Of Donuts and Leather Jeans

You're Worth It

Can it be, an update?! Omigod my loves I am so sorry for not updating! I finally had a chance to finish adding the finishing touches to this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy! 


Rainy days usually meant two things for Jin; staying indoors and playing Super Mario. For Yoongi they meant only one thing; sleep. Once in awhile though, collaboration was always an option for the two eldest individuals.


Sprawled out on the ground of Yoongi’s living room, the two got comfortable by sitting down on soft chair pillows, and some other soft materials that were found all over the small apartment complex. The two were soon clicking away on their controllers as they snacked on salt and vinegar chips, cola, and...donuts.


“You know this level pisses me off, right?” Yoongi mumbled as he watched Jin choose the levels on Mario Kart 8.


Jin shrugged and just pressed A on his wii remote. “I just unlocked this level though. What’s the worse that can happen?”


Sooner or later though, Jin regretted his decision on choosing Rainbow Road.


“How did I miss?! For the love of christ, I time! Yoongi, please tell me you just saw that!”


Suga just shook his head as he watched his friend rant to the T.V. He was surprisingly calm throughout the infuriating level. Mostly because he was already on his 5th lap. Jin was on his second.


Jin groaned and flopped down on top of Yoongi’s lap as his kart fell off the multicolored gaming road for the umpteemth time. “Yoongi, please help me. Pleeeaase?”


Yoongi rolled his eyes and rolled him onto the floor. “In your dreams, you were the one who wanted to play this level in the first place pabo.”


Jin groaned once more, before having a donut shoved in his mouth. “Just shut up and eat, you act all bratty and whiny when you’re hungry.” Yoongi’s scolding almost made him look like a restless mother tending to her antsy child.


Using the tips of his fingers to grab the glazed treat, Jin teared a piece off with his teeth and chewed. Surprisingly, the sweet ring did help ease his rage. The two went back to playing, deciding it was best to skip Rainbow Road, and stick to the basic Mario Kart stadium.


Halfway through their 6th or so lap, Yoongi paused the game and rubbed his bloodshot eyes. "Aish, I think that should be enough for today."


"Eh? Why?" Jin questioned.


"Unlike you, I'm not the kind of person who stares at handheld or non handheld consoles for long periods of time," Yoongi stated bluntly.


Jin pouted, but gave in and placed his game controller by his feet. He grabbed another donut and brought it to his lips.


Yoongi broke the silence by suddenly asking, "so, I heard makeup boy gave you a ." Jin choked as he swallowed his donut. Yoongi snickered. "Did He?


Jin avoided eye contact and just continued to munch on the sweet treat. After a moment, he blurted out a "yes."


Instead of teasing him like Jin expected, Yoongi started patting his shoulder. "Well played, well played," Yoongi gave him a cheeky smile. "I'm surprised, I didn't think you guys would make it that far."


Seokjin rolled his eyes. "Please, if you and Hoseok were together, you probably would be in his pants before you knew it."


Yoongi’s jaw clenched in irritation. However, there was a small glint in his eyes that indicated he wasn’t entirely mad. Fidgeting ever so slightly, he looked over at Jin. “If? What if, we already are together?”


The moment didn’t take to long for Jin to process. His eyes widened as he pointed at Yoongi. “Y-you mean to tell me?”


“Looks like I ended up breaking my own rule, huh?” He blushed.


Jin covered his mouth and continued to gawk at his best friend. After a solid five seconds, he wrapped his arms around his tiny frame. “Words Yoongi. Words cannot describe how happy I am for you!”


Yoongi patted his head approvingly. “Mmhm, yeah.” He have his shoulder a light push. “Anyway you can stop getting so clingy.” When he tried to push him off, Jin wouldn’t let go.


“Uhm, Seokjin?”


Jin faked sniffled. “Oh, my baby is finally growing up-”


“Oh god not that again!” Yoongi now started squirming, struggling to get out of his overly protective hyung.


The oldest of the two only continued to squish their cheeks together, which caused them to plummet to the floor, with him landing on top of Yoongi. “My baby..! My Suga baby!”


Yoongi kept struggling to try and push Jin off of him. At the same time, he kept trying to hold back a smile, because on the inside, he was dying of laughter. “I said get off!”


Rainy days were indeed delightful.




Jin was surprised to see so many people at the photoshoot studio today. Sure, the throng of stylist, photographers, editors, lighters, and what not were something he had grown accustomed, but the fact that Jung Kibum was present confused him.


The young model watched as he chatted with acquaintances. Or more like started giving them instructions. Even the cheerful Soyou he knew and loved looked like she was stressed.


“Um, Soyou-unnie?” He approached the desk.


Soyou looked up at him with a dazed expression. “Huh, oh Jin!” She smiled cheerfully, as she casually fixed her hair. “Sorry hun, I was just sorting through, ah this.” Soyou gestured to the pile of envelopes.


Jin nodded in understanding. “I was gonna ask, what’s going on?”


“Oh, no one told you anything?” She asked.


Jin shook his head.


Soyou picked a square sheet of paper and handed it over to Jin. The beige piece of paper was embroidered in gold and had the words Lo-Fi Beauty Gala stitched across the frame. “Lo-Fi Beauty Gala?” Jin read the title.


“It’s supposed to be a party where all the models and supervisors get together, and kinda talk about how the business is going. Stuff like that,” Soyou explained.


Jin felt his heart skip a beat. “So...does that mean, I have to attend?”


Soyou nodded. “More or less.” She stepped out from behind the counter and gave Jin a pat on his cheek, then started pushing him towards where the dressing rooms and makeup rooms were. “Alright, off with you, something tells me you’re more eager to be talking with your bae rather than me.”


Jin felt himself blush as she gave him a wink, then started walking down towards the dressing room.


After getting fitted in a white shirt with a pair of tight tight leather pants and a leather jacket, and having his hair styled with a bit of hair gel (as well as listened to an entire montage of Hoseok happily talking about his new found relationship with a certain shortie), Jin made his way towards the makeup room. “Joonie?” His smile faltered when he realized his boyfriend wasn’t in the room.


He made his way towards the vanity table, which was, as usual, covered with cosmetics. Jin looked at his reflection, then started playing around with his stiff hair. The amount of gel Hoseok added kind of caused it to feel fuzzy. Grabbing a comb on the side, he started combing his locks. Or, at least attempt to.


“Oww…” He whimpered as the teeth of the comb got stuck in his hair. When it wouldn’t move, he gave it a sharp tug, which caused parts of his follicles to get caught. Jin winced. “Ow!”


“Having a little trouble angel?”


Jin jumped, which caused him to yelp out in pain again when he jerked the comb. Namjoon’s breathy chuckle echoed through the empty room as he approached Jin. He grabbed the comb, and ever so gently, slid it out of his hair.


“Now you see why Hoseok’s the hairdresser,” Namjoon smirked.


Jin smiled sheepishly, rubbing the sore spot on his head. Namjoon placed a chaste kiss on the top of his head, causing the latter to blush once more. The taller male leveled himself so he was now looking into his boyfriend’s dark brown orbs. “Let’s take care of your makeup, shall we?”


Nodding, Jin sat down on the small chair in front of the vanity and allowed Namjoon to do the work. Grabbing a foundation brush, he started applying a light coat all over his face before setting it with a light powder. He then took a kohl pencil liner and lined his lower lashline black. Namjoon then picked up a rose-gold gloss and swiped a light coating on his bottom lip.


Namjoon pulled away to admire his work, as well as make sure he wasn’t missing anything. “Done?” Jin questioned. Namjoon smiled. “Done,” he repeated, patting his cheek adoringly.


A knock resonated from the door, snapping the two out of their lovey-dovey session. Soyou stepped into the room. “Hey guys, Oh Jinnie you look amazing!” She squished his cheeks in her hands.


“K-kamsamnida Noona…” Jin said awkwardly as she continued to squish his cheeks together, making him look like a gerbil.


Soyou finally released his cheeks when she heard Namjoon release a non-oblivious cough. He tapped his wrist, indicating that they should probably get going. Looks like Hyorin was rubbing off of him now.


The female attendant grabbed Jin by the hand and started leading him out the room. Of course, pausing to let the makeup artist place a wet kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek and squeal in delight.



Out in the pouring rain, Yoongi stood outside his mother’s bakery, locking up for the afternoon. Tucked underneath his oversized sweatshirt was a box filled with the last batch of lavender cheesecake donuts. His mother insisted that he’d give them to Hoseok. Yoongi removed the keys he held in his mouth before locking the door and testing it to make sure it wouldn’t open.


As he was about to turn around, he suddenly backed up into someone. Or accidently backed up into their mouth when he felt a pair of lips kiss the back of his neck. He yelped in surprise, almost dropping the box of donuts in the process.


He turned around, only to come face to face with a soaked Hoseok, flashing him a happy go lucky grin. “Hey gorgeous~” He cooed.


Yoongi blushed and stared at his feet, hoping to hide the evident blush on his pale cheeks. “Hey..” He replied.


Smiling, Hoseok took out an umbrella from out of his pocket and popped it open, managing to cover both of their rain soaked bodies. He spotted the boxed shaped bump protruding from Yoongi’s stomach. “What’s this?” He asked poking it as if it were a baby instead of a box.


“Oh!” Yoongi slipped his hands under his sweatshirt, which Hoseok found the sight adorable, and took out the white box. Using the umbrella to keep them dry, he opened the lid and revealed the array of the sweet fragrant goodness. “My umma made some extras since these ones tend to sell very fast.”


Hoseok’s eyes sparkled when he saw the donuts. He may have also his lips a bit. As he was reaching out to grab one, Yoongi playfully slapped his hands away. “Not here, they’re gonna get wet!”


Hoseok pouted, but nonetheless said, “well in that case, let’s head over to that coffee shop you showed me.”


With that, the couple started walking hand in hand towards the coffee shop, while Yoongi cradled the box of treats in his other arm.


Once they reached the coffee shop, the two stepped into the warm, caffeine scented area and grabbed a seat. “Do you want coffee?” Hoseok asked his boyfriend.


Yoongi shook his head. Placing the box in the center of their table, he opened the lid once again. Half expecting his sweet craving boyfriend to dive into the donuts, he was surprised when he just sat there quietly.


“Um, baby you know you can eat now.”


Hoseok’s eyes flickered up to Yoongi. “Really?”


Yoongi couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. He was just too cute. “Yes really.” He decided to toy with him. “Unless of course, you want me to eat one,” he said as his long fingers started to reach for a donut.


In a flash, Hoseok suddenly picked up the donut he was about to eat. Yoongi watched happily as Hoseok started munching on the donut, until it was gone from his hands, then grabbed another. And another.


And I thought that Taehyung guy had a big appetite.


Yoongi continued to watch as his boyfriend indulged himself with the donut. Picking up one for himself, he took a bite. As usual, it was amazing.


“God Yoongi, if you weren’t my boyfriend and if I wasn’t totally on cloud nine at the moment, I’d probably ditch you for this donut.”


Yoongi gaped at him in mock offense. “Yah! I’m the one who at least knows the recipe.” Well, my umma does at least.


Hoseok covered his mouth to stifle a laugh then wiped his mouth. Looking Yoongi in the eye, he smiled warmingly. “I’m kidding. You’re the only one I need.”


The pale skin individual felt a fuzzy feeling swell in his heart when he heard Hoseok say that. Not wanting to make a fool of himself by saying something unintelligent, he just continued to snack on the donut in his hand.


His eyes suddenly flickered behind Hoseok. Sitting in another table was a woman. Not just any woman. Seokjin’s mother.


Hoseok followed where Yoongi’s eyes were focused on. “Hm, what’s wrong?” He asked in concern.”


“Is, is that Jin’s umma?”


Hoseok turned around to take a closer look. “Oh, it is her, do you want to say hi?’


Yoongi shook his head. He noticed the stack of papers that were laid out in front of her. She also seemed to be talking to someone on the phone. Only, in a different language that sounded familiar to him. “Nah, she looks like she’s busy anyway.”


Hoseok shrugged in agreement. “Whatever you say.” He took another bite, causing the cheesecake filling to squirt onto his cheek. Without even realizing it, Yoongi leaned across the table and wiped his cheek with a thumb.


“You’re such a nuisance when you eat Hobi.” He gave him a lopsided smirk once his cheek was clean.


Hoseok resisted the urge to squeal and pin his boyfriend to the nearest wall just so he could devour his mouth.




Needless to say, the photoshoot ran very smoothly without any distractions or anything out of the ordinary. Jin was more than relieved to leave the checkerboard tiled floor room and return to the protective confinements of his boyfriend’s makeup room.


He wrinkled his nose as Namjoon rubbed the makeup remover wipe all over his face. The entire time he was sitting, he was itching to get out of the tight fitting, leather jeans he was wearing.


“And done!” Namjoon threw away the makeup stained wipe into the trashcan by his ankle.


Jin couldn’t help but sigh and lean back on his arms. He was sure the jeans he was wearing were going to leave some sort of mark around his hips.


“So,” Namjoon started as he rubbed hand sanitizer all over his palms. “You heard how Kibum-sajangnim is going to be throwing a party to celebrate the company’s achievements or some like that, right?”


Jin nodded. “Yeah, are you going?”


The smirk growing on Namjoon’s lips only grew bigger. “Yes, and I am aware of the fact that you are to attend. Which brings me to my next point.”


Namjoon suddenly got down on one knee and held Jin’s hand in his own. Gazing into his dark brown eyes, he asked, “would you be my date to the ball Jinerella?”


Jin’s eyes widened. He couldn’t help the grin that started to form on his lips. After a moment of silence, he started to giggle, which soon grew into laughter.


“Oh my god, you cheesy dork!” He pulled him up for a much needed kiss. “Of course I’ll go with you pabo.”


Namjoon smiled in victory and just continued to kiss him back, hands resting on the sides of Jin’s hips. Jin hadn’t even realized that he had landed backwards on the cherry pink lounge chair he was sitting on and somehow ended up with Namjoon on top of him.


Namjoon’s luscious lips started to graze his neck as he nipped at the smooth, sensitive flesh. Jin couldn’t help but release a soft moan. Namjoon hummed and continued with his ministrations, hands palming the back of Jin’s leather jeans.


“Mm, I really do like you in these jeans Jin.”


Please tell me I am not the only person who rages during the rainbow road level. Like, srrsly that level is freaking hard. Also, Jin in a leather jacket? Sounds a bit familiar, hmmm?



Awww, I honestly enjoy writing Hobi scenes ;3 Namjin scene coming up in the next chapter. I can't promise I'll update asap, but I promise I will be writing and writing. Till then, I will see you in the next chapter loves!

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Mochi_Clara #1
Chapter 29: MY ING HEART
Mochi_Clara #2
Smooth af
doyce228 #4
Chapter 31: "In his boyfriend’s arm was what looked like a casserole. A casserole that had just been flambéed, scorched, and gone to hell and back."

One sassy author we have here. Haha.
I like the story. It's light, fluffy, with a hint of iness here and there, and the powerful sassy remarks from everyone.

Just my kind of croissant.
Chapter 31: TOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!
eunhaekyuminshipper #6
Chapter 31: Holy guacamole that was amazing. xD Loved it like usual. ♡
HelloOlaAloha #7
Chapter 24: When I go to the arcade, I'm like "Let the candy RAIN!"
Chapter 21: I knew it was Luhan as soon as I read the "the male, or female" and "honey blonde locks" part lol
Awwww my deer Lu ❤️❤️
Chapter 8: Yaaaaayyy~~~, Namjin is an official couple!!! *throws confetti happily*
But the comments tell me that >something's< gonna happen..... *whipping back and forth in a corner while biting my nails*
Buuuut, Namjin is a COUPLE!!! *jumping around happily*