Of Guava Candy and Hairspray

You're Worth It

To say that Jin was nervous was an understatement. In reality, he was terrified. Noticing her son’s worries, Yerin gave his hand a squeeze. “It’s going to be alright.”


Seokjin shook his head apprehensively and looked at their car over his shoulder. “Are you sure it’s not too late to leave Umma?”


Yerin couldn’t help but smile as she linked their arms and patted his hand. “You’re going to be fine hun. It’s now or never.”


Jin swallowed hard before nodding. Hand in hand, Jin and Yerin walked inside the Lo-Fi Magazine company building.


Jin tapped the floor impatiently as him and his mother waited for someone to call his name. Each minute that ticked by caused Jin’s anxieties to worsen. The jar filled with hard guava candy was half empty as Jin continued to pop treat after treat into his mouth to lessen his apprehension. He finally couldn’t handle the suspense anymore. Jin was about ready scream out of utter boredom. “Ah! What the hell is taking them so-”


“Kim Seokjin?”


A woman with clipboard in her hand walked into the waiting lounge. Jin looked up and got to his feet, fixing his hair.  “Um, yes that’s me.”


The woman scribbled something on her clipboard, then crooked her finger for Jin to follow. “Come this way please.”


Before Jin followed, Yerin grabbed her son and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Good luck sweetie. I know you can do it.”


Jin took in the tender look in his mother’s eye and felt a sudden wave of courage form to the pit of his stomach all the way to his heart. Giving his mom a quick hug, he whispered, “Thank you Umma.” Then turned around and followed the woman with the clipboard.


Jin was seated in an office located inside what looked like a photography studio. The woman walked around him, taking notes on her clipboard at the same time. Jin started to grow restless and wondered when they were just going to start the interview. “Um...Miss?”


Before he had a chance to say anything, another woman walked into the room they were in. She was dressed in a white blouse underneath a grey blazer, with matching grey dress pants. “Sorry I’m late Hyorin, I got stuck in traffic again.” She flipped her hair to the side and caught side of Jin. “Oh, is this the client?” She asked the woman with the clipboard.


Hyorin nodded. Jin nervously stared at the woman with the bold red lips. “M-my name’s Kim Seokjin.”


“Omo! You’re even cuter in person!” The woman suddenly gushed, getting uncomfortably close to Jin’s face.


Jin’s felt himself blush. “Um..thank you miss.”


“Oh please, you don’t have to be so formal. Just call me Soyou!”


Jin suddenly started to like this chick. “Alright then, Soyou.”


“Awww, absolutely adorable!”


Hyorin cleared , breaking up the fluffy conversation. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but we kind of have to do this.” She gestured to the clipboard in her hand, revealing an efficient looking schedule. Soyou nodded then fixed her hair. “Of course.” She turned to Jin and smiled. “If you’d be so kind as to follow us, we’ll take you into your dressing room.”


Jin looked from Soyou to Hyorin confusingly. “My dressing room? What about the interview?”


Soyou shook her. “Don’t worry about that.” She grabbed Jin by the hand and started dragging him towards another part of the studio.  The white door had a blank name tablet on it, which Jin assumed was going to be his name very soon. Soyou opened the door only to reveal another individual already inside. “Yah, Jung Hoseok, you know you’re not supposed to be here!” Hyorin exclaimed.


The male turned around and smiled sheepishly, showing his gums. “Sorry Unnie. It’s just, I heard that dad had gotten hold of another client, and you know how I get when it comes to interviews,” the man with the light brown hair and cute smile fussed about.


Hyorin sighed. “If it’s alright with Kibum sajangnim, then I guess there shouldn’t be a problem, but if I hear one complaint out of you-”


“Yeah, yeah I got it.” Before Hyorin could protest any further, the man grabbed ahold of Jin and pulled him inside the dressing room.


The man closed the door and dusted off his hands. “Well now that that’s taken care.” He turned to Jin with a smile, then held out his hand. “Hi, you must be that guy my dad was talking about. My name’s Hoseok.”


Jin accepted the handshake. “Kim Seokjin. Are you the stylist?"


Hoseok chuckled. "I wouldn't say I'm a stylist. I just enjoy dolling up some of our clients before the real interview begins. Kills time you know."


Jin nodded, staring at the energetic male. "So, what do we do now?”


Hoseok made an “Ah!” Sound, then walked over to one of the rackets. “Well first, we gotta get you dressed.” He ran his hands through the clothes hanging on the racks before pulling one out. He held it up for Jin to see. “Definately this one.” The shirt was a navy blue button up that had a white polka dot design on it. “The jeans you’re wearing right now would look perfect with it.” Hoseok skipped over to Jin and handed him the shirt. “Go put it on.”


Jin did as he was told. He walked behind a Japanese screen door to change. Once he had the shirt on, he shuffled awkwardly out for Hoseok to see. “Well, what do you think?”


Hoseok turned around and clasped his hands. “Perfect! I knew it would look great on you!”


Jin couldn’t help but smile from Hoseok’s jovialness. The atmosphere that was emitting from him started to make Jin feel a lot more comfortable than what he was actually feeling. He was actually having a lot of fun. Jin scratched his cheek embarrassingly. “Thank you.”


Hoseok then grabbed Jin again and guided him over to the vanity. “I’m usually not supposed to do this, but I just really want to do your hair.”


Jin shrugged. “Go for it.” Seokjin couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about Hoseok that reminded him a little of Jungkook. Just a little bit at least. They were both so bubbly, insisting on making their friends look their best. Hoseok just seemed a bit more out there.


Hoseok grabbed a black smock from the drawer and draped it over Jin so he wouldn’t ruin his shirt. He went ahead and grabbed a comb, and started parting Jin’s bangs to the side. At the same time, he grabbed some hairspray and sprayed it in his hair. The scent coming from the hairspray was surprisingly citrusy. Almost tropical. Not irritating like most of the hairspray Minji used. The thought of his cousin suddenly got him to start thinking of his family. While he was here having fun, his parents were probably worried about him. Jin hoped his mother wasn’t worrying too much about him. The thought of his mother waiting alone broke his heart slightly.


“And done! What do you-hey, are you ok?” Hoseok pulled back to admire his work when he noticed tears streaming down Jin’s cheeks.


Using his fingers to wipe away the tears on his cheeks, Jin looked up and saw his reflection. His hair was now parted to the left and teased near the top, making it look poofier than usual.


Jin touched his fluffy new hairstyle with a smile sprawled on his face. “This actually looks terrific!” He looked up at Hoseok and smiled, hoping to ease the look of worry in his eyes. “I don’t know about you, but I’d probably hire you to be my certified stylist.”


Hoseok threw his arms around Jin’s shoulders, without breaking his heart-warming grin. “Do you really mean that? That’s really sweet of you!”


With that, Hoseok released Jin, then grabbed his hand. “Now that your hair and wardrobe is done, the only thing left to do is makeup.”


Jin’s face fell when he heard the word ‘makeup.’ He didn’t know what to expect. Would this makeup artist think he was pretty? Or was he just going to pack on three pounds of makeup just to cover his ugly-


“Hello, earth to Seokjin?” Hoseok waved his hand in front of Jin’s eyes.


Jin blinked and stared at Hoseok. “What?” From the look of confusion Hoseok was giving him, Jin figured he had spaced out again. “Oh, sorry, I was just...thinking.”


Hoseok put his hands on his hips. “Well enough thinking, it’s time to go!”


Holding onto his hand, Hoseok led Jungkook out of his dressing room back where the photoshoot studio was. He turned a corner and started walking down a long corridor. The duo finally stopped by a door that had a tag that read Makeup Room. Hoseok knocked on the door a couple times when a voice finally alerted them from behind the door.


“Yes, come in!”


Jin’s heart nearly stopped when they stepped inside the room. Inside, the room wasn’t too crowded, unlike the little vanity in the corner of the room that was clattered with various eyeshadows, lipstick, eyeliners, and other cosmetics that looked used. A figure turned around and spotted the two of them.


“Hey Hoseok, is this him?” He asked.


Jin gulped, while Hoseok beamed and pushed him forward. “Mmhm! This is Seokjin. He’s cute right?”


The man approached Jin and eyed him from head to toe. Jin was beyond terrified at what he was going to say. He braced himself for the moment.


“You’re right. He is cute.”


Jin looked up and realized the man now had a sweet smile plastered on his face. He also noticed a dimple on the side of his face. The man held out his hand. “Kim Namjoon, I’m suppose to be your makeup artist for today.” He leaned in close to his ear and whispered. “And if you get in, hopefully permanently.”


Jin couldn’t help but giggle from his straight-forwardness as he shook his hand.


Namjoon pulled away and gestured over to the seat by the vanity. “So how about we get started.”


Hoseok smiled as Jin took a seat. He tiptoed over to the door. “Have fun you guys!” He said with a wave, before disappearing from the room.




“So, what look are you looking for?” Namjoon asked.”


Jin shrugged. “Um..anything that won’t make me look like a girl?”


Namjoon chuckled and waved his hand aimlessly. “Don’t worry, with me, you’re not gonna look like a girl.” He inspected Jin’s face for a bit then made up his mind. “I think I have just the look for ya.”


Reaching for a makeup brush, Namjoon grabbed one of the containers of compact powder and started brushing it all over Jin’s face. Jin scrunched up his face as he applied the light substance on his mouth. So cute Namjoon thought, then grabbed a copper shade of eyeshadow. “Close your eyes,” he said in a gentle voice. Jin obliged. As he brushed it onto his lids, Namjoon thought it appropriate to stir up a conversation. He couldn’t stand awkward silences.


“So, how exactly did Kibum find you?”


“Well, technically he came by my parent’s restaurant for a meal and he apparently thought I was model material,” Jin hummed.


Namjoon caught how Jin emphasized the ‘apparently.’ “You don’t sound like you were too confident about the offer.”


Jin shifted in his seat. “I honestly wasn’t. I’m actually here just to pay for the restaurant my umma and appa own.”


Namjoon nodded, then grabbed a pencil liner. Out of nowhere (technically his pocket) he grabbed a lighter and lit the tip of the eyeliner. Jin watched him, mesmerized. Namjoon caught his look and smiled. “It makes it easier to apply.”


He carefully placed his hand on top of Jin’s head, then zoomed in closer to his eyes, and started lining the top lid. Jin couldn’t help but shudder at the feeling of Namjoon’s breath warming up his cheeks. Namjoon continued the conversation he had started earlier. “You probably won’t have to worry about anything. With your looks, I’m pretty sure you can help that little restaurant of yours.”


Once Namjoon finished lining both of Seokjin’s eyes with black, he pulled back to admire his work. With a nod, he went ahead and added the finishing touches.


Seokjin blushed as Namjoon’s faced ghosted over his. With careful hands, Namjoon cupped Jin’s chin, and with the other, he applied a light, yet shimmery coating of lip gloss onto his lips. Once he was finished he pulled away, then held up a small compact mirror.


“Well, what do you think?” He asked.


Jin opened his eyes. His mouth fell open, releasing a soft gasp. He felt like he was staring at an entirely different person. No, he knew the person in the mirror was different. This person had a flawless porcelain complexion, big brown doe eyes lined with black liner, copper-gold eyeshadow highlighted the lids, and soft heart shaped lips that looked almost kissable (at least to Namjoon’s opinion).


Jin continued to gape at his own reflection. is this me?


Almost as if he could read his mind, Namjoon’s lips quirked into a grin as he said, “you better believe it. This is you; y and fierce. I’d be damned if you couldn’t turn a few heads.”


The dolled up man continued to stare at the artist in bewilderment. “But, I’m not any of those. I’m not y and I’m not fierce. I’m just...me.


“Someone who’s worth it.” Namjoon sighed. “I’ve done makeup for all kinds of people, but believe me when I say this; You’re probably the first person I’ve met who doesn’t need makeup to look beautiful.”


Before Jin had a chance to even form words, there was another knock at the door. “Helloooo~?” Soyou poked her head through the door. When she spotted Jin, she immediately rushed over to him and cupped his flushed cheeks. “Oh my word, if you aren’t the most darling thing I’ve ever seen, then I don’t know what is!”


She turned to Namjoon and gave his chest a light pat. “I gotta hand it to you, you outdid yourself this time.”


Namjoon laughed. “Nah, I didn’t do a thing. Jin here is just a pure beauty.”


Soyou’s lips made an ‘o’ shape as she nodded. She clasped her hands then took Jin’s in her own. “Well, now that you’re ready, we can go ahead and start that interview.” She made sure to emphasize the interview part.


As she led Jin out of the makeup room, Seokjin looked over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of Namjoon. The taller individual smiled at his direction, then winked. “Go get ‘em, Jin.”


And with that, the door shut behind Jin, causing him to lose sight of the charismatic makeup artist.

Hey guys, I'm back from my vacation *WOOHOO* Anway, as promised, I finally managed to type up chapter 3. Namja and Jin have finally met!! (ft. Hobi X3) More chapters will be coming up, so be prepared. Here's also the image that was inspired for Jin's outfit and makeup. 
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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*