Of Kimbap and Plane Tickets

You're Worth It

Hey loves, I'm finally back with another update. I would like to take this moment to apologize for having you wait for so long, but I would also like to thank most of you for being patient. Until then, enjoy this chapter! 



Jimin walked into the living room, with his laptop in hand, and sat down on the couch. Jungkook, who had followed him out his room like a lost puppy, sprawled onto the loveseat with a flop. He landed on top of his boyfriend’s lap, who looked like he was more immersed with his laptop as he finished his AP history homework. Jungkook released a muffled groan into his shoulder.


“Ugghh...Jiminie, I’m bored.” He wrapped his arms around his neck and snuggled closer to his body. “Can we do something?” What Jungkook had expected to be some alone time with his Jimin turned out to be a homework date. At least it was a date.


“I still have to type two more paragraphs baby,” Jimin said, eyes not leaving the screen.


Jungkook pouted, drawing small circles on his boyfriend’s shoulder with his finger. “Please?” He mused. He pressed his lips against his firm bicep and puffed his cheeks, inhaling the airy scent of Jimin’s tank top, fresh out of the drier. “Pretty please?”


Jimin snickered, amused by his boyfriend’s childish act. Jungkook pecked his bicep then smiled innocently up at him. Pale fingers reached up and removed the oval glasses balanced on the tip of his nose.


The maknae adjusted his position so he was now sitting on his lap, then pressed his lips to his neck, giving it the same treatment. His lips soon started grazing up his neck, towards his perfect jawline, then his cheeks.


Jimin’s arm found their way around the younger’s waist as he pulled him closer to his body, enjoying the feel of his soft lips on his smooth skin.. He closed the lid of his laptop and figured his history essay could wait.


Jimin finally captured Jungkook’s lips in a tender kiss. His right hand slipped underneath Jungkook’s bum and cupped his plush cheeks. Jungkook squeaked cutely, which caused his lips to part, and Jimin’s tongue to intrude.


The two fought for dominance, which ended with Jimin being victorious. The couple soon parted to take a breath. Jimin gave Jungkook a cheeky smile. His fingers wrapped around the back of his neck and pulled his face closer to his, causing their noses to bump.  


Jungkook giggled. “You’re such a distraction, you know,” Jimin said with his signature eye smile.


The maknae covered his cheeks as an attempt to hide a fake blush, causing his boyfriend to give his cheeks another kiss.


“Aigoo~ you two are absolutely adorable!”


The two turned around with wide eyes as they saw Jimin’s mother standing in front of them, holding a plate of kimbap. Jungkook quickly jumped off his boyfriend’s lap and wringed his hands awkwardly.


“K-kamsamnida, Mrs. Park,” Jungkook said in a shy voice.


“Oh, I’m sorry boys, I didn’t interrupt did I?” She asked as she set the plate down on the coffee table.


“No umma, obviously you didn’t,” Jimin replied sarcastically. He looked at Jungkook from the corner of his eye and eyed his long pale neck, wishing he could feel them on his lips.


Mrs. Park just waved her hand absentmindedly. “Aish, you don’t have to be like that.” She pointed to the plate on the table. “Now eat. Your father will be home soon, I’ll be in the kitchen finishing up dinner.”


Jimin gave his mother a playful salute. “Neh, also can Jungkook stay?” He asked, wrapping his arms around the tall boy’s frame. Mrs. Park nodded.


With that, Jimin watched as his mother exited the living room. As he was about to place a kiss on his neck, Jungkook, hopped off the couch, reached over and picked up a piece of kimbap. He moved back onto the couch and held it in front of his boyfriend’s mouth. “Open,” he cooed.


Jimin complied, parting his lips. Jungkook placed the bite sized food in his boyfriend’s mouth and watched as he chewed. The sight of him chewing almost reminded Jungkook of a bunny. Or any animal that had chubby cheeks.


Jimin swallowed and his lips. He snuggled closer to his lover’s chest, then looked up at him from beneath his lashes. “More?” He asked with a hint of aegyo.


Jungkook giggled, then started placing more of the kimbap into his awaiting mouth. Sometimes even sneaking a bite for himself. Bite after bite, Jungkook’s mind started to wander off to Jin and Namjoon. He suddenly stopped feeding his boyfriend and released a sigh of exasperation.


Jimin payed notice to the way his boyfriend pouted. “Hey, baby what’s wrong? Are you alright? Do you want me to feed you?” He picked up the snack and held it up for him.


Jungkook shook his head (but accepted the kimbap). “No, I was just thinking about Jin hyung, that’s all.”


“What about him?” Jimin asked, taking over with the feeding role.


Jungkook swallowed. “Well, now that Jin has Namjoon, you don’t think he’s gonna forget about us right?”


Jimin’s eyes widened. “What?! No, baby no.” He gave his forehead a kiss. “Don’t even think that's what Jin will do. Even Suga. Those two have just found their soulmates.”




“But,” Jimin cut Jungkook off. “No matter what, Jin and Yoongi will always be our hyungs, arrasso?”


Jungkook’s lips finally peeled into a smile. “Arrasso.”


The empty plate of kimbap was soon forgotten as the two embraced into a loving kiss.




Jin drummed his fingers on the front table of the oriental delicacies store. It wasn’t long until the store clerk came out with ten packages of pork baozi. “Order number six for Kim Seokjin!”


“That’s me,” Jin said, holding up his number. After paying, Jin struggled to balance the two large bags of ten individual meat buns. He shivered as he stepped out of the store, despite wearing an oversized woolen sweater.


Only one week into November and a soft blanket of snow had already fallen. It was hard to believe that in just a month Jin was going to be twenty-two. So much had already happen in only a couple months; getting a job as a model, celebrating the mid-Autumn festival as if his grandfather was still alive, and finding someone he loved unconditionally.


The only thing the lovely boy was to spend time with his friends and boyfriend. Just thinking about how he wanted to spend made him feel all giddy on the inside, making almost forget about the skin pinching cold.


Jin stomped his feet on the welcome mat to get rid of any snow that covered the back of his boots. The restaurant was closed for the day until the dinner rush. Jin dropped the two paper bags on the table. “Special delivery!”


His voice echoed through the restaurant, which was eerily silent. Strange, Jin thought. His mom and dad were both home, as well as Hyosang and Minji. He grabbed one of the bags that contained at least five of the meat buns and made his way upstairs.


Jin poked his head through all of the rooms, looking for any sign of his family. He finally heard a soft murmur come from his parents room. Opening the door, Jin found his umma and uppa. His cousin and brother were seated on the bed.


“There you guys are, I was looking for you.” Jin stepped into the room. He held up the bag in his arms. “I bought meat buns. Want some?” He watched as their faces contorted from amused to worried.


Something was definitely wrong. Jin sensed something bad was gonna happen from the way his brother and cousin looked at him. “I-is something wrong?” He asked.


“Sit down, Seokjin,” his father finally said, gesturing to the spot between Hyosang and Minji. Jin did as he was told and took a seat. His brother placed a hand on his knee and gave a squeeze that felt too reassuring.


Jin’s mother crouched down in front of him and took a breath. “Now sweetie, I’ve been discussing with your father about some important matters.” She paused. “I’ve also been making some calls.”


“Calls?” Jin repeated.


His mother was silent for another second. “I’ve been in contact with my sister back in China.”


“China?” Jin asked, only finding one syllable words to be the only words he could say.


Yerin looked down at her lap. His father looked at her. Jin expected his father to rub her shoulders to ease her worry like he always did, but he just patted her hand half-heartedly.


“As you know,” she continued. “Your birthday is in a month. You’ve done so much by helping us save the restaurant from foreclosure, and for that, we’re proud of you.”


Jin nodded. He internally hoped that was the only thing they wanted to discuss with him. That wasn’t the case.


“I realized something after the mid-Autumn festival though.” Yerin said in a hushed voice. His father could only nod beside her. “We’ve been away from home for too long.”


Jin felt his heart drop. “What do you mean we’ve been away from home? We-we are home right?” His voice now started to grow frantic. “Where else would we go umma?”


Almost as if Jin was piecing together a puzzle, everything just seemed to click. Home. Away. China. It wasn’t long until Yerin finished her sentence that sent Jin bolting into his room.



Hoseok walked along the hallway of Yoongi’s apartment, picking up some of the random clothes that were thrown onto the floor. Not from though. Yoongi just hated doing the laundry. He had grown accustomed to living in the day of life of Min Yoongi, due to the fact that he would frequently visit. Sometimes even sleep over.


As he walked into the elder’s room, he noticed his lover staring out the window. Placing the laundry basket on the floor, he crept behind his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his thin waist. “What’s got my Suga thinking, hm?”


Yoongi giggled, amused by how clingy Hoseok was. “Nothing,” he replied with a shrug.


Hoseok pursed his lips. He started peppering the back of his neck with kisses, causing the eldest to squirm. “Hajima~” Yoongi whined. Hoseok released a laugh, placing one last kiss on his nape. He rested his chin on Yoongi’s shoulder and gazed out the window. It was gloomy, but the soft snow falling drifting from the sky caused their window to fog up.Hoseok grabbed Yoongi’s hand and started drawing small hearts and symbols on the window.


“You know, I still can’t believe Jin got laid two nights ago,” Hoseok said, breaking the silence.


Yoongi choked on the air. “He-he got what?”


Hoseok stared at him in confusion. “He got laid, by Namjoon?” He pointed out as if it were the only literal answer.


Yoongi continued to gawk at him in disbelief. “That little ..” He muttered under his breath, which caused Hoseok to laugh. As much as Yoongi was happy for his best friend, he couldn’t help but envy him.


Hoseok seemed to catch on. “Hey don’t worry about it,” he gave his ear a kiss, before whispering. “That’ll be us soon.”


Yoongi couldn’t help but blush from the way Hoseok’s breath started warming up his cheeks.


“Also, I’ve been meaning to ask, when’s Jin’s birthday?”


“Jin? December fourth, why?” He asked, turning around to face Hoseok.


Hoseok shifted his weight so Yoongi could sit down on his lap. He wrapped an arm around his waist, and with the other he fished his phone from out his pocket. “Namjoon texted me yesterday, asking when Jin’s birthday was.”


Yoongi’s lips formed an ‘o’ shape in understandment. “Lucky for him it’s next month. What does the guy have planned for our pretty faced hyung?” He asked in anticipation.


“Well that’s the thing. Namjoon had multiple ideas, which probably involved them in between the sheets, but then he decided on baking Jin a cake.” He grimaced. “And I don’t know about him, but for the sake of world peace, I advised him not to cook.”


“Why not?” Yoongi asked.


“You don’t want to know,” Hoseok replied bluntly.


Yoongi nodded once more. After a moment of contemplation, he finally said. “If it makes him or you feel better, my umma and I could whip up a cake.”


Hoseok’s eyes grew wide. “Seriously?!”


Yoongi couldn’t help but smile again. He was just so cute! “Yes really. Don’t mean to brag, but my mom and I can make a killer Better Than cake,” Yoongi boasted with a fringe flip. “Also, since his birthday is literally right around the corner, we can also get him a gift.”


Now that he thought about it, he knew wanted to make Jin’s birthday extra special. What with Jin being the reason for him and Hoseok getting together, he wanted to repay him.


Hoseok pulled Yoongi in a tight hug. “You are a lifesaver. Literally.”




Tears soaked continued to soak Jin’s pillow until his eyes were literally dried up. He couldn’t get his umma’s words out of his head no matter how hard he tried. Everything was going to fall apart.


“What do you mean we’ve been away from home? We-we are home right? “Where else would we go umma?”


Yerin reached into her pocket and took out four strips of paper; each bearing a bolded print that read: Incheon National Airport- Seoul, South Korea to Hong Kong, China.


Jin almost felt his breathing stop. If it wasn’t for the way his brother was squeezing his knee, he probably would’ve passed out.


“We’re, we’re going to China?”


“Now Jin,” Yerin took her sons hands in our own. “Think about it. After your grandfather passed, we weren’t able to support the family back home. The restaurant was our only source of business. But now that we’ve paid all of the bills, we have enough money to go back home.”


Home? Jin still couldn’t believe what she was saying. “But you were the one who wanted me to become a model in the first place! Whatever happen to saving the restaurant or me going to school.


“We can open a restaurant in China, and there are plenty of schools in Hong Kong,” Yerin suggested.


Jin snorted. “So what, you’re just going to give up on a restaurant you wasted your life on?”


“Jin!” Minji snapped.


Seokjin ignored her. “In case you haven’t realized, I’m happy where I am. The people at the studio are actually nice, my friends are amazing, and if I may remind you, I have a boyfriend of which I am absolutely in love with. My future lies her umma.”


Nobody said a word. Jinyoung clenched his fist, Yerin looked down at her lap in shame, Hyosang and Minji continued to stare at Jin as if he was a different person.


“If you can’t see that, then I won’t even bother going back to China.” With that, Jin bolted out of the room, into his own bedroom, where he finally let the tears flow.


Jin felt his heart contract. He knew he needed someone to talk to. And he knew just the person. Grabbing his phone from the depths of his blanket, Jin dialed a very familiar number.


After a couple rings, the voice he needed to hear finally answered. “Yoboseyo?”

“Namjoon,” Jin sniffled. “I-I need you to come over. Now.”


Aww, poor Jin TT^TT Looks like this story is finally getting a happy heaping of angst. I hope you guys enjoyed some of the Jikook and Hogi fluff added in there. Next chapter will come soon loves!

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*