Of Pancakes and Letters

You're Worth It

Hello Loves, I've finally finished adding more to this chapter. I'm sorry if it's not the best, but I would like to thank a lot of people for your lovely comments. They keep me motivated. Also, Happy (delayed) Christmas to everyone! Till then, enjoy!


Waking up had never been Jin’s highlight of the day. Now that he had a roommate, things just got a whole times better. Especially since there was only one bathroom to use inside.


The two individuals had fought to the death just for a relaxing shower. In the end, Tao had won, seeing how he was a bit stronger, and faster than Jin. The elder individual was left burying his head into his pillow as he tried to muffle the sounds of Tao’s loud singing. He only prayed that he would at least save him some hot water.


After a good two hours passed, Jin decided to skip his morning shower and reluctantly left the room to join his family for breakfast. Jin approached the sink and started splashing his face with cold water.


“That’s new,” Hyosang piped behind him as he waited for Jin to finish using the sink so he could brush his teeth. It looked like he wasn’t the only person who couldn’t use the bathroom.


Jin turned around to face him after drying his face. “What is?”


“You,” he gestured. “Up early.”


Jin snorted, and just splashed tiny droplets of water onto his brother’s shirt. Hyosang flinched in response. “Punk..!” He mumbled as he wiped his shirt, then proceeded on brushing his teeth.


Jin made a ‘tsk’ sound, then outside to get the mail. Approaching their bright red mail box, he opened the lid and pulled out numerous envelopes and catalogues. One of which seemed to catch his eye. Picking up one of the magazines, his eyes nearly bugged out of his eyes when he realized it was a picture of himself.


On the front of the magazine was a picture of him he had taken back at the swimming pool; smokey eyes and purple lips, and everything. The heading, written in Chinese, read:


Lo-Fi Beauty Brings Summer Into Winter With A Refreshing, Pastel Finish


Flipping the magazine open, Jin ended up dropping the rest of the mail onto the sidewalk as he flipped to the page that featured Lo-Fi beauty. He found more pictures of himself, and some of the other models. Each picture bared a description in tiny fonts underneath each picture. Jin also read comments that were posted by photographers, critics, etcetera.


‘Lovely, absolutely love the new S/Winter look!’


‘Fall lovers will fall in love with this model’s new look.’


‘Aesthetic and full of beauty.’


While their comments were flattering, Jin just couldn’t bring himself to bring the catalogue inside for his family to see. The more Jin kept staring at his pictures, the more regretful he felt of leaving. Jin rolled the magazine up and looked around for a trashcan to throw it in. Instead, Jin noticed a stray looking dog walking around the shops that were around the corner.


Jin whistled to catch its attention. Once he did, he waved the rolled up magazine for it to see then threw it as far as he could away from where the house was. Jin watched as the dog bolted into a run and just flew down the street, as an attempt to obtain the magazine.


Jin quickly gathered up the mail that he had carelessly dropped earlier and ran back inside the house as if nothing had happened.




After having a heavy breakfast of congee and red bean filled baozis’, Meilin asked Jin to run an errand for her. Jin slipped on his shoes and jacket, then grabbed his wallet and phone before leaving the house. It felt strange walking the streets of his hometown after like, forever, and yet, Jin felt as though he was just as familiar with the streets of Hong Kong as he was with the streets of Seoul.


Jin looked at the list his aunt had given him and walked inside the market she had directed him to. Grabbing a basket, he made his way towards the produce aisle and started grabbing the necessities. As he reached for a pomegranate, he heard to older women whisper something behind him.


“Is it me, or does that boy look like that ‘Seokjin’ fellow?”


Jin almost dropped the red fruit when he heard them mention his name.


“You mean that model?” The other woman asked, then looked back at Jin. “Ah, I have to agree with you, the resemblance is uncanny. Although, I’m certain he didn’t have purple hair. Or did he?”


Without uttering a single word, Jin stuffed two pomegranates into his basket, then sped walked over to the checkout lane once he collected his bearings. After paying the cashier, Jin managed to get out of the market without being recognized by anyone else.


Jin’s heart continued to thud against his chest as he started to walk away from the supermarket. What’s up with all the attention? He thought. “At least they didn’t recognize me,” he mumbled under his breath.


As Jin continued to walk down the street, he passed by a sad looking breakfast diner. One the window was a sign that read HELP WANTED. He spared the small diner a lingering glance. Jin knew that if he was going to be living in Hong Kong for the next five months, he may as well get a job. Figuring the rest of his errands could wait, Jin pulled open the door of the diner and walked in.


Upon entering, Jin was immediately greeted with the scent of dust and maple syrup. He looked around the dim room. Nobody was present. He scratched his cheek as he ventured further into the diner.


“Um, hello?” He echoed.


Automatically, a mop of honey blonde locks popped up from under the counters. Jin looked at the male, or female. He couldn’t really tell with those eyes.


The curly haired individual rubbed their eyes then looked at Jin. “Oh! A customer!” He ran out of the counter and skipped over to Jin. “Hi, I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before,” he paused before saying with a nervous laugh, “but then again, we don’t usually see anyone here.”


He wiped his hands on the apron he was wearing before holding his hand out to him. “I’m Luhan. twenty-four years old and at your service.”


Seokjin grasped the older, yet youthful  faced man’s hand and almost gasped when he realized how soft and delicate it was. “Nice to meet you, I’m Seokjin. I just moved, well, not moved, I came from Korea two days ago to visit family.”


Luhan nodded in understandment. Still holding his hand, he guided Jin to an empty booth and gestured for him to sit. Jin sat down, then was handed a menu.


“It may be a little late, but I can still take your order.”


Jin looked at the menu in his hands. Despite the fact that he was still full from the breakfast he had earlier, food had always been an obligation. A weakness even.


“Um, I’ll just have three stacks of pancakes,” he hesitated for a moment. “With a side of eggs..and toast. I’ll also have a strawberry smoothie please.”


Luhan scribbled down his orders in a haste. The honey blonde male was astounded by how much this one, measly customer had ordered. At the same time though, he was happy that at least had something to do.


Luhan gave Jin a little bow, before retreating to where Jin assumed the kitchen was, yelling, “Yah! Yifan, I have an order for you. A legitimate order!”


Jin couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath. He wondered why no one seemed to come into the restaurant. Possibly the lack of service. There was no way one, or two men could hold the fort.


By the time his food had arrived, Jin was actually famished. Apparently, hunger was just another trait of his. Luhan placed his stack of pancakes onto the table, along with his scrambled eggs, and toast that had a strawberry jam spread onto it. Jin’s smoothie was placed inside a tall glass that had a red and white striped straw stabbed into it.


“Is there anything else I can get you Jin shí?” Luhan asked enthusiastically.


Jin couldn’t help but smile at the excitement from the boy’s voice. “No, I’ll be good. Xíe xíe.”


Luhan bowed again, then bit his lip before saying something in fluent Korean. “Just so you know,, I’m fluent in Korean as well.” he said with a shrug.


Once again, Jin couldn’t stop himself from smiling. “Good to know.” Jin watched as Luhan retreated back into the kitchen, with a pink flushed face.


Picking up a full bottle of maple syrup, Jin drizzled the sweet residue onto his hot cakes. He stabbed the pancake with a fork before bringing it into his mouth. He chewed slowly and thoughtfully, pleased with how the pancakes were fluffy and moist.


Despite the fact the eggs were slightly overcooked, the smoothie was really good. Overall, it was a nice breakfast. Or brunch. In the end, his plate of pancakes and bowl of eggs were empty. Jin was left sitting alone in the diner, sipping his smoothie.


Jin looked at his watch and realized that he was expected to be home by noon. It was already eleven-thirty. The plum haired male stood up and went over to where the counter. “Um, hello?” He rang the little bell that was on the counter. “Luhan hyung?”


After a minute, he heard a soft pitter patter of footsteps. However, instead of the deer eyed male, he was met standing face to face with a tall blonde male. “Yes, may I help you?” He asked in a deep, husky voice.


“I just finished the breakfast your waiter brought to me, and I’m wondering how much I owe you?”


Luhan suddenly bursted out of the kitchen, almost as if he had been eavesdropping on their convo. “Ah! You don’t have to pay, that was on the house!”


“It was?” Jin and the tall blonde male asked in unison.


Luhan nodded with a small, ‘mmhm!’ He patted the taller male on the shoulder. “It fine ‘Fan Jin here was practically our first customer. Right Jin?”


Jin shrugged. “More or less.”


Luhan smiled once again. “Well, I’m glad, as in really glad you enjoyed your breakfast. After all, Yifan here did most of the work.” He emphasized his point by patting his shoulder.


Yifan rolled his eyes, then turned his attention back towards Jin. “You’re new here, aren’t you?”


Jin nodded. “Yeah, I just came from Korea two days ago. Visiting family.”


Yifan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Hm, funny, someone I know told me that he had family from Korea visiting him.” He cocked his head to the side. “You wouldn’t to know anyone named Zitao right?”


Jin slowly nodded once more. “Yeah, in fact I’m living with him.” Against my will. “How do you know him?”


“Tao’s his boy.friend,” Luhan sang, poking Yifan in the arm.


Yifan just responded by swatting his hand away, but smiled nonetheless. “Well, anyway, thanks for coming to our little diner. As you can see we don’t get too many customers.” He chuckled. In a warm way though. “Don’t think the next time you’ll come here you’ll be getting another meal on the house though.”


Luhan laughed. Jin laughed along with him. “I’ll keep that in mind then.”


Jin turned around and grabbed his bag of groceries off of the cushioned seat of the booth. He placed his hand on the door, but before he pushed it open, his eyes turned to the help wanted sign, then back to where Luhan and Yifan were. “Hey, if it’s alright with you, I’m wondering if your job offer is still open?”


Luhan looked at Yifan with wide, hopeful eyes. Yifan looked taken back by the question, but the look on his face showed that he was contemplating it. After a long, suspenseful moment, Yifan finally said, “I suppose we could use another guy on our hands.”




“I’m home!” Jin stepped into the house once he finished the rest of the grocery shopping.


Immediately, as if he was waiting for him, Chang bolted into the room. “Jin ge!” He threw himself into the older male’s arms. Jin, luckily managing to catch him, returned the hug. “Hi Chang. Where is everyone?”


The little boy tapped his chin. “Mama is talking with Jin ge’s mama and Hyosang is upstairs. Sleeping.”


Jin giggled from Chang’s explanation. The moment was suddenly ruined when Chang said, “And Tao ge is taking a bubble bath in purple water.”


Purple water. The latter felt his blood run cold. hell no.


Jin carefully placed the child on the floor, then bolted upstairs to where the bathroom was, leaving Chang confused and dazed as to why his cousin suddenly left him alone.


Barging through the bathroom door, and nearly breaking it in the process, Jin glared at the tall black haired teen. “Huang Zitao!”


Tao looked at Jin like a deer caught in headlights. “Wh-what?” In his hand, Jin could see the last pink bath bomb that Jungkook had given to him.


Growling low in his throat Jin snatched for the pink bath bomb, only for it to be pulled out of his reach. Tao had one hand placed on the latter’s chest, keeping him from scratching his pretty face. “Woah woah, take it easy. What’s got you so worked up?”


“My bath bombs you dope! Those were mine!”


Tao scoffed. “Haven’t you ever heard of the term ‘to share?’” He asked sarcastically.


“Haven’t you ever heard of the term, ‘don’t touch my stuff or I will bite your fingers off?!’” Jin replied with as much bite to his voice.


Tao arched a brow, then finally tossed the bath bomb to Jin. “Okay fine! Jesus, I don’t know why you’re acting so pissy. It’s just a bath bomb.” He mumbled his last words.


“These bath bombs are from my best friend, who is, if I must remind you, a thousand miles from here!” And with that, Jin stormed out of the bath room, red and flushed in the cheeks from yelling, and went into his brother’s room.


Hyosang, who had gotten up to use the bathroom, nearly ran into Jin. He noticed how agitated his younger brother was looking. Turning to Tao, who was left alone in the bathroom, he asked, “What did you do?”


Tao shrugged in complete cluelessness. “I have no idea.”


In the confines of his brother’s bedroom, Jin had his face pressed down onto the fluffy pillow. He stuffed his hands under the pillow, and winced when he felt something poke his finger. Jin pulled the object out from under the pillow, which appeared to look like an envelope.


“I meant to give that to you as a surprise,” a voice rang out.


Jin turned to see his Hyosang standing by the door. Hyosang slowly walked inside then sat down next to his brother on the mattress. He eyed the envelope, then turn back to Jin. “Go on. Open it.”


Without any hesitation, Jin tore open the envelope. Inside was a piece of paper that read;


Hi Jin hyung!


How are you doing? Do you miss us? Kookie misses you a lot. :(  - Jimini


Jin hyung,


life is so boring without you! I need someone to doll up, Yoongi won’t let me.  - Hoseok


Jin was speechless. Scribbled on that single piece of paper were letters that each of his friends had written. It started to make his heart sing when he kept reading.


Jin hyung,


I miss you soooooooo much! Did you get the bathbombs? I made sure to get the scents you really liked!  - Jungkook




You better get your here soon before I choke on the hairspray Hobi keeps spraying on me. Just so you know I miss you you dork. - Yoongi.


Jin turned the paper over so he was looking on the back. Unlike all the other small greetings, this one was a long paragraph…




I’m telling you, life at the moment is like a blank canvas. Especially if I don’t have my muse with me. Other models can never level up to you Jin, remember that. I can’t wait until Spring comes around. Just wait and see, by the time you’ll be home, you’ll be on another long vacation in my arms. I love you. - Namjoon.


Jin couldn’t help the silly grin that broke out on his lips. He pressed the letter to his heart and bit his lip. He wouldn’t allow himself to cry. Not this time, he had to strong. Not only for himself, but for the others as well.




The following week, Jin had Hyosang drive him to the mall just to spend some quality alone time. Jin sat down in the food court with a pair of headphones in that were blasting 2pm. In his hands was the same magazine that apparently the dog he had thrown it to had brought back to him. In the end, he just decided to keep it. However, to keep it discrete, he was reading the magazine behind a thick cookbook.


Everything was peaceful, until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Taking out one of the earbuds from his ear, then turned around. No one.


“I’m right here,” the voice said.


Jin turned to the right and met the dark shadowed eyes of the owner of the voice. Jin showed no emotion and just pretended to be engrossed in his reading. “What do you want?” He asked in a cold voice.


Tao sighed. The elder hadn’t spoken a word to him for at least a solid one hundred and sixty-eight hours. Apparently he underestimated his level of holding grudges.


“You know you’re gonna have to talk to me someday.”


“Didn’t I already did?” Jin replied.


Tao chuckled. “Haha, very funny. Anyway, the reason I’m here on my break, is to apologize.”


Jin finally gave Tao his full attention as he closed his book. “I’m listening.”


“I know that I probably should’ve asked permission to use your bath bombs, and I also know that I should’ve been more sensitive about your friend.”


He paused. “Believe me, I know how it feels to have someone  you miss overseas.”


Jin’s mind immediately went to Yifan. He almost forgot that he was the latter’s boyfriend. “You mean Yifan?”


Tao looked up at him, no look of surprise was present. He nodded. “A year of taking culinary school and traveling with his basketball team in Canada was pretty brutal.


“Anyway, my point is that I really do want us to treat each other more as friends. After all, I mean, we are family. So what do you say we, start over?”


Jin chewed his lip in contemplation. After a moment, he finally nodded. “Yeah, that would be great.”


Tao flashed Jin a gorgeous smile, one that Jin hadn’t noticed before. Immediately, he felt like whatever black cloud that was hanging above them had finally lifted. “Oh, that reminds me!” Tao placed a hot pink bag in front of Jin.


“What’s this?” Jin poked the bag. When Tao didn’t respond, he just reached into the bag and pulled out two bath bombs. His jaw slacked when he realized there were more.


“H-how did you get these? Where did you get these?” He asked frantically.


The panda eyed latter continued to smile mischievously. “It comes in handy when there’s a Lush shop next to the Starbucks store I work at.”

Jin hugged the bag close to his chest. Yes, he definitely felt like they were finally on good terms.

More surprise EXO members! Also, Tao and Jin have made up! Sorry if this chapter appeared a little bit rushed though. Next chapter is going to focus more on Jin's life working in the diner and is set one month later into the trip. Until then, thank you all for all your support. Comment, upvote, and subscribe, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*