Of Ice Cream and Foundation

You're Worth It

Hello my lovelies, finally finished typing up chapter four. Made this one extra long for you guys, so I hope you enjoy! NamJin scene ahead as well as some Hobi and Yoongi X3 


“So, that was it?” Hyosang asked as he set a plate of his brother’s kimchi sandwich on the table. “There wasn’t any interview?”


Jin took a seat, shaking his head. “It wasn’t like there was no interview, it just wasn’t the kind that I expected.” Taking the sandwich in his hands, he took a bite and sighed in content.


Hyosang sat across from his brother and chuckled amusingly. “So, what was it like?”




“The clothes, the makeup, the cameras; what was the overall feeling?”


Jin stopped chewing and thought for a moment. What did he feel? He remembered walking out into the studio, standing in front a large white screen where they would be taking his pictures, and waiting for his picture to be taken. Other than that, he couldn’t quite remember what he was feeling…


“You’re probably the first person I’ve met who doesn’t need makeup to look beautiful.”


At that moment, Jin could’ve sworn he felt his breathing stop. A fluttering feeling tickled his heart. He gazed up at Namjoon, wondering if he had heard him correctly. ‘he thinks I’m beautiful?’Jin thought in astonishment. Sure, he had called him cute and pretty. Everybody did, but no one had ever called him beautiful.


For some reason, his voice couldn’t work. He couldn’t say anything. Hell, he didn’t even know what to say.


It wasn’t until Soyou finally walked in on them. After a moment of countless gushing and cooing, Soyou finally pulled Jin to his feet and led him out to the photo studio.


“Okay sweetie, you just stand here,” she positioned him by the white screen, “and I’ll go ahead and get the photographer.”


Jin nodded and smiled as she gave him one last hug before walking over to a man with a camera. The man adjusted his camera on a tripod then turned to Jin. “Are you ready?”


“Ready when you are.”


Jin took a deep breath. ‘Just relax Jin, just relax.’ Pretty soon, staff members filled the studio and got to work on their respected positions. The photographer stood behind his camera and gave the producer a thumbs up.


The producer walked over to Jin. “Alright, since this is going to be your first shoot, we went for a really subtle look. When you look into the camera just give them a look that’s  somewhere in the charming and attractive range, got it?”


Seokjin did his best to try and understand what he told him. With a little force, he smiled and nodded. “Got it.”


With that, the producer retreated back next to the cameraman. “And, action!”


As the camera’s flashed, Jin gave it his all.


The first time of course was never perfect. But as the camera kept flashing after flash, Jin started to grow more wary. The producer would always pause the shoot to tell Jin that something was off or if he wasn’t giving enough of the ‘pasazz’ he was looking for. Jin leaned his back against the white background. With a sigh, he ran his fingers through his hair apprehensively. All ready the first day on the job and he was already stressed.


“Do you think it’s the lighting?”


“His smile is great, but I just don’t think it’s right for this scenery.”


The side convos coming from the rest of the stuff didn’t help to boost Jin’s confidence at all. At this point, Seokjin was ready to call it a day, and by the way the producer kept shaking his head, he could tell he was probably at his wits end.


“‘Scuse me, coming through.”


Jin looked up and saw Namjoon walk into the studio along with Hoseok. The second eldest caught side of Jin. With a smile, he walked over to him.


“Hey Jin, how’s the photoshoot going?"


Seokjin internally cringed. He just wished he could disappear right now. “Good,” he muttered under his breath. Namjoon approached the two males. His brows furrowed in concern when he saw the look of worry on Jin’s face.


“You okay? You don’t look to hot.”


Jin shook his head aimlessly. “Yeah, I-I’m fine.”


Namjoon pursed his lips, then looked at the background. “Why are they using white?”


The eldest looked up at the taller individual in confusion. “Why?”


Namjoon nodded.


“Because they wanted to?” Seokjin suggested with a shrug.


Namjoon shook his head as he took a step back. “No no no. This is all wrong. We can’t have a white background when you’re already wearing a shirt that has white on it. It won’t make the blue stand out. It’s also hard to see your makeup.”


Hoseok stepped back to where Namjoon was to see what he was seeing. “You got a point. Maybe something darker. It makes the white more prominent, but won’t seem to overwhelming with the blue.”


Namjoon nodded in agreement. “Good eye, and what’s with the odd angle?” He turned  to the cameraman and tapped his shoulder to catch his attention. “You’re not gonna catch any of the guy’s perfection if you keep taking full body views. Do a close up for christ’s sake!”


“Yah Kim Namjoon, we don’t need another one of your shenanigans!” The producer scolded.


“Now hold on, I think he may have a point. A darker screen would definitely look much better than the white, and it would make the job a whole lot easier if we closed up on Seokjin-sshi,” the cameraman noted.


Namjoon gave the producer a smug smile. “You were saying?”


With a sigh, the producer gave the staff his directions. Once the white screen was taken down, it was replaced by a simple black backdrop. Jin stood in front of it and looked at the camera. Finger’s crossed, he covered his mouth with his fist and waited for the camera to flash.




“Um, Seokjin? Dongsaeng?”


Jin snapped out of his flashback and stared at his brother. “Yeah?”


“You okay, you zoned out. Again.”


Jin smiled sheepishly. “Sorry hyung, just thinking, I guess.”


Hyosang nodded, a look of suspicion evident in his eyes. A chime suddenly brought the boys attention to the front door. As well as the voice of a certain future stylist.




Jin nearly fell out of his chair when Hoseok ran over to give him a hug. “Yah Hoseok, take it easy there!” Nonetheless, Jin returned the hug.


Their moment was interrupted by a subtle, yet audible cough. The boys turned to Hyosang, finally realizing that he was still in the room.


“Care to introduce your friend Jin?” Hyosang asked.


Jin laughed lightly. Gently pushing Hoseok off of his lap, he introduced his friend to his brother. “Hoseok, this is my older brother Hyosang.”


Hoseok smiled. “Pleasure to meet you.” He shook his hand. “I’m Jung Hoseok. Son of Jung Kibum, which I assume you’ve already met, and future stylist of Kim Seokjin.” Hoseok threw an arm over Jin’s shoulder to emphasize his point.


“Future, since when did I say that?”


Hoseok pretended to look hurt. “After all we’ve been through, you’ve forgotten your promise? Aish, you’re too cold hyung!”


Jin giggled at Hoseok’s childishness. “Okay, okay I meant what I said, but seriously though, why are you here?”


Another big smile found it’s way onto Hoseok’s face again. Reaching into the back pocket of his jeans, he pulled out what looked like a catalogue. He handed it over to Jin. “Fresh off the print.”


Jin looked at the catalogue in his hand. Staring back in front of him was his own picture from the photoshoot. His eyes widened when realization dawned on him. “Does-does this mean that?”


Hoseok nodded excitedly. “You got the job!”


Without even thinking, Jin threw himself into Hoseok’s arm. The smiling individual laughed and started spinning him around. Hyosang watched the scene unfold with a huge smile on his face. “Way to go Jin!”


Hoseok stopped spinning Jin around and carefully sat him down. Jin couldn’t stop grinning. It all felt so unreal to him. To think that he actually had a shot in magazine modeling!


“I can’t believe they gave me the job,” Jin covered his mouth in disbelief.


“Better believe it.” Hoseok smiled proudly. His stomach suddenly growled. “Which reminds me, do you have anything to eat?”


“Ugh yeah, I’m sure Hyosang can fix you something up-”


As Jin was about to stand up, the front door bursted open again. Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi all poured into the restaurant chanting, “HEUNG! (heung) TAN! (tan) HEUNG! (heung) TAN! (tan).”


Jin walked over to his friends. “Shh, guys not so loud umma and appa are still asleep,” he hissed, ignoring Hyosang’s ‘you were jumping about making a scene a little while ago though.’


Jungkook gaped at him in disbelief. “Kim Seokjin, do you even hear yourself? How can you not be celebrating in this time of celebration!”


“Celebrate good times, come on!” Jimin sang, only to be hushed by Yoongi.


Although Jin had a hunch, he still asked, “celebrate, what’s there to celebrate?”


Jungkook held up the same catalogue Hoseok had brought to him. “These all came in the mail today! Hyung do you know what this means, you’re practically famous!”


The maknae suddenly started coughing. Luckily, his boyfriend reacted calmly, comfortably patted his back. “Easy there baby.”


Jungkook shook his head and gave Jimin a reassuring smile. “I’m fine boo, just a little cough.”


“Still sick aren’t ya?” Jin added sympathetically.


Jungkook nodded. “But that’s not important right now!”


“The three of us were all heading out for some ice cream. You on board or what?” Yoongi offered.


At this point, Jin couldn’t even say no. “Yeah, but is it alright if I bring someone along?”


The trio of friends looked at one another suspiciously, but agreed with a shrug.


“Hey Hoseok, my friend’s and I are heading out for ice cream, wanna come?”


Hoseok turned to Jin with wide eyes. Abandoning the kimchi sandwich he had started to eat, he ran over to Jin and stood next to him.


“Did you say ice cream?” Hoseok asked hopefully.


Jin nodded with a laugh. “Oh, I almost forgot.” He turned to the latter of three. “These are my friends.”


He pointed to Jungkook. “That’s Jeon Jungkook, he’s the maknae of our group. He also happens to be dating Park Jimin.” He gestured over to Jimin. “Guys, this is Jung Hoseok.”


Hoseok bowed. “Nice to meet you.”


“Pleasure.” Jimin and Jungkook said.


Jin gestured to Yoongi. “And this one is Min Yoongi.”


Hoseok turned to Yoongi and immediately, time slowed down. He couldn’t even hear what Jin was saying. His eyes were too focused on the short man in front of him. He was so petite and pale, yet there was something about him that Hoseok found so captivating.


Yoongi awkwardly stared back at Hoseok, who continued to gape at him. “Um, hi?”


Grabbing Jin by the arm, Hoseok pulled him into a random room (the kitchen), leaving Yoongi and the rest of the guys. “What’s his deal?” Hyosang asked. Yoongi only shrugged. He’s kinda cute though. Wait, what am I thinking?! He thought.


“Yah Jung Hoseok, what’s the matter?”


“Jin, your friend, Yoongi was it? Yeah, is he single or what?”


Jin’s jaw slacked. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Hoseok hadn’t even uttered a word at him and already he was asking if he was available.


“Is he single? Yoongi? Yeah, he’s been single for about-”


“I need you to tell me everything about him.” He gripped Jin’s shoulders. “And by everything, I do mean everything.” Hoseok’s voice had unexpectedly gone down an octave.


Jin laughed nervously. “I don’t know if Yoongi’s your type. He’s kind of sassy and he tends to judge others without giving them a chance.”


“Please hyung, just this once, help out a friend.” Hoseok was practically on his knees as he begged Jin to hook him up with Yoongi.


Jin sighed. He liked Hoseok too much already, so refusing was futile. “Alright, I’ll help.”


Hoseok gasped, then jumped to his feet, trapping Jin in another bone crushing hug. “Thank you!”


Jin laughed and patted his back. “Yeah yeah, but first, ice cream.”




The five males stepped into the ice cream parlour and eyed the array of flavours laid out before them. Jungkook, as well as Hoseok had their faces pressed against the glass as they looked at all the delicious looking flavours.


“Anything look good?” Jimin asked Jungkook.


His boyfriend excitingly pointed to the tub filled with cookie dough. “That one, can I please get that one?”


Jimin rolled his eyes, but still smiled. “Anything for you babe.” Jimin kissed Jungkook on the cheek.


Yoongi once again faked barfed in the back, much to Jin’s amusement. “Young love, don’t you agree?” Jin sighed dreamily.


Yoongi cringed. “Ugh, I’m gonna die from all the mushiness going on around here!” He slapped a dollar bill on the counter in front of the cashier. “Rocky road to ease the tension I feel in my stomach.”


Before the cashier could grab his payment, Hoseok suddenly rushed over next to Yoongi with a dollar in his hand. “You...you don’t mind if I pay, right?”


Yoongi blinked, but eventually gave in. “Um, sure, if you feel like it.”


Hoseok beamed, internally cheering as he payed for Yoongi’s ice cream.


In the end, Jin and Jimin both ended up getting strawberry sorbets, while Hoseok settled with chocolate-chip.


The quintet went outside with ice cream in their hands and walked down the sidewalk. They passed various other stores that were connected to one another. Jin shivered as a cold breeze passed by.


“Isn’t a little bit too cold for ice cream? He asked.


The four other individuals all shook their head. “Nah,” they said in synchronization.


Yoongi suddenly stopped and pointed to a Bath and Beauty shop. “Hey, mind if we take a look in this place, I kind of have to get some stuff.”


Everyone stared at Yoongi in shock. “Hyung, are you..buying makeup?!” Jimin exclaimed.


Yoongi shook his head. “Just so you know it’s not, I repeat, not for me. After are little fiasco at your place, I have to repay my umma by buying her new stuff.” He took a of his ice cream, but didn’t break his glare with Jimin and Jungkook. “I told you that woman is like hell when she’s mad.”


The couple all but snickered in response, then led the group inside the shop. Jimin walked next to his boyfriend, who was eyeing the rows of bath bombs in the shop. Jimin chuckled at his openness.


“Want one?” He asked.


Jungkook bit his lower lip, but nodded. Jimin chuckled once more. “Go on, I’ll pay, obviously.”


The rest of their friends followed suit. As Jimin and Jungkook walked along the rack of bath bombs, Yoongi pretended to not be interested in anything and just continued to his ice cream as he bought the needed cosmetics for his mother. Hoseok walked right beside him (well, a couple inches away from him) and oogled him, praying, Yoongi-ah, please look it me. Jin went to the corner of the shop where most of the facial products were. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he may have wanted to go look for a couple cosmetics. Nothing too flashy, just some sheet masks and maybe a little bit of powder. As he was looking through the foundations, someone tapped his shoulder.


“Fancy seeing you here.”


That voice. Jin turned around and came face to face with his makeup artist. Namjoon grinned and removed the sunglasses off of his eyes. Jin couldn’t help but blush. “Um, hi, Namjoon. Yeah this is a surprised.” After a pregnant pause, he asked, “are you looking for anything.”


Namjoon shrugged. “Need to replenish, I’m running low on well, everything.”


Seokjin couldn’t help but giggle cutely. “I’ve noticed.”

Namjoon grinned, then noticed the bottle of foundation in Jin’s hand. “You looking for anything?”


Jin shook his head, but then looked down when Namjoon pointed to his hand. “Oh, um no I-I wasn’t looking for anything,” he said with a small blush creeping up on his cheeks.


The makeup artist bit back a laugh and looked through the rows of foundation. He couldn’t help himself. “Well, since I’m here, I should probably give you some tips.” He grabbed a small bottle of foundation and held it up for Jin to see. “For your complexion, I recommend a vanilla tone since you are pretty pale. It’ll had a little bit of color without looking too cakey, and it’s light, so it won’t feel heavy.”


He handed the bottle to Jin, who cupped it in his hand shyly. “Thank you,” Jin said in a small voice before pouring the content out on his hand, or at least attempt to.


Namjoon bit his lip again as he watched the man in front of him struggle to open the small bottle. He found the sight adorable to be honest. “It’s a pump Jin.”


Jin looked up at him. “Huh?”


Namjoon grabbed his hand and guided it onto the pump. He squeezed out a couple drops of foundation into the palm of Jin’s hand. “You don’t want to use too much.”


Using his fingers, he started to gently apply the foundation onto Jin’s cheeks, all without breaking eye contact. “One drop is all you need.” Seokjin swore that every inch of his body was tingling in excitement as Namjoon continued to apply the light product in a circular motion on his cheeks. All the while, Namjoon’s gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips.


“Hey Jin, we’re leaving now.”


Jin turned his head to the side and noticed that Jimin was walking towards him, holding at least two bags probably filled with bath bombs. Before he could react, Jimin suddenly froze when he spotted Jin with Namjoon. Jungkook walked over to his boyfriend and noticed the faint trace of red on his cheeks. “Chimchim, is something wrong-” Jimin grabbed the youngster’s chin and forced his head to turn towards the direction he was staring at.


Jungkook finally noticed Namjoon, and his hands on Jin’s face. The maknae was about to utter out a squeal of delight, but Jin quickly pulled away from Namjoon and covered his mouth. Using the cutest puppy dog eyes he could muster, he whispered, “distract the others, I promise I’ll explain later. Please?”


After what seemed like forever, Jungkook nodded. He linked his arms together with Jimin and started pulling him towards another part of the store. “I think I saw some more bath bombs over there Jimin, let’s have a look shall we?” Jungkook looked at Jin one last time over his shoulder and mouthed, ‘have fun.’

Jin hoped Jungkook wouldn’t say anything. He was trustworthy, but mischievous. Returning over to the confused makeup artist, he grabbed his hand, muttered an apology, then skilfully led him out of the store without being noticed.

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*