Of Funnel Cake and Arcades

You're Worth It

Update is finally up loves! 


“Jiiin, is the food almost ready?”


“Jin ge, can you please hurry up?”


“Has anyone seen Fang?”


“Ge I’m hungry!!”


Jin was about ready to pull his hair out. “If neither of you guys shut up, you won’t be getting any lunch!” He threatened, pointing at a ladle at each of everyone.


That seemed to shut everyone up. After another minute or so, without another peep thank heavenly, Jin placed a happy heaping bowl of beef and broccoli on the table. He sat down at the head of table and waited until everyone had seated.


Looking from left to right, Jin made sure that they weren’t causing any more of a commotion. “Okay, go ahead.”


Jin watched as Hyosang, Tao, and their parents practically attacked his cooking, piling their plates with the delicious home cooked meal. Chang on the other poked at the green stalk with his chopsticks. He puffed his cheeks as he stared sourly at the piece of broccoli.


“Chang sweetie, stop playing with your food!” Meilin picked up the vegetable with her chopsticks and tried to feed it to her son, who only shifted his head from side to side, avoiding the green stalk from touching his mouth.


“Nooo..it looks yucky,” he whined.


Meilin sighed in exasperation. “But your cousin Jin made it. Don’t you want to try his cooking.”


The little boy’s face seem to think out of contemplation, then quickly diminished. He just continued to munch on his beef and rice, pushing the broccoli to the side of his plate. Jin couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. An idea suddenly struck him.


“You know Chang, they say that if you don’t eat broccoli,” he paused. The young child suddenly focused his attention on him, wide open eyes waiting in anticipation. Jin continued. “Your nose is going to fall off.”


The boy’s eyes only seemed to widen even more. “Really?!” His hands flew up in a desperate attempt to cover his cute button nose.


Jin nodded with a serious face. “So your choice; you can either prevent your nose for falling, or watch it fall in broth the next time you’re eating soup.


It wasn’t long until Chang picked up two stalks of broccoli and stuffed them into his mouth. Meilin grabbed a napkin, and started wiping his mouth and hands. “Aiya..Chang please use your chopsticks.”


Jin smiled triumphantly. Mission accomplished.


After lunch, Jin was left to do the dishes, while Tao was lying down on the couch, flipping through a gucci magazine. Of course. “I still can’t believe little Chang fell for that ameteur trick Jin.”


“Well, I mean he is a child after all,” Jin replied with a shrug.


‘Mmhm..’ Tao hummed absentmindedly, paying more attention to a nice and expensive looking backpack. It wasn’t until a sudden tri tone vibrated in the back of his skinny jeans caused him to put the magazine down and take his phone out.


After reading the message, he sat up and said, “Yo Jin, ge ge just texted, asking if you want to hang out with us at the arcade.”


Jin stopped driving the plate in his hand. “Um..sure. Who else is going?”


“Besides Kris and I, Luhan.”


A smile formed on the latter’s lips. “Yeah, okay. I’ll go.”




Kris had texted his boyfriend to meet him by the diner at two. It was already three-thirty. The tall blonde kept glancing at his phone every two minutes, hoping to get at least some notification. He sighed in exasperation for the upteempth time. As he was about to try and ring Tao again, Luhan swatted the phone away from him.


“Be patient lover boy, your bae’s probably just taking his precious time on his precious makeup.”


Little did they know…


“Tao, how many times to I have to say it?! You are not putting any goddamn makeup on me!” Jin tried making a break for the door, only to have the panda eyed younger wrap his arms around his waist and tug him back into their shared room. He forcefully threw him on the bed, then hopped onto his lap so he wouldn’t try to escape this time.


In his hand was a brush, and in the other was a container of compact powder. “Forget it Jin. As your cousin and roomie, I forbid you to go out looking like crap!” With that, Tao swirled the brush in the powder and started applying the light substance onto the squirming male’s face.


“Argh!..Tao, p-please, stop with the overkill!” Jin sputtered, finally managing to push his cousin to the side and crawl his way towards the door again.


However, the stronger male was faster, grabbing his ankles and dragging him back towards the bed. Jin clawed at the carpet like a cat forced to take a bath. “Aniyoooo!!!”


“Quit being such a baby! A little makeup never hurt!”


Tao took the opportunity to flip Jin onto his back and pin his arms above his head. It was also at that moment Hyosang decided to barge in. His timing was impeccable as always.


“Ayo ayo, guys, what’s with all the noise, it sounds like there’s a-”


“Stay out of this!” Jin and Tao said in unision.


Hyosang stared at the duo’s position and figured it was best if he didn’t but in. The older brother started backing away slowly. “Ookay..I’ll um, just go.”


Once the door closed behind him, Tao went back to torturing doing Jin’s makeup. He grabbed an eyeshadow palette and started rubbing on a bit of color onto the latter’s eyes. At this point Jin didn’t even fight back anymore.


Tao went ahead and applied a little bit of eyeliner on his lower lashline as well as some cherry red lip balm to tie the look together. He checked both sides of Jin’s face to make sure the eye makeup was even. “Hmm...smack your lips together, it’s looking a little too gloopy.”


Jin obliged, rubbing his lips together so the color looked more gradient. “Better?” He asked.


The so called makeup artist nodded in approval. “Much. Now c’mon, ge ge and Luhan are probably waiting for us.” Tao stood up, touched up his face, then grabbed his phone and wallet.


Jin did the same, stopping to brush his plum hair as well. “If I may remind you, it was technically your fault that we’re late.”


Tao stuck his tongue at him teasingly, only to break out into a small giggle, of which Jin soon joined in. The due exited the house, then started walking down the street towards the breakfast house.


It wasn’t long until the quartet were on the subway, which was going to bring them to the mall. Not the mall where Tao worked, but just a little further away.


“Here,” Luhan held out a piece of pepero out to Jin. The latter turned to him, smiled, then accepted the little treat. He stared out the window, admiring the tall buildings of Hong Kong as he chewed on the chocolate covered stick.


“Your makeup looks nice, I’m guessing Tao did that for you?” Luhan inquired, eyes darting to where the said panda was sitting, currently occupied in a pepero game turned tongue battle with a certain blonde. Luhan rolled his eyes.


Jin nodded. “And if I might add, by force.”


Luhan laughed. “Oh please, don’t worry, I get you fam. The last time Tao did my makeup was for my cousin’s wedding, and believe me, I have never felt more submissive in my life.” The honey colored male shivered from the thought.


“Did I hear my name?” Tao suddenly asked, draping an arm around Luhan’s shoulder. The latter laughed nervously.


“Um nothing Tao. Nothing at all.”


Tao smirked, then got up to sit back down next to Yifan. After another half an hour, the boys finally reached their destination. The group got off at their stop, then started crossing the crowded street towards the mall complex.


“I didn’t think Hong Kong malls could get any bigger,” Jin said in awe, staring at the large posh building in front of him.


“Trust me, this is as big as they’ll get,” Luhan said, draping an arm around the latter’s shoulder. Jin smiled and just wrapped his own arm around Luhan’s waist.


“Ayo guys, we’re crossing now!” Yifan said, leading Tao down the street. Luhan and Jin followed suit. The group finally found themselves inside the mall. The first thing Jin noticed was the large heart shaped canopy that was hanging above the ceiling, along with some other valentine’s related decorations.


In the very center of the mall was what looked like a giant red heart background and a white placed bench in front of it. The red carpet that created a pathway towards the bench was also covered in white rose petals.


Tao gushed, as he excitedly grabbed Yifan’s hand, and started to tug him towards the bench. “Ge ge, can we please take a picture? Please?” He pouted as he stared at his tall boyfriend.


Kris’s eyes couldn’t help but glance at the nike store across from them. He forced a smile, but laughed a little. He’d always been a er for puppy dog (or in Tao’s case, panda) eyes, so it was appropriate that he said…


“At this point, what the hell?” Yifan sighed, wrapping his arms around the latter’s waist as Tao gave him a kiss on the cheek.


Jin watched in amusement as Tao skipped over to the bench, his hand still laced together with his lover’s. He couldn’t help but smile as he also admired the way the duo sat down and had their picture taken. Deep down inside however, he couldn’t help but feel a little left out. It’s not like he wanted to be part of of the couple’s valentine gallery, but he just wished that he had someone to spend valentine’s day with. Someone…


“Jin?” Luhan snapped his fingers in front of the dizzy looking individual, causing him to jump.




Luhan arched a brow in suspicion. “You okay hon? You’ve been spacing out a lot more often than usual. Is there anything I can do to help?”


Jin took note of the way his voice was laced with sincere worry. “A-aniyo, really I’m fine.” He flashed him one of his genuine ‘Jin’ smiles. “See?”


Although Luhan didn’t seem to be buying it, he shrugged it off, not wanting to cause any sort of trouble during their day off. He replied to Jin with a small ‘ok’ before grabbing a hold of his hand and leading him towards where Tao and Kris were.


“Jin Jin!” Tao bounced over to his cousin like a happy bunny as he ed a polaroid into his face. “Check out the picture, isn’t it cute?”


Jin willed himself not to roll his eyes. He giggled when he took in the picture of Tao wearing cute heart antennas and giving Yifan a kiss on the cheek, who only smiled that gummy smile of his. “Yes Tao, very.” The black haired beauty only squealed in excitement as he showed the picture to Luhan.




The quartet soon found themselves walking around the massive sized mall, going into stores for necessities that they wanted (H&M, Gucci, Adidas), and stores where they just didn’t give a damn about going into (Hallmark).


Right now, the four entered an arcade for some much needed fun. After buying some tokens, the quartet split up into two groups; Kris went with Jin, while Luhan went with Tao. Which resulted in Tao asking another one of his whiney like comments.


“Waaee? Why can’t I go with ge ge?”


Luhan tugged on the latter’s ear like a mother to a bratty kid. “Because I don’t want to have to explain why they’re two guys making out on top of the air hockey table.”


Tao swore in his native tongue, but allowed Luhan to drag him away. Jin watched in amusement, until Kris tapped him on the shoulder. “C’mon kiddo, the games await,” Yifan smiled, then led the excited latter towards some of the arcade games.


The duo spent some time by the basketball simulators, of which Kris happened to be an automatic master at. Three years of high school basketball did wonders. Jin on the other either kept missing the basket because he wasn’t tossing the ball high enough or the ball kept bouncing off the rim off the ring.


So far, the scoreboards read; 7 to 2


Kris tossed another two slam dunks, thus ending the game. Ten tickets printed out of the game. Kris grabbed the tickets then turned to Jin. “Something tells me you’re not that much into sports.”


Jin blushed bashfully, pouting ever so slightly. “Well...I guess it is true.”


Yifan chuckled, then ripped off five tickets from his own strip and gave it to the plum haired man. “Here. You can choose the next game too.”


Jin’s face brightened. The tall blonde didn’t need to say anything further as Jin rushed over to one of the video games. A Donkey kong game of some sort. Once Jin inserted two tokens, he was officially in game mode.


Yifan watched dumbfounded as Jin’s fingers moved so fluidly across the buttons, almost as if they had a mind of their own. Which of course, only resulted in Jin getting more points, which meant more tickets.


Before he knew it, a group of children as well as some video game nerds crowded around the machine Jin and Yifan were, watching in utter amazement and pure adoration as Jin made it to the bonus round.


Yifan made sure to stand at a moderately far distance just so Jin wouldn’t get distracted...or make sure to have a running start just in case Jin would kill the closest person next to him if he ended up losing.


In the end, Jin had completed the game, leaving the machine and the pack of fanboys and girls behind while carrying an armful of tickets. Kris followed suit towards where Jin was. Which was by the prize area.


“See anything you like?” Yifan asked.


With all the tickets Jin had in his arms, he probably could’ve just wasted it on the giant stuffed rilakkuma in the back. However, something hidden in the far corner seemed to catch his eye.


“Um, Xiānshēng, can I see that white toy on the top shelf ?”


The middle aged man turned around and grabbed the small plush slash keychain, then tossed it over to Jin. The purple haired individual stared at the plush; it was a simple white duck like plush with a black uniform, beady eyes, and a cute yet creepy smile.


Strange as it may it be, something about the doll reminded him of Namjoon. The thought of his boyfriend brought a sudden smile to the latter’s face. Jin ripped off three tickets and handed it to the man, in exchange for the keychain.


“Is that what you’re getting?” Kris asked.


Jin nodded. “Yeah, I’m gonna send back home to someone, as a gift.”


It was also at that moment, Luhan and Tao finally revealed themselves. Tao scurried over to Yifan and practically jumped into his arms. “Ge..I didn’t win anything, and Luhan’s being a mean ge because he’s not sharing his tickets with me.”


“If I may remind you, I won this fair and square,” Luhan replied sassily.


Jin held up his pile of tickets to the pouting younger. “Then, do you want to use mine?”


Tao’s eyes sparkled as he pulled Jin into a hug, then grabbed his tickets. “You are a kind soul!” He went up to the prize counter and immediately asked for the rilakkuma. Once the giant plush was handed to the adorable panda boy, Tao wasted no time squeezing the very life out of the plush.


The quartet finally left the arcade and went into the food court to grab a bite. Kris and Luhan both came back with two heaping plates of funnel cake covered in generous amounts of powdered sugar and strawberries.


Luhan, Kris, and Tao all dug into the confectionary food while Jin poked at the cake with his fork. “What’s wrong Jin? Not hungry?” Luhan asked.


Jin shook his head. “No, it’s just that I’ve...never had funnel cake before.”


Tao and Kris’s jaws both dropped. “Never, as in, never? For as long as you’ve lived?” Kris asked disbelief. “You’ve never experienced the wonderful taste of funnel cake?”


“How do you live with yourself?!” Tao half shouted.


Luhan shushed the loud couple and just held up a piece of cake with a strawberry to Jin’s mouth. “Try it Jin, you’ll like it.”


Jin stared at the fried cake skeptically. It’s food Jin, food is beautiful. With that thought in mind, Jin opened his mouth and took a bite. Jin felt himself melt when the sweet tasting dessert hit his tongue. some powdered sugar off of his lips, Jin proceeded on nibbling on more of the funnel cake.


Tao and Kris both applauded in approval. “Well...do you like it?” They asked.


Jin nodded enthusiastically. “It feels like you’re gaining weight, but it taste good.” To emphasize his point, Jin took another big bite.

Luhan wiped off some sugar off of his lips. “All of the good tasting things make you feel that way sweetie.”


Sassy Luhan is so fun to personify~ Also I probably would've gotten the giant rilakkuma lol. Anyway, next chapter, y'all get to finally hear from Namjoonie WOOHOO. Until then, please subscribe, upvote, and comment and I will see you in the next chapter!

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*