Of Cake and Wishes

You're Worth It

Guess who's back?

Omigod I'm soooo sorry for the super long wait. I've missed you guys (and NamJin). I've also made this chapter extra long for you guys. Hope you enjoy!


Namjoon drove to Jin’s house in a haste after hearing his voice. He sounded so desperate, that Namjoon hoped that his boyfriend was just having a diva queen moment and not something that was too serious.


As he got closer to the restaurant, he suddenly passed a figure walking down the street. Jamming his foot on the brake, the car came to a halt. He looked at the side view mirror and realized it was Jin. Backing up, he managed to catch up to his boyfriend.


Namjoon jumped out of the car once Jin stopped walking. As he approached him, he realized he was crying. “Hey,” he pulled him into his arms. “What’s the matter?”


Jin clutched the fabric of his lover’s jacket as he began to cry into his shoulder. Namjoon ran a tentative, yet comforting hand through his soft locks. “Shh, baby, you’re alright.”  He kissed the top of his head and repeated the same words, “you’re alright.”  


Seokjin sniffled and only shuffled closer so he was pressing against his chest. “Namjoonie…” He hiccuped. “E-everything was just perfect. Now, it’s so..messed up.” Jin released another sob into Namjoon’s chest.


Namjoon continued to his lover’s hair until his sobs started to tone down a bit. “It’s alright,”  he whispered, then grabbed his chin so he was now looking at him. Wiping some tears away from his cheeks, Namjoon leaned in and gave Jin a tender kiss.


Jin melted into the kiss and only wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist. He tilted his head to give him better access. Jin had never felt so protected in his arms.


After a moment, the two pulled away. Namjoon brushed strands of Jin’s hair out of his face. “Let’s go home.”  




“Jin hyung!”  






Just as Jin stepped into Namjoon’s apartment, he was suddenly pounced by a flock of his adorable dongsaengs. Jungkook threw his arms around him, followed by Hoseok, and Taehyung. Jin nearly toppled over until Namjoon came to push him upright.


Jin looked up and realized that Jimin and Yoongi were also present. “Wha-what are you all, doing here?” He asked, surprised to see all of his friends.


“Namjoon texted all of us the second you called him,” Jimin explained. He walked over to where Jungkook was, who still had Jin trapped in a hug, and patted his shoulder.


“You ungrateful hyung,” Jin heard Jungkook’s muffled voice on his shoulder, followed by a sniffle. “Making us worry like that.”  


Jin released a small laugh and the maknae’s hair. “I’m sorry Kookie.” He looked up at Taehyung and Hoseok, who both bore the same worried frown.


He smiled reassuringly at them. “I’m sorry for making you all worry.” Jin bit his lip, starting to feel fresh tears well up in his eyes. “But, I’m glad Namjoon decided to call you.”  


He turned to Namjoon and smiled lovingly at him. “Traitor,” he teased. Namjoon smiled cheekily, then gave his cheek a peck. He released Jungkook from his arms and watched as he was embraced by Jimin.


“So, what happened Jin?” Yoongi asked.


Jin felt the insides of his stomach twist into worried knots. He didn’t know if he’d be able to get the words out of his mouth, nor could he have the heart to even try and explain it to his beloved friends.


Taking a breath, he spoke. “My umma, told me that she wants us to go back to China…”  


He heard a couple gasp leave their lips, he didn’t know who though.


“F-for family visits, right?” Taehyung asked with wide, hopeful eyes.


Jin bit his lip and shook his head. His eyes were focused on his shoes. “No Tae. She wants us to go back, permanently.”  


A choked sob finally left his lips. He covered his mouth to muffle his heart wrenching cries. A warm figure suddenly approached him and wrapped his arms around him. Jin looked up and released Namjoon had trapped him in a hug. The younger individual wasn’t making a sound, but he could tell by the way his shoulders shook, he was fighting back the tears.


Jin wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pressed his lips to his neck. “I’m sorry baby,” he whispered. Jin felt Namjoon’s hands clench the fabric of his sweater. He could only shake his head as he held him close to his body.


“, dammit,” Yoongi cursed under his breath, slamming his fist into the nearest wall. “Isn’t there something we can do, like talk your parents or something?”  


Jin unwrapped himself from Namjoon’s hold, but laced his fingers with his hand. He shook his head solemnly. “Wouldn’t do, umma already booked the flight.”  


“That can easily be canceled!”  


Jin only responded with another head shake. The group retreated into apartment’s living room, figuring it would be easier to talk if they were all comfortable. Namjoon and Jin took a seat on the loveseat, Namjoon’s arm still wrapped protectively around Jin’s broad shoulders. Jimin sat down on one of the chairs, with Jungkook on his lap, and Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung sat down on the rug in front of Namjoon and Jin.


“Umma made the decision after we sprinkled my grandfather’s ashes during the mid-Autumn festival. My grandfather was one of the most important members of our family. After he died, we were left to support the rest of the family back in China,” Jin continued.


“Due my times as a model, we managed to pay off any financial issues, as well as afford the trip to go back to Hong Kong.”


“What about your parents restaurant, wasn’t that important to them? Or your education?”  Yoongi persisted.


Jin released a bitter laugh, hearing Yoongi ask the exact same question he asked his mother. “That’s what I asked, but Umma kept talking about ‘starting over.’” He used air quotations as he spoke. The blank expressions coming from his friends showed that they still didn’t quite understand why the trip couldn’t be reversible.


In the pit of his stomach, Jin knew he had to let something go. “Which brings me to my next point; I didn’t want to push it too far on why she wanted us to go back to China so suddenly.” Jin paused and his chapped lips. “After I called Namjoon, Hyosang started talking to me…”  


Jin shrugged on his jacket and was just about to exit, when he heard his brother’s voice.


“Freeze Seokjin!”  


Jin released a groan and turned to glare at his brother. “Say what you want hyung, nothing you’ll say will make me change my mind!”  


Hyosang grabbed his younger brother’s shoulder and spun him around so he was now facing him. “Listen. To. Me.” Hyosang’s icy glare and sharp voice finally caused Jin to pay attention.


“Look, I know this may all seem sudden. Like, really sudden, but you have to acknowledge umma’s decision.”


Jin scoffed. “Oh, so you’re suddenly taking her side?” He made another attempt to leave, but his brother still had a strong hold on his arm.


“I’m not taking anyone’s side, you have to believe me! I even tried talking to umma Jin.”


Jin still looked unconvinced. If umma wanted to leave so suddenly, why didn't she even bother sharing it with her children?


Hyosang took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. “Think about it, how do you think you would feel if your father died and you weren’t there to say goodbye.”  


Jin thought about it. “Crushed,” he replied monotonly.


“Exactly...now, let’s rewind a little.” Hyosang knew what he was about to put out would be crossing the line. “How would you feel if umma never came back to China just for you and I.”  


Jin felt as if someone punched him right in the gut. He tried to answer, he really did, but the burning sensation he felt in his chest started making it hard to breath. “I-I…”  Hot tears streamed down Jin’s face again. “I’d hate it... “ Was all he said before bolting out of the restaurant down the street.


His friend’s all stared at him intensely as he finished his story. “I,” Hoseok started. “Still don’t see how this corresponds with the dilemma we’re in,” he shot Jin an apologetic look.


Jin’s lips curved in a tiny smile. “It’s okay, I had a feeling it wouldn't make much sense.” He took another breath. “There’s something I have never, technically, told anyone. Especially, with you guys.”  


Everyone leaned in, anxious to hear what he was going to say. What was keeping him from not leaving. Finally, Jin said it.


“Hyosang and I were adopted, from China. When we were younger, we were abandoned by the front door of a restaurant in Hong Kong, which coincidentally belonged to my grandfather. For two years, he practically raised us. By the time I had turned three, umma and appa came to China and took us to Seoul.”  


Jin squeezed his eyes shut, as if to blink back the next wave of tears. “So you see, going back to China is so important right now, because umma hadn’t seen her family since the last time Hyosang and I were in Hong Kong. Which was exactly fifteen years ago.”


By then, realization started to hit everyone. Jin’s reason for leaving, it made sense. But did he want it? That’s what they wanted to know.


“Jin hyung, do you want to go back?” Taehyung asked.


Jin hesitated. “Yes.” Then seconded guessed himself. “No. I don’t know.” He covered his face with his hands, indecisive on what he wanted. Jin wanted to stay with his friends and Namjoon, more than life. But part of him yearned to be with his family again.


Jin looked up when he felt the light squeeze of his boyfriend’s hand on his shoulder. Namjoon pressed his forehead to the side of his face and whispered nothing but sweet things to console his lover. “Shh, you don’t have to think about it. What’s important is that you’re here and you should just clear your head now.”


Namjoon’s soft, deep voice finally brought Jin back to his senses. He straightened up and just gave him a reassuring smile. Pecking him on the lips, he asked, “Is it alright if I stay here for the night?”


Namjoon gave him a lopsided grin. “Of course, ba-”


“I call sleeping in the guest bedroom!” Jimin boasted lifting Kookie up by his arms.


“Wha-” Namjoon looked at the couple in bewilderment, but didn’t have time to question them as they ran to the guest bedroom down the hall of their apartment.


Hoseok lifted Yoongi off of the floor as well. “I call Taehyung’s room!”


“Hell no! Not my room!” Taehyung bolted straight to his room before Yoongi and Hoseok got there before him.


Namjoon stood up from the couch. “Yah! Hold it, who said you all were staying?!”


Jin released the first laugh he had all day. He stood up and conjoled his confused boyfriend. “It’s fine boo, I’m actually glad they’re here with us.”


Namjoon sighed in defeat and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He kissed the side of his face. The things he did for love.




For the next hour or so, the boys indulged themselves with mediocre Chinese takeout food, pizza rolls, and ice cream straight out of the tub. Despite how cheap it was, It still made them feel like they were dining like kings. By then, they had already played nearly fourteen levels of Mario Kart and watched at least ten movies of every genre (except horror).


Namjoon and Jin cuddled on the couch, while Taehyung watched them with a 4D judging look. Yoongi and Jungkook sat comfortably atop their boyfriend’s laps while they watched the movie and scooped some mint chip ice cream into their mouths. Jin munched on an egg roll as he tried to pay attention to the movie, eyes dropping slightly.


Namjoon turned to the side when he heard a small yawn. He gave his boyfriend a knuged. “Tired?”


Jin all but nodded. It had been a tear induced day, so it was only natural that he was both physically and emotionally exhausted. Namjoon smiled tenderly and his cheek. Reaching for the remote on the floor, he picked it up and turned off the movie.


“Hey, I was watching that,” Jungkook whined.


Namjoon pinched the maknae’s cheeks. “Isn’t past your bedtime kiddo?”


Taehyung checked the clock on the wall. “It’s only nine o’clock,” he murmured, only to be ignored by Namjoon.


Namjoon pointed to Yoongi and Hoseok. “Suga and Hoseok, you guys get Tae’s room.” Then to Jungkook and Jimin. “Jungkook and Jimin get the spare bedroom. And Tae...” he contemplated on what he should do with him. “Can sleep on the couch bed.” he patted the cushions with his hand.


“Woah, why me?” Taehyung asked.


Namjoon just ed a pillow into his arms and jerked his head to the direction where the couch was. Taehyung scoffed, but reluctantly followed his instructions. Everybody else then retreated to their respected rooms.


The bed squeaked as Seokjin tossed and turned. He tugged on the blankets to wrap himself up, but it wouldn’t budge. He gave it another harsh tug, only to have himself engulfed in the warmth of his sleeping partner. “Didn’t think you’d be this fussy in bed hun,” he felt his breath ghost over his right ear.


“It’s cold,” he mumbled. Namjoon released a husky chuckle and only lifted the blanket over him and his boyfriend. His right leg crossed over Jin’s, keeping him pinned against his chest. Namjoon started pressing light, ample kisses on his cheek, then neck.


Jin squirmed, biting back the smile tugging at his lips. For a moment, the pretty boy silently enjoyed the warmth emanating from Namjoon’s body.


Namjoon placed one final kiss on his shoulder then his arms. “What’s got my baby thinking, hm?”


Jin released a sigh. Rolling onto his side, so he was now facing his boyfriend, he snuggled closer to him, not wanting the warmth to fade.


“I’m thinking about what will happen if, if I leave,” he replied with a voice barely above a whisper. “You and I would be separated...I don’t want that.” He gripped the bed sheet with his fist.


Namjoon only his hair comfortingly. “Hey, don’t go there.” He took a breath, thinking about what to say. “Even if you and I were to be separated, I’d still love you. Always.”


The flutter in his heart was too strong to ignore, and he refused to cry. Shifting ever so slightly, Jin pressed his lips to his boyfriend’s, giving him a tender, yet passionate kiss. He gently pushed him onto his back, then crawled on top of him. Pulling away, he his cheek and gazed into his deep, brown eyes.


Jin bit his lip, the growing silence making his thumping heart noticeable. “I love you, so much Namjoon. Even though you’ve always said I was beautiful, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He pressed his lips to his once more, pouring in all of his feelings into that one kiss.


Namjoon wrapped his arms around his body and held him close, one hand the back of his head. “No matter what,” he gave him another kiss. “Whether you’re a million miles away from me, or across the ocean, you’ll be right here in my arms.”  


His hand trailed from the back of his head towards where his bangs were. After they pulled away, he brushed his hair to the side, revealing the strand of blonde hair, long forgotten. “Where you’re supposed to be.”




Jin dreaded the moment when he had to go back to the restaurant. After getting a call early in the morning from Hyosang, telling him that his umma was worried sick, the guilt started to hit him. He stayed until noon, until Namjoon persuaded him to go home.


“Don’t worry baby, I’ll call you as soon as you get home,” Namjoon said as he held a clingy Seokjin. Jin could only nod, before releasing Namjoon.


After hugging the rest of his friend’s goodbye, Jin and Namjoon got into the car and drove off. Once they reached the restaurant, Jin hugged and kissed Namjoon for the upteempth time, then stepped out of the car.


Taking a few mental breaths, he braced himself as he opened the door to his parent’s restaurant. “Please, I’m sorry for running off like that!” Jin put his hands together and practically got to his knees.


He was suddenly embraced by not only his mother, but Minji, Hyosang, and his father. His mother and his cousin both kissed his cheeks and forehead, while his brother and father ruffled his chocolate brown locks.


Yerin pulled away and brushed his hair out of his face. “Don’t ever scare me like that again!” Despite the sharp tone in her voice, the relief in her eyes showed how glad she was to see her baby.


D-duìbùqǐ, mama..” Jin said, voice breaking ever so slightly. Yerin just kissed the tip of his nose in response and smiled tenderly at him.


“I didn’t mean to snap at you, I was just mad that you didn’t tell me in advance. I-I wasn’t thinking when I said I didn’t want to go to China…” At this point Jin started speaking fluent Chinese. He bit his lip before continuing, willing himself not to tear up.


“I want to stay here, here with my friend’s, with my love. But I want you to know that everyone back in Hong Kong is held in a special place in my heart-”


Yerin suddenly hushed her child. “Shh, sweetie it’s fine.”


Jin looked at her in confusion, then felt the light squeeze of his father’s hand on his shoulder. He turned to the side to study the soft expression his father was bearing.


“Seokjin, your mother and I were discussing it while you were at, Namjoon’s,” he hesitated when he said his name. “And, we both agreed that I’d stay here with Minji to mind the restaurant while you and your brother visit until spring.”


“But,” Jin started. While five months at Hong Kong seemed like a better idea than forever, he worried about his father. “No offense, you know that with just the two of you, the restaurant probably wouldn’t last.”


Minji patted his cheek. “I could ask my friends to come and help Jin. I’m sure they all need a job.”


Jin chuckled, earning another pat on the cheek.


“So, what do you think?” Hyosang asked.


Jin thought long and hard about it this time. Do it Jin, see your family until spring, then return back home where you belong. Where your life is. He sighed. “I’ll do it.”




As promised, Namjoon immediately called Jin as soon as he texted him that he was okay.


“How are things? Is everything fine?”


“Mmhm, everything’s better,” he hesitated before saying, “My parents decided to let me and my brother stay in Hong Kong at least until spring rolls around.”


He heard a sound come from the other line, which he assumed was a sigh. “That sounds better than forever at least.”


Jin felt his heart drop. He could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn’t one-hundred percent satisfied with the suggestion. “It’s only five months boo, I’ll be with you before you know it.”


“Yeah,” he heard Namjoon release a husky laugh, and then suddenly, a loud clang.


“Yoongi baby! Did you get hurt by the pan or- ow ow, okay I’ll shut up…”


Jin recognized Hoseok’s voice. “Is something going on Namjoon?”


“Um, noooo..?” Namjoon’s voice trailed off, almost as if he was pulling the phone away from himself.


Jin arched a brow in suspicion as he tried to listen to the muffled noise in the background. “Are you sure, cause it sounds like-”


“Tae’s gonna pick you up at three. Be ready and no questions. Okay, love you bye!”


The line went dead once he said that. “Love you too?” Jin said to himself. He wondered what that all was about. Looking at the clock, Jin realized he only had thirty minutes to get ready. Scrambling off of the bed, he rushed into the bathroom and probably took one of the fastest showers he had ever taken.


After drying his hair, he pulled on a pair of dark gray jeans black and white collared shirt. He looked at his phone and realized he still had about ten minutes until Taehyung would be there to pick him up. Taking advantage of the time, he grabbed a comb and started brushing his damp locks. Then, without even thinking, he reached into the drawers of his desk, he pulled out a couple hairpins he had and pinned back parts of his hair back, leaving his bangs out.


His phone chimed finally signaling that Tae was there. Shoving his phone into his pocket, he did a two second touch up (by applying a little lip balm), then made his way downstairs. He passed by his umma and appa.


“Bye guys, I’m going over to Namjoon’s again!” He was out the door before he heard Yerin and Jinyoung utter a word.




Taehyung didn’t say a word the entire time he drove Jin back to his and Namjoon’s apartment. However, Jin noticed that Taehyung’s lips seemed to quirk in amusement every once in awhile. Almost as if he was trying to keep from telling a secret. Once they parked in the parking lot, Taehyung took out a red sleeping mask.


“Here,” he tossed it over to Jin.




“Put it on,” Taehyung all but said with a smirk.


Jin didn’t ask any further questions as he just slipped the mask over his eyes, blocking his vision. Taehyung got out of the car first, then helped Jin out. Holding onto his hand, the dirty blonde haired individual guided his friend into the apartment, into the elevator, then to the room, almost tripping on the way.


Jin could hear the sound of the door opening. He let Tae guide him what he assumed was their room, and then felt his hand slip away from his. “Taehyung?”


As he was about to take off the blindfold, he heard another voice. “Yah, Kim Seokjin, hands off! Just give us three more seconds!” It was Yoongi.


Jin rolled his eyes, despite the blindfold. After a couple seconds, he heard a soft whisper. “Okay, go ahead.”


Once the blindfold was off, Jin blinked his eyes to clear away the blurriness. His eyes widened when he saw the sight in front of him. His friends and boyfriend standing in front of him, with a gorgeous cake placed into the middle of the room with frosting words that read, Happy Birthday Seokjin with a bunch of x’s and o’s surrounding it. There was a number 22 candle placed in the center.


He also noticed that Hoseok and Yoongi appeared to be covered in what he assumed was flour. “How did you..” Jin was suddenly finding it hard to breath. When he looked around, the living room was covered with pink balloons, some bearing an alpaca picture. “H-how..?”


“Yoongi planned to bake you a cake,” Hoseok explained, then was suddenly nudged in the ribs by Namjoon. “Okay, it was technically Namjoon’s idea, but Yoongi and I did the work!”


Jin covered his mouth to hide the smile of joy on his face. He blinked again, and realized he was tearing up yet again. The fact that they were already planning to do this for his birthday was enough to make his heart swell with joy.


“Omo, Jin hyung, please no more tears!” Jungkook said in a soothing voice. Jimin wrapped his arm around his shoulder and threw Jin one of his beautiful smiles. “This is your time Jin, be happy.”


Taehyung suddenly crept up behind Jin and gave him a little shove. He then pulled Namjoon closer to him. Namjoon chuckled at Taehyung’s playfulness. He turned to Jin and smiled dearly, revealing his dimple.


Jin couldn’t do anything else besides smile. He wiped away the tears, then approached Namjoon. Cupping his face with his hands, he stood up on his tippy toes and pressed his lips to his. Namjoon wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer to his body. Jin heard the others sigh in relief in the background.


As they pulled away, Jin whispered, “how can I ever thank you?”


Namjoon smiled before giving him another peck on the cheek. “You being here is more than enough baby. Happy birthday.”


Lacing his fingers with his hand, he led him over to where the cake was. Taking the lighter he always carried out of his pocket, he lit the candle.


“five, six, seven, eight…” Hoseok started.


saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

sarang ha neun Jin shi

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da


Everyone clapped once they finished singing. Namjoon wrapped his arm around his waist. “Make a wish,” he whispered in his hair. Jin smiled once more, overwhelmed by the pure happiness that his friends were providing him with. Wiping away another strand tear, he bent down and blew out the candle.

Don’t let them wait too long.


I swear the next chapter will probably involve a lot more tears than this one. How do you guys feel about the whoe adoption thing? I think it actually plays a pretty intersting part. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this very much needed update. Until then, I wish you lovelies a very happy thanksgiving and I'll see you soon!

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*