin a thumbs up. “As of right now, you are my new favorite person. I’d make you mine if you’d cook for my everyday cutie.”


Jin blushed. Namjoon strode over to him and wrapped his arms around his body protectively. “Hold up Tae, my ground rules first; Jin is mine and mine alone.”


Taehyung shrugged and just went back to eating his jjigae. “Whatever dude.”


Jin sighed. “Something tells me you’re gonna be overprotective now.”

Namjoon gave him a wink,, then pecked his cheek. “Only for you, only for you.”


Awwwwww~! Namjin is official as of today! Very short chapter, but it was worth writing. Comment, Subscribe, and Upvote loves. I will see you in the next chapter...hopefully soon. Be prepared for Namjin cheesiness 

Song: A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*